Published: Tuesday, Mar. 28, 2006
Volume 5, Issue Number 13
This Week You Need To Know:
On Oct. 9, 2004, two leading American figures in the International Synarchy, George Shultz and Felix Rohatyn, teamed up in an assault upon the national sovereignty and national security of the United States. Under the auspices of George P. Shultz's Princeton Project on National Security,
the Rohatyn Center for International Affairs at Middlebury College, and the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, jointly sponsored a conference promoting "The Privatization of National Security," at the Middlebury College campus in Vermont. The conference brought together a dozen or so academics, former government officials, and retired military officers to chart out the vast expansion of the privatization of military functions, through PMCsprivate military companies.
for the
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Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
"Make a Platonic Revolution to Save Our Civilization" |
Feb. 23, 2006 |
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy"
video: Baltimore: from Industrial Powerhouse to Death Zones |
Jan. 11, 2006 |
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
Nov. 16, 2005 |
"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
This Week in
American History
After one of the hardest-fought battles of his Administration, President Dwight D. Eisenhower succeeded in sending to Congress, on April 2, 1958, a request for the creation of a National Aeronautics and Space Administration under civilian control, and an outline of government plans for space exploration and related scientific research. The National Aeronautics and Space Act was seen at the time as an answer to the Soviet Union's launch of its Sputnik communications satellite on Oct. 4, 1957, but Eisenhower knew the matter was more complicated, and that the nature of America's "answer" could determine its future.
After the death of President Franklin Roosevelt and the end of World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union had embarked on a nuclear-bomb and liquid-fueled rocket race, manipulated by the Bertrand Russell world-government cabal, whose strategy was: "You and him fight, while we take over." America's rocket effort was led by Wernher von Braun, the captured German V-2 rocket designer, while the USSR program was coordinated by the brilliant engineer Sergei Korolyev. Most of the scientists working in the military programs had come out of the civilian space-exploration societies of the 1920s and 1930s, but the only way they could obtain the funding to carry out their research was to do it under military auspices.
Meanwhile, the American public was being terrorized by the nuclear arms race, air-raid drills in the schools, and the Army-McCarthy Hearings. Added to this, was a spate of monster-from-space movies where aliens either tried to kill all Earthlings. or "benevolently" suggested, à la Russell, that they submit to being monitored by more advanced civilizations.
On the evening of April 5, 1950, a group of scientists met at the Silver Spring, Md. home of ionospheric physicist James Van Allen. They discussed the fact that the opportunities for doing high-altitude scientific work were waning rapidly, and that a major international scientific project was needed to guarantee funding for new types of rockets to carry scientific payloads into space. The precedent they had to work with was the First and Second Polar Years of 1882-1883 and 1932-1933. During those two projects, scientists from many countries had cooperated to study Earth's Polar regions.
The group at Van Allen's home decided to suggest a Third International Polar Year for 1957-1958, and by 1954, with input from other scientists around the world, the project was rechristened the International Geophysical Year (IGY) which would study Earth's oceans and atmosphere, as well as the Antarctic and outer space. A sub-committee of the IGY, set up to promote research on communication and data-gathering satellites, recommended that the attempt be made to orbit such satellites during the Geophysical Year.
In response, the Soviet Academy of Sciences named a blue-ribbon Commission for Interplanetary Communications which issued a paper stating that, "One of the immediate tasks of the ICIC is to organize work concerned with building an automatic laboratory for scientific research in space." On July 19, 1955, the U.S. government announced that it would launch a satellite during the IGY; the next day the Kremlin announced that it, too, would launch satellites that year. Few in America took the announcement seriously, for Soviet science was perceived as being behind America in rocket development.
But soon Korolyev had developed the world's first ICBM, which, after several failures, had a perfect test flight. Its existence was announced on Aug. 27, 1957, followed by an announcement on Sept. 17, that a communications satellite would soon follow. On Oct. l, the USSR announced the radio frequency on which the satellite would broadcast, and on Oct. 4, people around the world could hear the "beep, beep, beep" of the little satellite, the "Traveller," as it orbited the Earth.
The American public went into shock. Then, America's attempt to send up its own satellite fizzled after two seconds on the launch pad. Eisenhower, nonetheless, assured the country that the U.S. was not trailing the Soviet Union in space technology: He knew there were five rocket programs being pursued simultaneously, and that the satellite's failed rocket had been the most complicated and difficult of them. However, the public outcry for something to be done was growing ever louder, and Eisenhower realized that if he failed to take the lead in establishing a civilian program, there was another very dangerous direction in which public desperation might be led.
