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This article appears in the October 1, 2010 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

Rothschild's Inter-Alpha
Pushes Imperial Genocide

by John Hoefle

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Sept. 27—Lord Jacob Rothschild and his Inter-Alpha Group have been caught red-handed yet again, this time actively destabilizing efforts at scientific and industrial progress in Germany. The destabilization takes the form of funding and organizing green-fascist protests against nuclear energy and high-speed rail facilities, both of which are absolutely necessary for Germany to do its part in leading the world away from the brink of a new Dark Age.

In this latest installment of our continuing counterstrike against the Inter-Alpha Group and its controllers, we will focus more on motives and method—on why they are out to destroy civilization, and how they go about it. More importantly, we will discuss their extraordinary vulnerabilities. When you set out to defeat an evil force, it always helps to know what it fears most!

Green Fascism and Genocide

The nation of Germany is being assaulted by mass protests against nuclear power, as well as efforts to block the Stuttgart 21 project, a key part of the effort to modernize the Paris-Vienna-Budapest rail links. Nuclear power and high-speed rail are essential components of the global recovery plan developed by Lyndon LaRouche, and are understood as such by the Inter-Alpha Group, whose mission is to stop industrial progress and destroy national sovereignty, as necessary elements of the Brutish Empire's genocidal plan to reduce the world's population to under 2 billion people.

The protests, while directed specifically at Germany, are actually aimed at preventing progress in Europe as a whole, and the entire world. If Germany, the leading economy in Europe, can be broken, so will the rest of the continent. Conversely, a strong German economy would be a major ally in a Four-Powers-led economic renaissance (see p. 44).

These are not abstract issues. The productive power of the global economy determines how many people that economy can support—a measurement Lyndon LaRouche has defined as Relative Potential Population Density. As the economy grows, it can support more people, and historically, population levels have increased with that potential. However, especially in the wake of the post-2007 collapse of the global financial system, the potential has fallen sharply, far below the existing population levels. That means that a dramatic collapse in existing population levels is both imminent and inevitable, unless we can quickly rebuild the economy.

With such a demographic horror already locked in, the actions of Rothschild and his Inter-Alpha coven to prevent the very steps that are necessary to save billions of lives, are clearly genocidal. Under the cover of "environmentalism," Lord Jacob and his financier lackeys are out to kill people on the greatest scale in history. The Inter-Alpha Group is out to kill you and your family, in a vain effort to maintain their oligarchical, imperial system. This is not "saving the planet," but destroying it.

We hung people at Nuremberg for such crimes.

The Fondi

The method by which this genocidal assault is being funded, is similar to the way the Inter-Alpha Group itself was founded—out of a series of oligarchic foundations and family fortunes. In the case of the Inter-Alpha Group, the seed money came from the old Venetian fondi (family funds), whereas the funding for the fascist assault on Germany comes more from fortunes created by the activities of the Inter-Alpha Group itself.

The key institution managing the financial flows into this German operation is the European Climate Foundation (ECF), which itself is a vehicle for a nest of Rothschild-connected funds. Among them are:

  • The Arcadia Fund, of British-based Swedish heiress Lisbet Rausing. Lord Jacob sits on the Advisory Board of the Fund, which also finances intelligence penetrations of Russia by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), such as the London-based Center for Economic and Financial Research;

  • The Children's Investment Fund Foundation, the money for which comes from The Children's Investment Fund (TCI) hedge fund. The head of TCI, Christopher Hohn, sat on the board of Jacob Rothschild's RIT Capital Partners until 2007, and Lord Jacob's son Nat Rothschild is a director of TCI. TCI has a reputation as an "activist" fund, meaning it serves as a financial warfare unit of the Inter-Alpha Group. Exemplary is the way it helped Inter-Alpha members Royal Bank of Scotland and Banco Santander take over the Dutch bank ABN AMRO in 2007;

  • The Oak Foundation of Alan M. Parker, who made his money as a partner in the Odyssey Partners leveraged buyout fund. Parker was one of the investors in the hedge funds of George Soros, another agent of the Rothschild/Inter-Alpha apparatus;

  • The McCall MacBain Foundation of the Oxford-educated, Swiss-based Canadian billionaire John McCall MacBain;

  • The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the foundation of Hewlett-Packard co-founder William Hewlett and his wife; and

  • The ClimateWorks Foundation, founded in 2008 with grants from the Hewlett Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation (the Packard of Hewlett-Packard), and the McKnight Foundation of William L. McKnight.

