Published: Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Volume 5, Issue Number 16
This Week You Need To Know:
Behind the Generals' Revolt
by Jeffrey Steinberg
On April 15, Lyndon LaRouche hailed the actions by a group of retired flag officers, demanding the immediate firing of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, as both "unprecedented" and "appropriate, given that the nation is being betrayed."
In the week preceding LaRouche's comment, some of America's outstanding retired military commanders, including Gen. Anthony Zinni (USMC-ret.), Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton (USA-ret.), Lt. Gen. Gregory Newbold (USMC-ret.), Lt. Gen. Paul Van Riper (USMC-ret.), Maj. Gen. Charles Swannack, Jr. (USA-ret.), Maj. Gen. John Riggs (USA-ret.), and Maj. Gen. John Batiste (USA-ret.), all surfaced with public calls for Rumsfeld's immediate ouster, on the grounds that he had ignored the advice and warnings of his military commanders and had, as the result, drawn the United States into a disastrous fiasco in Iraq, which is now on the verge of erupting into a full-scale, uncontrollable civil war.
...full article, PDF
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Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
"Make a Platonic Revolution to Save Our Civilization" |
Feb. 23, 2006 |
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy"
video: Baltimore: from Industrial Powerhouse to Death Zones |
Jan. 11, 2006 |
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
Nov. 16, 2005 |
"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
This Week in
American History
April 18 marks the 100th anniversary of what is generally called the Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906. Although most attention at the time focussed on the destruction in San Francisco, the earthquake's range was actually much wider, and caused more severe earthquake damage in other places. The devastation in San Francisco was compounded by the firestorms which resulted from broken gas and electric lines, and there was no city water to fight the fires because of ruptured water pipes.
In the wake of the disaster, San Francisco's elected officials were shunted aside by the city's banking and business interests, who formed the "Committee of 50" to handle relief and rebuilding. San Francisco's mayor chaired the committee, but had very little power. The Committee, anxious to attract investment and immigrants to San Francisco, downplayed the role of the earthquake and instead emphasized the fire damage.
Daniel Burnham, the architect of the Lincoln Memorial and of many civic improvements in Washington and Chicago, had been asked several years before to draw up a plan for the revitalization of San Francisco. Ironically, printed copies of the plan were ready for distribution the morning the earthquake hit. But even with half the city destroyed, the Committee rejected the opportunity to build a better and safer city, and quickly bulldozed the fallen buildings, with their human remains inside, and used them for landfill. The landfill areas of the old city had liquefied when the earthquake hit, dropping them five or six feet lower. The Marina district of today's San Francisco is built on the landfill of 1906.
Immediately after the earthquake, Gov. George C. Pardee, an eye, ear and nose specialist who had previously served as Mayor of Oakland, brought a large staff from Sacramento and based them in the current Oakland Mayor's office. One by one, the telegraph operators in San Francisco had been forced by the raging fires to abandon their posts, and finally only the naval wireless radio station at Yerba Buena Island was left to send out messages on military frequencies, which were picked up and forwarded over civilian telegraph cables.
Governor Pardee set up a system of messengers between Oakland and San Francisco, and became the relay point between the devastated city and the outside world. Pardee coordinated the flow of money, goods and materials into the city, determining what was needed and how it could be moved to the earthquake victims.
On the day after the earthquake, the Governor received a telegram from Andrew Lawson, the Chairman of the Department of Geology at the University of California at Berkeley. A decade before, Lawson had mapped a section of the San Andreas Fault, which at that time was only visible in a small area. The telegram read: "The appointment of a scientific commission to investigate the earthquake in this state would have a beneficial effect upon the public mind." Two days later, on April 21, Pardee announced the names of eight members, including Lawson, of a "Committee of Inquiry," which soon became known as the State Earthquake Investigation Commission.
Full article on separate page...
Latest From LaRouche
Bankers Association Warns of Bust
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
April 8, 2006
The world as a whole is currently teetering on the edge of the greatest financial collapse in modern history. In keeping with the nature of the freedom of the human's power of choices, there is no fixed date for this already onrushing event. However, since even the freest of human wills is bound within the limits defined by the reality of current processes, the crash will be soon, perhaps very soon. Nonetheless, most people will deny this reality until after the crash has hit with hurricane force; after the crash has come, even then, many of them will continue to deny what has occurred, that for a lapse of time of months, or, in some cases, as after 1929, for several or more years.
