Volume 13, Number 26, June 27, 1986


Science & Technology

The Automobile Engine: Test Bed for Fine Ceramics

by Thoula Frangos

The automobile industry is merely a good avenue for introducing ceramic technologies with far broader applications, reports Thoula Frangos, an engineer with the Fusion Energy Foundation.

Ceramics Can Revive the Failing Auto Industry


Meir Pa’il

A Member of the Knesset and one of Israel’s leading military historians, discusses Shimon Peres’s “Marshall Plan” proposal as a basis for Mideast peace.

Yitzhak Artzi

A Member of the Knesset from Israel’s Independent Liberal Party.

Professor Ze’ev Hirsch

The chairman of Israel’s Hammer Fund counterposes Armand Hammer’s push for free-trade zones in the Middle East.


Middle East Report

by Thierry Lalevée

Islamic Fanatics Rampage in Egypt.

Report from Rio

by Lorenzo Carrasco

Braganças Ask Return to Monarchy.

Northern Flank

by Göran Haglund

A Moderate War of Succession.


Her Majesty’s Bloodbath in South Africa


Mexico Hits Helms Outrage; Fires Wall Street Darling

by Dolia Estévez-Pettingell

Hours after the North Carolina senator declared Mexico’s government illegitimate, President de la Madrid handed Finance Minister Silva Herzog his walking papers.

Egypt’s Summer Economic Crisis

by Thierry Lalevée

Trilateral Business Leaders Pay Tribute to the Soviet Empire

by Mark Burdman

Suddenly, a spurt of offers is coming from Moscow, for “joint ventures” with Western companies.

Hepatitis Outbreak Highlights India’s Water Infrastructure Problem

by John Grauerholz, M.D.

Currency Rates

Why the Banking Systems Will Experience a Blow-Out in 1986-87

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

An open letter to London’s The Economist.

Soviets Say Nuclear Unsafe ... for West


by David Goldman

Mexico: A $3 Trillion Trigger?


by Marcia Merry

Who Elected Orville Freeman?

Labor in Focus

by Marianna Wertz

Re-Hire the Air Traffic Controllers!

Business Briefs


The Bank Regulators’ Conspiracy against Regional Finance

by David Goldman and Kathy Wolfe

The major banks intend to cushion themselves against a crash by absorbing the assets of regional banks and S&Ls—and the regulators don’t care about the law when it comes to breaking the opposition.

FBI Hands Oklahoma Banks to Organized Crime


U.S. Caught Backing Mob ‘Democrats’ in Panama

by Gretchen Small

But the Establishment is especially worried over the entry of Presidential candidate LaRouche into the battle over Caribbean policy—specifically, his defense of Panama and General Noriega.

Drug Runners Go for the Kill as Colombian Presidency Changes Hands

by Valerie Rush

Peru: Alan García Smashes Terrorist Uprising

by Valerie Rush


How Shultz and Gorbachov Connived To Bury the SDI

by Criton Zoakos

Gorbachov’s latest proposals set as their absolute precondition an extension of the 1972 ABM Treaty through the year 2000—and Washington calls this “constructive.”

Lower Saxony: U.S. State Department Ordered Vote Fraud in German Election

A Statement by Helga Zepp-LaRouche on the Results of the Lower Saxony Elections

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Gorbachov Declares War on Bureaucratism

by Konstantin George

In Southern Africa, the Soviets Are Tightening the Military Vise

by Thierry Lalevée

France: Chirac-Mitterrand: Uneasy Cohabitation

by Philip Golub

Look Who’s Out To Stop Israel’s ‘Marshall Plan’ for the Middle East

by Paolo Raimondi

The friends of the most famous modern Soviet agent, Armand Hammer, are on the offensive against the plan. This second part of an eyewitness report back from Israel, includes interviews with leading Israelis representing both sides of the debate.

International Intelligence


The ‘Sleaze Factor’: It’s Taken Over the Democratic Party

by Jeffrey Steinberg

Nearly two years after the runaway Reagan-Bush victory over Mondale-Ferraro, criminal scandal has become a nationwide characteristic of the official party leadership.

Rehnquist Court Heralds a Return to the ‘Status Quo Ante Bellum

by Sanford Roberts

His chief justiceship could return the Supreme Court to the view of the Constitution adopted by Roger B. Taney.

Illinois Dems Exclude Head of Party Slate

In defiance of a court order.

Establishment Maps ‘Stop LaRouche’ Drive

Sumner Sore Loser as Hoffman Certified

by D. Stephen Pepper

Kissinger Watch

by M.T. Upharson

Of Conflicts of Interest, and Interest in Conflicts.

Congressional Closeup

by Kathleen Klenetsky

National News
