United States News Digest
LaRouchePAC To Publish New Pamphlet Exposing 'Soldiers Of Satan'
The Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC) announced on Aug. 22 that it will be rushing a new pamphlet entitled "Soldiers of Satan" into production. In combination with the current LPAC pamphlet, "The Case of the Vice-President's Mass-Insanity," this new item will be an indispensable part of LPAC's mass mobilization to stop Dick Cheney's "Guns of August" threat.
While announcing its own publication plans, LPAC called attention to the publication this week by Executive Intelligence Review of a major feature package exposing the "spoon-bender" faction in the U.S. military. Author Jeffrey Steinberg's review of this military grouping, entitled "Cheney's Spoon-Benders Pushing Nuclear Armageddon," combined with supporting material, is of the highest importance to those concerned with the national security of the United States. The article is already causing shockwaves among leading political circles in the United States who have seen a pre-publication copy.
The EIR package (see EIR Online #34), will form the core of the LPAC "Soldiers of Satan" pamphlet.
Hagel Criticizes Bush's Threat Against Iran
In an interview with Reuters during a trip to his home of state of Nebraska on Aug. 17, Sen. Chuck Hagel, a leading Republican and likely 2008 Presidential candidate, dismissed George Bush's threat of military action against Iran, made by Bush on Israeli TV.
Hagel said, "Oh, come on now! First of all, where are we going to get the troops? Who's going to go with us?... We lose credibility in the eyes of the world when we say things like, 'Well just don't forget what happened to Iraq could happen to you Iran. We could invade you, we could bomb you.' "
Instead of threats, Hagel called for greeting the election of the new Iranian President with a process of dialogue, and a "new opportunity to do something bold here.... Iran is going to be a major influence in the future of Iraq. It already is. Who are we kidding when we think that they're not? They are."
In other interviews, Hagel mocked Vice President Dick Cheney's assertion that the insurgency in Iraq was in its "last throes," and said that the death toll of U.S. soldiers in Iraq has gone up alarmingly, with increasing insurgent attacks. Hagel told CNN, "Maybe the Vice President can explain the increase in casualties we're taking. If that's winning, then he's got a different definition of winning than I do."
Hagel Continues Attack on Bush Administration War Policies
On Aug. 20, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Peter Schoomaker told reporters that the U.S. Army is preparing for the possibility of keeping the current level of soldiers in Iraq for another four years. His statements stand in contrast to remarks made just a few weeks ago, by CENTCOM's Gen. John Abizaid and other officers in Iraq, that the U.S. could start withdrawing troops from Iraq as early as next Spring.
Schoomaker said that, in the "worst case" scenario, he was certain the Army could provide the current number of forces138,000to fight the Iraqi insurgency for many more years.
But Schoomaker's statement was immediately denounced one day later by Vietnam war hero, Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb), who was interviewed on the Aug. 21 edition of the talk show, ABC's "This Week."
Hagel said, "I don't know where he is going to get these troops. There's no way America is going to have 100,000 troops in Iraq, nor should it, in four years. It would bog us down. It would further destabilize the Middle East." Hagel, who appeared along with Virginia Sen. George Allen (R), underscored that such a troop commitment to Iraq would decimate the National Guard and Reserves. "What I think the White House does not yet understand, and some of my colleagues: the dam has broke on this policy.... It won't be four years. We need to be out... Staying the course is not a policy."
Democrats To Hold Hearing on Iraq Withdrawal
Veteran Intelligence Professionals For Sanity (VIPS), which is led by prominent former CIA analysts and case officers, issued a memo on Iraq, Aug. 24, to President George Bush.
The memo includes a statement about the upcoming Sept. 15 hearing on U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, which is being held by Rep. Lynne Woolsey (D-Calif). VIPS notes that Woolsey is getting the same treatment from the Republican leadership of the House of Representatives, that Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich) got back in June 2005 when he sponsored an inquiry into the lies about the Iraq danger exposed by the "Downing St. memo," i.e., she is being denied a conference room in which to hold the hearing.