...complete article, PDF
InDepth Coverage

Bankers Association Warns of Bust
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
April 8, 2006
The world as a whole is currently teetering on the edge of the greatest financial collapse in modern history. In keeping with the nature of the freedom of the human's power of choices, there is no fixed date for this already onrushing event. However, since even the freest of human wills is bound within the limits defined by the reality of current processes, the crash will be soon, perhaps very soon. Nonetheless, most people will deny this reality until after the crash has hit with hurricane force; after the crash has come, even then, many of them will continue to deny what has occurred, that for a lapse of time of months, or, in some cases, as after 1929, for several or more years.
- Million Midwest Homes at Risk in '06: The Down, Downside of the Bubble
by Paul Gallagher
As the U.S. real estate bubble breaks, the 'hottest' real estate markets of the past eight years, such as the Washington, D.C. area, northern and southern California, Florida, etc., are now cooling off the fastest. But the greatest devastation of households, by foreclosure, the loss of their homes, consequent personal bankruptcies, is occurringso farin the globalizationdevastated upper Midwest states. It is the result of lost auto and other union jobs, family over-indebtedness, and highly speculative mortgage banking. Outside of the destruction of mortgaged homes in Louisiana and Mississippi by 2005's hurricanes, the nation's worst foreclosure rates are in Indiana, Ohio, and Michiganand they are growing fast.
Retool Auto To Save U.S. Industrial Heartland
by EIR/LaRouche Youth Movement Economics Team
In April, one year ago, Lyndon LaRouche called for emergency Senate action for Federal intervention in the U.S. auto sector crisis. Geographically, this refers to the industrial concentration of the Upper Midwest regionfrom western New York and Pennsylvania through to Missouri, where over 25% of the U.S. population lives today, and where, historically, the world's most powerful manufacturing complex has been centered. He spelled out the necessity to act to preserve and expand the machine-tool and industrial capacity still embodied in the auto manufacturing workforce hereits plants, equipment, communities, and skills, extending across the cities and counties of the Great Lakes/Ohio Valley region.
Weimar Hyperinflation Takes Off in 2006
by Richard Freeman
The surge in world commodities prices signals the near-term onset of Weimar-style hyperinflation. During 2006, on a daily basis on the commodity markets, copper, zinc, gold, nickel, and some other commodities have hit a 10-year, 20-year, or all-time record high. During the past three months, the process has shifted into a new phase: an increase in the rate of increase of the inflation of commodities, which defines a hyperinflationary blowout.
Behind the Generals' Revolt
by Jeffrey Steinberg
On April 15, Lyndon LaRouche hailed the actions by a group of retired flag officers, demanding the immediate firing of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, as both 'unprecedented' and 'appropriate, given that the nation is being betrayed.'
Dirty Water
What Everyone Knows Except Halliburton
by Edward Spannaus
'Everyone knows that drinking, or washing with poop, is bad for you,' said Dr. Jeffrey Griffiths, Director of Global Health at Tufts University, and one of the world's leading water quality experts, at an April 6 Senate hearing called by the Democratic Policy Committee (DPC).
Rumsfeld's 'SS' Contractors Are Sued for Torture
by Edward Spannaus
The private military contractors CACI and Titan Corp. identified in last week's EIR as a central part of the torture and abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraibare being sued by Iraqi citizens who were victimized by this private SS at that prison and other sites in Iraq. One of the suits, Al Rawi v. Titan, which includes Federal racketeering charges, was first filed in San Diego in June 2004, and is still pending today in Federal court in Washington, D.C. A second is Ibrahim v. Titan, also pending in the District of Columbia.