These foundations are not particularly important, in and of themselves. Their significance derives from their roles in a larger system of funds—the Venetian fondi system. The empire draws upon these fondi to finance selected operations, as a way of hiding the imperial hand. In the case of the assault on Germany, the money appears to come from a variety of sources in the U.K., Switzerland, and the United States, when, in reality, it all comes from tentacles of the Rothschild/Inter-Alpha octopus. Participation in this genocidal operation by these funds is de facto evidence of imperial control.

These are far from the only funds which exist as elements of the fondi system. More prominent foundations such as the Ford and Rockefeller foundations, or the funds put together by billionaires Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, are part of the same system, as are some of the best-known hedge and private equity funds.

The Blackstone Group, for example, counts Lord Jacob as a former director and current member of its international advisory board. This is typical of the way the Inter-Alpha Group hides its power and reach behind a multitude of fronts.

Evil, by Nature

What we have described so far are some of the mechanisms by which the Brutish Empire runs its war against humanity. This provides useful insights, but by itself is not sufficient. We still must understand why these oligarchs are so determined to prevent mankind from progressing, and why they are so determined to cull what they view as the "human herd."

The story of Prometheus serves as an apt metaphor. Prometheus, in Greek mythology, was the god who defied Zeus by giving fire to mankind. Zeus responded by having Prometheus chained to a rock, where his liver was eaten out daily by an eagle.

The attitude expressed by Zeus, that only the gods are important, is the essence of the oligarchic outlook. Mankind must be suppressed, if the gods are to rule.

This same outlook was shown recently by British Queen Elizabeast, when she tried to divert funds intended to help the poor pay to heat their homes, to subsidize her own palatial heating bill. While Queen Liz is clearly a cold and callous bitch, her actions reflect the attitudes of her class towards what they view as a lesser species.

There are many other examples of this viewpoint, some much more serious than the incident with the silly little queen. Take, for example, the drug trade, which is run top-down by the oligarchy, or the policy of organizing endless wars. Both the drug and arms trades are enormously profitable, but the money is a side benefit to the destruction and misery the trafficking causes around the world. And the profits are used to create even further misery.

People who engage in such activity, who consciously destroy people by the millions, are monsters. They take perverse pleasure in what they do: They do not merely do evil, they are evil.

What They Fear Most

Now we get to the fun part. The oligarchy, for all its apparent power and wealth, is afraid of mankind, as a bug on the floor fears the looming shoe.

Their oligarchic system depends upon a small number of people being able to subjugate a far larger population. They are the shepherds and we the sheep, being herded into the shearing pens and the slaughterhouses. Over the centuries, they have refined their methods of control, giving us pleasure when we do what they want, and causing us pain when we do not. Their aim is to keep us bestial and stupid, so that we never realize that we could end their game simply by deciding to do so. They get us to enslave ourselves, as they lack the power to control us without our help.

But not all humans are so stupid, and history is replete with examples of men and women who saw through this charade. Among them were our Founding Fathers, who established the United States as a Constitutional Republic, with the intent of lifting the world out of bestiality. That scared the hell out of the British Empire, which realized that it could not prevail, and would ultimately perish, in a world where the American System flourished.

The empire has been trying to put the American genie back in its bottle ever since, and despite some gains, has failed miserably. Every time, the principles embedded in American culture rise up and smack down the 'garchs.

The oligarchs are, in reality, a small and brutish bunch, desperately holding on to a failed and evil system, and determined to prevent the world, at all costs, from moving into the modern era. They may still be dangerous, but they are pathetic.

We, on the other hand, can use the creativity of the human mind to understand and transform the world in which we live, to proliferate prosperity and genius. Our future is unlimited, if we but grasp it.

The bestial oligarchs have no defense against that, other than to prevent us from realizing that potential. But they will fail, and what they fear most, will occur. We shall make it happen. Humanity will prevail.

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