Due to the pressures of the Cold War, certain factions of the military had been lobbying for the militarization of space and for a military base on the Moon. Gen. John Bruce Medaris, the commander of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency at Huntsville, had submitted a 15-year space program which included a 50-man military Moon base by 1971. There were also people, both in and out of the military, who were happy that Sputnik was flying over America, and never challenged the Soviet Union's right to carry out such flights, because the National Security Council, in the early 1950s, had stressed the need for the establishment of "freedom of space," so that America could put up spy satellites with powerful cameras over the Soviet Union.
Full article on separate page...
Latest From LaRouche
March 21, 2006
In 2001 the Cheney-directed government of President George W. Bush, Jr., seized the opportunity created by the terrifying moment of the September 11th destruction of the World Trade Center buildings, to push through an attempted copy of the form of dictatorship which was given to the Adolf Hitler regime through Hermann Göring's organization of the burning of the German parliament, the Reichstag. The attempt was led by Vice-President Dick Cheney, on the same evening as that attack, to introduce forms of dictatorship which had been prepared in advance of that terrifying incident. These measures did not date from the January 2001 inauguration of George W. Bush, Jr., as President. This represented measures already underway in 1991, from the office of then Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, under President George H.W. Bush.
InDepth Coverage

Private Armies, Captive People
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
March 21, 2006
In 2001 the Cheney-directed government of President George W. Bush, Jr. seized the opportunity created by the terrifying moment of the September 11th destruction of the World Trade Center buildings, to push through an attempted copy of the form of dictatorship which was given to the Adolf Hitler regime through Hermann Go¨ring's organization of the burning of the German parliament, the Reichstag. The attempt was led by Vice-President Dick Cheney, on the same evening as that attack, to introduce forms of dictatorship which had been prepared in advance of that terrifying incident. These measures did not date from the January 2001 inauguration of George W. Bush, Jr. as President. This represented measures already underway in 1991, from the office of then Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, under President George H.W. Bush.
- LaRouche Warned About Danger of Dictatorship
During his webcast on Jan. 3, 2001, Democratic leader Lyndon LaRouche announced his campaign for the 2004 Democratic Party Presidential nomination, and issued the following sharp warning about the dangers the nation immediately faced...
Rohatyn, Shultz, Cheney 'Privatization' Scheme To Wreck U.S. National Security
by Jeffrey Steinberg
On Oct. 9, 2004, two leading American figures in the International Synarchy, George Shultz and Felix Rohatyn, teamed up in an assault upon the national sovereignty and national security of the United States. Under the auspices of George P. Shultz's Princeton Project on National Security, the Rohatyn Center for International Affairs at Middlebury College, and the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, jointly sponsored a conference promoting 'The Privatization of National Security,' at the Middlebury College campus in Vermont. The conference brought together a dozen or so academics, former government officials, and retired military officers to chart out the vast expansion of the privatization of military functions, through PMCsprivate military companies.
- Eisenhower's Warning
In his Jan. 17, 1961 Farewell Address, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned against the 'military-industrial complex' the grouping behind Cheney today.
'Only Animals Save Water; Human Beings Generate It'
by Dennis Small
So polemicized a giant banner deployed by the LaRouche Youth Movement in Mexico City, outside the March 16-22 IV World Water Forum, which brought together thousands of government officials, NGOs, environmentalists, businessmen, and water experts from 140 countries, to discuss the world water crisis, and what to do about it.
LaRouche-López Portillo Battled To Power North America
by Gretchen Small
The last Mexican government which fought to develop that nation into a modern, nuclear-powered industrial nation, was that of President José López Portillo. As President from 1976 to 1982, López Portillo told the Mexican people time and again, that 'the historic moment has arrived to say 'enough' to the ancestral misery of the Mexicans.' To accomplish this, he proposed that Mexico gear up production of its newly discovered giant oil reserves, and exchange that oil for technology, emphatically including nuclear technology, from the industrialized nations. 'We have to rapidly accustom ourselves to thinking big,' he often said. 'We must plan large development projects with ambition and vision.'
- LaRouche's Record
Great Projects To Solve the Water Crisis
Since the very inception of his political movement, Lyndon LaRouche has placed a primary emphasis on the high-technology development of the Earth's water resourcesmost notably through nuclear-powered desalinationas vital for continued human life on this planet. Here we excerpt from a few of the many articles by him or about his work.
Russia Embarks on Its Global Nuclear Power Plans
by Marsha Freeman
In a series of national and international meetings in mid March, the Russian government put forward its concrete plans to lead the global renaissance in the construction of new civilian nuclear power plants. Recent personnel changes in Rosatom, the Russian nuclear agency, are designed to position Russia as a major exporter of nuclear plants, which will help finance the construction up to 40 new domestic nuclear plants over the next 20 years. Russia's current chairmanship of the Group of 8 industrial nations positions it to lead the nuclear revival internationally.
Interview: Lee Barron
Globalization and Drought Have Ravaged Texas Farming
Mr. Barron is a farm broadcaster and farmer in Lubbock, West Texas. He raises horses, pigs, cotton, and stock show animals. Marcia Merry Baker interviewed him on March 15.