Mass Strike Ferment Hits U.S. In Pro-Immigration Rallies
by Nancy Spannaus
There is something reminiscent of the East German peaceful revolution in the Fall of 1989, about the ongoing series of mass rallies being carried out by mostly Hispanic immigrants across the United States. All of a sudden, people who not only had never taken to the streets before, butwhohad been deathly afraid that the authorities might haul them to jail, or carry out other reprisals, began to pour into the streets, in opposition to proposed Republican Congressional legislation (H.R. 4437) that threatened to deport millions, and build a 700-mile-long wall along the U.S.-Mexican border.
Make Berlin a Crossroads For Eurasian Development
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
Parliamentary and borough elections will be held in Berlin on Sept. 17. The Civil Rights Movement Solidarity (BüSo), the LaRouche party in Germany, will stand for office on a platform for reindustrializing Berlin and reviving its great Classical tradition. BüSo Chairwoman Helga ZeppLaRouche issued this statement to kick off the campaign, the first week of April.
LaRouche in Mexico:
A Dialogue On Economics and Statecraft
Editors' note: We present here the third installment of our coverage of Lyndon LaRouche's March 28-April 2 visit to Monterrey, Mexico. In our April 7 issue, we covered Mr. LaRouche's speech to the Monterrey Technological Institute, which invited him to address their 27th International Symposium on Economics. Last week, our cover feature reported on LaRouche's address to a group of political, business and trade union leaders from around the country, as well as his exciting presentation and exchange with 100 youthmembers and supporters of the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) in Mexico, Argentina, the United States, and Canada.
- LaRouche on Mexican Television
U.S. and Mexico Can Jointly Solve the Crisis
Here is the transcript of Architect He´ctor Benavides's March 29 television interview with Lyndon LaRouche. The last eight minutes of that interview, starting with the question about which of the three Presidential candidates had the most support from the U.S. government, were aired on the news broadcast that night, just after coverage of President Bush's meeting in Mexico City with President Fox.
- LaRouche: The Issue In Mexico IsDefense Of the Nation-State
An hour-long interview with Lyndon LaRouche was conducted by Monterrey radio and TV host Rene´ Alonso, and aired on April 6 on Alonso's program 'Encuentro,' on Radio Nuevo Leo´n.
- Press Conference
What Mexico Needs To Know About the U.S.A.
Here is Lyndon LaRouche's March 31 press conference in Monterrey, Mexico. After the press conference, LaRouche talked with some of the youth and supporters who had attended.
- LYM Press Release
The Future Is Now: Oil For Nuclear Technology
The following statement was issued on April 12, 2006 by the LaRouche Youth Movement in Mexico, as a call for a conference to be held in Mexico City on June 7, co-sponsored by the LYM and Executive Intelligence Review.
Gaza: Humanitarian Catastrophe Looms
by Dean Andromidas
A humanitarian catastrophe is threatening the lives of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, because of the policies of the Bush Administration and the Israeli government. The ongoing criminal blockade by Israel of the Gaza Strip has begun to create mass hunger in the population of 1.2 million people, the vast majority of whom are dependent on emergency food aid from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).
Iran's Progress in Uranium Enrichment Represents No Casus Belli
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
When the Iranian government announced the 'good news' on April 11, that its scientists had succeeded in enriching uranium at their Natanz facilities, predictably, the neo-con war lobby shifted into high gear, to demand 'consequences for that action and that defiance' at the UN Security Council (Condi Rice), because the Iranians were 'not paying attention to what the Security Council has said because they are clearly continuing in their enrichment activities' (John Bolton).
Peruvian Elections: Synarchists Hit a Snag
by Luis Va´squez Medina
International Synarchism's triumphal march into Peru's Executive branch stumbled in that nation's April 9 general elections. Although the Presidential candidate of the narcosynarchists, Ollanta Humala, did come in first with 31% of the vote, he fell far short of his hoped-for first-round victory, and now faces a run-off election, against either Social Democrat Alan Garcý´a or Social Christian Lourdes Flores.
The Real Threat to Civilization Itself
A wave of near-panic and disbelief spread worldwide last week, as news of the latest New Yorker special by veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh went out over the wires. Hersh's report was on the danger of a Bush Administration attack on Iran. Based on sources from within the Administration, his report featured the fact that the White House was considering the use of nuclear bunker busters in a military adventure.

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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