..Larouche Online Almanac
Volume 6, Issue Number 8
In This Issue:
Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2007..
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In-Depth Coverage

Current News Digests

LYM Economic Science Work

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LaRouche Brings `Spark of Optimism' To Italian Parliamentarians in Rome

Lyndon LaRouche addressed a conference in Rome Feb. 13, on the upcoming tasks of the new U.S. Congress. The Press meeting, which took place in the Cenacolo Hall of the Chamber of Deputies in Rome, was organized by the Rifondazione Comunista group of the Parliament, and attended by Mario Lettieri, Undersecretary to the Economics Ministry in the government of Premier Romano Prodi. LaRouche last spoke at the Italian Parliament in April 2003.

The power of finance no longer lies with banks, or with governments as such. There's a vast hyperinflation, in which the banks themselves are being looted, the major banks of various countries are being looted by a financial firestorm, a whirlpool, which is being driven largely from London, but using heavily the Japan carry trade as a source of monetary aggregate, for the wildest financial speculation the world has ever seen on a global scale....

...full article, PDF

This Week, You Need To Know

The Smell of Impeachment Keeps Getting Stronger
by Nancy Spannaus

The House of Representatives' four-day debate on President Bush's war in Iraq, which concluded with a decisive 246 to 182 vote of disapproval for the "surge" escalation now under way, marks the beginning of the reassertion of the Congress's Constitutional authority. If the American people utilize this occasion to escalate their own pressure on the Congress to act according to the truth, this process will surely end in the early impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney, and then of the President as well.

Nothing like the Feb. 13-16 debate has been seen in Washington since at least 1970, when the Congress voted to overturn the Gulf of Tonkin resolution that was used to justify the Vietnam War.

The resolution, which had been co-sponsored by Republican Walter Jones (N.C.) and the Democratic leadership, was comprised of two parts, one of which expressed support for the U.S. troops, and the other, which disapproved of Bush's plan to send 21,500 additional troops to Iraq. While the resolution's opponents made a big deal out of the fact that it was "non-binding," the reality is that the vote puts the President on notice that he does not have support for his escalation, and that more actions will certainly follow.

The fact that political reality is closing in on the Cheney-Bush war party was underscored in the extraordinary Saturday vote called in the Senate Feb. 17, the day after the House vote...

...full article, PDF

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This Week's News Updates
LaRouche Youth Movement Economic Science Work

The LaRouche Show
3pm, Eastern Time
2000-2100 UTC
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(*all but the 'In Depth' section.)

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LaRouche in Rome Revives Fight for New Bretton Woods
Members of the Italian Parliament invited Lyndon LaRouche to speak on 'The Upcoming Tasks of the New U.S. Congress.'


Putin Delivers Reality Shock at Munich Conference
President Putin's speech was not an attack on the United States at all— indeed, it began by invoking the policies of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Rather, it was an attack on the perversion of American policy by traitors to the real identity of the U.S.A., and a call for cooperation among nations to solve the world's problems.

'The Security of Each Is the Security of All'
Substantial excerpts from President Vladimir Putin's speech at the Munich Conference on Security Policy, Feb. 10, 2007.

Russia Returns to the Middle East

Eurasian Triangle Leaders: Cooperation, Not Confrontation, Should Govern

Cheminade Campaigns for 'Soul of France'
An interview on The LaRouche Show with French Presidential candidate Jacques Cheminade, joined by LaRouche Youth Movement members Elodie Viennot in Paris and Natalie Lovegren in Leesburg, Va.


The 'Financial Locusts' Are on the Defensive
While an explosion in the hedge funds' globalized speculative markets was beginning in mid-February, a fight against hedge-fund looting intensified in several European countries.

South Korea Battles Financial Locusts

India Takes Its First Step To Put a Man Into Space

Resurgent Tuberculosis: Deadlier Than Ever
Two epidemiological reports released in the last six months on the extent of XDR-TB— extensively drug resistant tuberculosis—in South Africa, are critical warnings of the global threat of this virtually incurable disease, and also of its 'companion' ailments, in particular HIV/AIDS.

American System Can Protect Germany From 'Predator Capitalism'
By Helga Zepp-LaRouche.


The Smell of Impeachment Keeps Getting Stronger
The House of Representatives' four-day debate on President Bush's war in Iraq, which concluded with a decisive 246 to 182 vote of disapproval for the 'surge' now under way, marks the beginning of the reassertion of the Congress's Constitutional authority.

  • Documentation
    Excerpts from the House debate on the Iraq War resolution (House Concurrent Resolution 63).

Congressional Closeup

Book Review

Britain's Assault on America Revisited The Anglo-American Establishment
by Carroll Quigley

The American System

When President-Elect Franklin Roosevelt Narrowly Escaped Assassination
A new regular column by historian Pamela Lowry.


Britain's New War

    View This week's Almanac Section*, as a long .pdf file.

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