Cheney Threatens Filibuster To Stop Anti-Torture Amendments
As GOP support grows for anti-torture amendments to the Defense Authorization bill, Vice President Dick Cheney is organizing a filibuster behind the scenes, to stop these amendments, according to a prominent legal expert in contact with EIR.
The source reported that there are now eight to twelve Republican Senators who are prepared to support the amendments to the Defense Authorization bill being offered by Senators John McCain (R-Ariz), John Warner (R-Va), and Lindsey Graham (R-N.C.), which would prohibit the torture of prisoners and reaffirm the U.S. military's commitment to compliance with the Geneva Conventions.
In the last days of July, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist pulled the entire Defense bill from the Senate floor, after it became clear that the amendments were likely to be passed. With Dick Cheney delivering the threat, the President Bush threatened to veto the Defense bill if Congress dared to "interfere" with the President's conduct of the so-called "war on terror."
Now, with passage of the amendments seemingly assured, Cheney is threatening to organize a filibuster to attempt to block them, according to EIR's source.
Specter Demands FBI Information on 'Able Danger'
Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa), Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has written to FBI Director Robert Mueller, asking him for all information on the secret military-intelligence program "Able Danger," located in the Special Operations Command, which reportedly identified alleged 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta, in 1999-2000. Army officers, Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer and Capt. Scott Phillpott, have come out openly and described the program, and have said that the 9/11 Commission buried the information given to them about the program.
Specter's letter says, in part:
"It has been reported in the news media and directly to my staff that Army Lt. Colonel Anthony Shaffer was the operations officer for a secret military program referred to as Able Danger. The mission of Able Danger was to use a sophisticated data mining program in conjunction with more traditional military intelligence methods to identify and track al Qaida terrorists overseas.
"In connection with this mission, Shaffer reports that he and his associates discovered the names and U.S. locations of three of the four 9-11 pilots a year prior to 9-11. Because the suspected al Qaida terrorists were located in the U.S., Shaffer reports that he made repeated requests of Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) officials to schedule a meeting with FBI officials in order to present this intelligence to the FBI for further investigation. Shaffer further contacted FBI agent Xanthig Mangum and asked her to schedule such a meeting within FBI.... Shaffer claims that the DIA decided not to share this information with the FBI on the advice of legal counsel and that certain meetings that had been scheduled on this issue were cancelled as a result.
"This is an official request that your office provide to the Judiciary Committee all information and documents it has in connection with Able Danger, Lt. Colonel Anthony Shaffer, Captain Scott Phillipot or any other persons having any connections with Project Able Danger, including, but not limited to, e-mail communication, notes, phone message slips, memos or any other supporting documentation."
Specter also asked that FBI Agent Mangum be provided for an interview with the Judiciary Committee staff.
Resolution To Retool Auto Industry Introduced in Kentucky
On Aug. 25, a "Resolution Urging the United States Congress to Intervene in the U.S. Automobile Industry's Current Financial Crisis," was introduced into the Louisville, Ky. City Council by Councilman Dan Johnson. The resolution will be heard in the Council's Appropriations Committee on Aug. 31.
Citing the facts that there are already 25,000 jobs in the U.S. auto sector being eliminated by 2008, and that Ford and General Motors bonds have already been rated as "junk bonds," the resolution reads:
"Be it resolved by the Legislative Council of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government....
"SECTION I: We hereby urge the United States Congress to intervene in the U.S. Automobile Industry's current financial crisis so that we may ensure the continued viability of our automotive and machine tool industries and we further direct the Clerk of this Council to spread a copy of this Resolution across the minutes of these proceedings and to prepare a copy to be mailed to the members of the Kentucky Congressional delegation...."
Similar resolutions have already been passed by City Councils in Detroit and Pontiac, Michigan; Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio; and Buffalo, N.Y.; by the Commissioners of Wayne County, Michigan; and by the Alabama State Legislature; to name a few.