India: Tamil Nadu Gets Nuclear Desalination
by Ramtanu Maitra
One of the hottest subjects in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu is drinking water. The economically flourishing Tamil Nadu is confronted with a perpetual water shortage. The only solution is widespread desalination of sea water, and a leading Tamil Nadu politician and former Chief Minister, J. Jayalalitha, has made desalination her political trademark in the state. She has accused the national government in New Delhi of sabotaging her plans to set up more desalination plants.
When Will Atomic Power Return To Germany?
by Rainer Apel
At the meeting of the G-8 Energy Ministers in Moscow on March 16, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has repeatedly urged his own nation to make special efforts to increase the percentage of Russia's power that is generated by nuclear plants, presently at 16%, to 20%, had ironic 'praise' for the Germans: 'Even in Germany, where our colleagues had announced that they were going to phase out the country's nuclear energy program, nuclear power plants currently produce around 28% of Germany's electricity not a bad figure at all.'
Texas University To Build First Nuclear HTR Research Reactor!
by Marjorie Mazel Hecht
The first U.S. fourth-generation nuclear reactor will be built at the University of Texas of the Permian Basin as a teaching and test facility, according to an agreement signed on Feb. 22 between General Atomics and the University. The GT-MHR is a modular high-temperature gas-cooled reactor, which uses a direct-conversion cycle that is 50% more efficient than the conventional nuclear steam cycles in producing electricity. (The initials stand for Gas-Turbine Modular Helium Reactor.)
Implosion of the Global 'Carry Trade'
by Lothar Komp
It is standard procedure of leading central banks these days to fight any symptom of global financial disintegration by further gearing up money-printing machines. Hedge funds and other investors could borrow the fresh liquidity at nearzero interest rates, and then channel it into any kind of highrisk, high-yield assets, from emerging market stocks, to junk bonds, or mortgage-backed securities. However, interest rates in the United States and Europe have started to rise, and even in Japan, the days of zero-interest rates are numbered.
Doomed by Iraq, Corruption, 'Tony Blair Is Going Down'
by Scott Thompson
In a recent discussion with members of the international LaRouche movement, Lyndon LaRouche drew a direct parallel between the rising resistance in the United States to the Cheney-Bush regime (see EIR, March24, 2006), and the coming fall of British Prime Minister Tony Blair. 'Tony Blair is going down, LaRouche said. 'He's about to be sucked under.'
Forces in Motion To Prevent Attack on Iran
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
With the news, on March 17, that Iran and the United States had agreed to talks over the situation in neighboring Iraq, a new opportunity was opened up, to effect changes in U.S. policy towards Iraq, and the region more broadly. At the same time, the announcement in Washington of the formation of an Iraq Study Group, consisting of seasoned political figures from previous Republican and Democratic administrations, indicated that this bipartisan grouping had realized that something drastic had to be done, to seize control over foreign policy from an insane White House. In parallel, Russia and China moved together at the United Nations Security Council to squash all efforts to issue a formal statement dictating terms to Iran on its nuclear energy program.
Interview: Martin van Creveld
Is Iran Really a Threat To The United States and Israel?
Professor van Creveld teaches military history at Hebrew University, Jerusalem, and is the author of over 15 books on military history and strategy. He has lectured or taught at strategic and military institutes and universities throughout the world. Michael Liebig and Dean Andromidas interviewed him on Feb. 28.
Behind the Belarus Election: A Nation That Says, 'Just Try'
by Konstantin Cheremnykh
People doubt that George W. Bush can tell Slovakia from Slovenia, or Uruguay from Paraguay. There is one country in Eurasia, however, not much larger than those, which is definitely accessible for the restricted capabilities of Mr. Bush's intellect. He can point it out perfectly on the political map, although this country is not a site of warfare or civil conflict; its citizens don't turn up on lists of international terrorists or religious fundamentalists; and it does not bother the U.S. State Department with requests for material and moral support (although, lacking both raw materials and an outlet to the sea, it certainly could). Still, this country constantly draws attention, like a white crow or a black sheep. It disturbs the sleep of any strategist of thenew globalist order because, for some mysterious reason, it remains an exception to this order, at least among the surrounding nations. From the standpoint of such a strategist, something must be done about it, but a multitude of attempts to intervene have turned up as humiliating failures.
Cheney and Rumsfeld Must Go!
There is the talk of impeachment in the air, particularly in reference to that babbling incompetent President George W. Bush. Allegedly, the Republican Party itself is ecstatic about the discussion, which they claim will discredit those opposing the blatant insanities of the President. Thus, when Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist issued his latest blast at Democratic Minority leader Senate Harry Reid, he attacked him for, among other things, saying 'that he, as a leader of Senate Democrats, would not rule out impeaching President Bush over the wiretapping program.'

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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