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Scandal of the Century Rocks British Crown and the City
by Jeffrey Steinberg
On June 6, the British Broadcasting Corporation aired a sensational story, revealing that the British arms manufacturer BAE Systems, had paid more than $2 billion in bribes to Saudi Arabia's national security chief and longtime Ambassador in BBC revelations were further detailed on June 11, in a one-hour Panorama TV documentary, provocatively titled ``Princes, Planes and Pay-offs,'' which detailed a more than decade-long probe by the {Guardian}, BBC, and the British Serious Fraud Office (SFO), into the al-Yamamah arms contract, a nearly $80 billion, 22-year long deal between BAE Systems and the Saudi government, in which British-made fighter jets and support services were provided to the Saudi Kingdom, beginning in 1985. Every British government, from Margaret Thatcher, through John Major, to Tony Blair, has been thoroughly implicated in the BAE-Saudi scandal. In December 2006, Britain's Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, ordered the SFO probe shut down, declaring that any further investigation would gravely jeopardize British national security....

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This Week's News Digests

The LaRouche Show
3pm, Eastern Time
2000-2100 UTC
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The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism, by Stanislav M. Menshikov
March 23, 2007
—EIR News Service announced the publication of
The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism, by Professor Stanislav M. Menshikov.
Translated from the Russian by Rachel Douglas, the book is an authoritative study of the Russian economy during the first 15 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The Preface, by EIR founder and contributing editor Lyndon LaRouche, titled, "Russia's Next Step," poses the need for U.S. policy-makers to study and grasp the "disease" presented in this book, since it represents "an economic global pandemic which we must all join to defeat."

Cover This Week

Scandal of the Century Rocks British Crown and the City
The real crime is that BAE Systems and other City of London giants have created an enormous, hidden financial slush fund that has been devoted to the clandestine wars and AngloAmerican covert operations over the past two decades. Jeffrey Steinberg reports.


LaRouche to IberoAmerican Trade Union Leaders:
Globalization Equals Fascism: Organize a New Bretton Woods!

Participating in a June 14 Internet videoconference with IberoAmerican trade union leaders from Mexico, Chile, Argentina, and Peru, Lyndon LaRouche emphasized that the bankrupt monetary system will disappear, and the question to be answered now, is, what will replace it?

Stop Social Security Privatization in Mexico
Remarks by Eng. Agustín Rodríguez, secretary general of the Union of National Autonomous University of Mexico Workers.

Chile's Fight Against Social Security Privatization
Remarks by Yasmir Fariña, vice president of the National Federation of University of Chile Employees.

Labor's Success in Argentina
Remarks by Hugo Moyano, secretary general of the Argentine Labor Federation.

Conclusion: No More Concessions to Evil!
Lyndon LaRouche and Agustín Rodríguez bring the webcast to a close.


President Putin Calls for New Economic Architecture
The annual St. Petersburg International Economic Forum upstaged the June 6-8 Group of Eight summit meeting at Heiligendamm, Germany. Putin used the occasion to call for a 'new architecture of international economic relations.'

Russia, Kazakstan Reach New Agreements
As a war-avoidance policy, the Russian government is developing a comprehensive nuclear energy program, based on the idea of enabling developing nations to acquire nuclear energy.

Bering Strait Project Featured in Russia
The Moscow-based publication Forum International covers the proposed tunnel under the Bering Strait, including a presentation by Lyndon LaRouche.

Claim That Sea Level Is Rising Is a Total Fraud
An interview with Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner.


Cheney Drive for Civil War Succeeding in Gaza Strip
The threat of civil war between Palestinian factions is a product of a Dick Cheney-Elliott Abrams strategy.

Who or What Is Fatah al-Islami?

NATO's 'Mission' in Afghanistan Is Failing

LaRouche Dialogue with an Italian Senator: Build Great Projects, Bring Peace With an International 'New Deal'
LaRouche was interview by Italian Sen. Lidia Brisca Menapace, in a wide-ranging discussion of foreign policy, economics, history, and science.

A Debate in the Israeli Peace Movement: Palestine/ Israel: One State or Two?
At an event in Tel Aviv, sponsored by the Israeli Peace Bloc (Gush Shalom), Dr. Ilan Pappé spoke for the 'one-state' solution, and Uri Avnery for the 'two-state.'


LYM Organizes Congress for 'The Impeachment Imperative'
The LaRouche Youth Movement's activity is seeking to propel Congress into the necessary sense of urgency to the Congress, while also providing the information that is otherwise being suppressed.

National News

In Memoriam

Chandrajit Yadav: A Life for Justice
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

The former general secretary of the Congress Party and Union Minister of the Indian government under Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, Yadav was a close collaborator of the LaRouche movement.


Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner
Dr. Mörner is the head of the Paleogeophysics and Geodynamics department at Stockholm University in Sweden. He has been studying the sea level and its effects on coastal areas for 35 years, and has demonstrated that the sea level is not now rising.


Eurasian Land-Bridge Is Becoming a Reality!

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