Volume 12, Number 6, February 11, 1985




by John Grauerholz, M.D.

Shock Wave of the Future in Medicine?

Report from Bonn

by Rainer Apel

The Food Crisis Caused by the IMF.

Report from Paris

by Laurent Rosenfeld

Is the Communist Faction Fight Real?

Report from Italy

by Liliana Gorini

Can the Communists Topple Craxi?

Attic Chronicle

by Phocion

The Mad House.

Northern Flank

by Aurora Borealis

Palme’s Legal “1984” State.

Dateline Mexico

by Josefina Menéndez

“In Sonora the Republic’s At Stake.”


Convicting Nazi Richard Lamm.


Record Trade Deficit Is #1 National Security Threat

by Warren J. Hamerman

The Administration has been lured into an economic trap by opponents of the Strategic Defense Initiative.

Food Crisis: Congress Punts and Administration Flounders

by George Elder

Documentation: Farm banks on the brink of disaster.

Trilateral Bankers Plot ‘Euroyen’ Market

by Kathy Wolfe

The plan is to turn the Japanese currency into the same toilet-paper the Eurodollar market has made of the U.S. currency.

American Economy Held Hostage to Hundreds of Billions of Dirty Dollars

by David Goldman

Looks at what disappeared from the payments statistics tallied by governments during 1984.

Currency Rates

Foreign Exchange

by David Goldman

Margaret Thatcher’s Monetarist Fiasco.

International Credit

by David Goldman

Bundesbank Pulls Plug on “Recovery.”

Business Briefs

Special Report

Beam Weapons: The Military-Industrial Revolution is On!

by Donald Baier

No matter what the objections from shortsighted Congressmen or the liberal press, the genie is out of the bottle.

Documentation: Addresses to the Schiller Institute’s mid-January conference in Richmond.

Technology Will Never Stand Still

by Brigadier General Heinz Karst

An Appeal to Europe for Participation

by Jürgen Todenhöfer

Plasma Research Can Boost Team Effort

by Dr. Shoichi Yoshikawa

In Support of the Beam-Defense Program

by Dixy Lee Ray

Behind the Soviet Missile ‘Accident’

by Jane Synnevaag

Technological Progress and Naval Strategy

by Vice-Admiral Julio Albert Ferrero

Beam Weapons Will Neutralize Space

by Colonel Marc Geneste

For an Escape from the Balance of Terror

by General Wilhelm Kuntner

Expand the Debate over Beam Defense

by General Alberto Li Gobbi


Millions Hear Pope’s Appeal for Economic Development

by Nora Hamerman

He directly took on the issue of the usurious foreign debt which is being used to destroy Ibero-American economies and provoke massive misery and deaths.

Documentation: Pope John Paul II’s speeches in Venezuela and Ecuador.

The Dirty Families Behind the TFP

Each blames another Thurn und Taxis branch for the threat to the Pope.

Colombian Drug Kingpin Calls for Armed Uprising, Builds Rebel Army

by Robyn Quijano

West Germany’s Kohl Government Faces Soviet-Sponsored Explosion of Terrorism

by Paolo Serri

Moscow’s ‘Greater Bulgaria’ Project Sets Pogroms against Turk Minority

by Konstantin George

International Intelligence


The Present Danger Posed by Negotiator Kampelman

by Criton Zoakos

Exposes his policy to sell out the Strategic Defense Initiative in the upcoming Geneva talks.

Dope Mafia Out To Stop Meese Appointment

by Nancy Spannaus

Documentation: LaRouche testimony supports Meese.

Kissinger Watch

by M.T. Upharson

A Challenge to Dr. K. and Friends in the Dominican Republic — Kissinger’s Unsavory Connections.

Congressional Closeup

by Stanley Ezrol

National News
