Ibero-American News Digest
LaRouche in Monterrey: This Crisis Is Not Necessary
April 18 (EIRNS)U.S. statesman Lyndon LaRouche today addressed a packed auditorium of 240 people, at least 200 of them students, at one of Mexico's most elite universities, the Monterrey Institute for Technological and Higher Studies (ITESM), hosted by the student associations of both the International Relations and the Economics Departments.
LaRouche, who has spoken at the Monterrey campus of the ITESM three times before, is an institution there. In introducing him, one of the student hosts told the audience that they were going to hear from one of the most important men in the world, a man who had run for President of the United States, who has ideas which are crucial.
LaRouche laid out the collapse of the world economy and his three measures to address that collapse (see www.larouchepac.com), in the context of the great conflict which has determined the sweep of history since the 1890s: the conflict between British imperial power and the United States, as expressed in President Franklin Roosevelt's commitment to eradicate imperialism from the planet.
There is no reason for this crisis we face today, he declared; it is a result of the imperial desire to control the world through war, and to keep people and nations in backwardness. Malthusians are the curse of the planet; we must eradicate the policy of underdevelopment and anti-development, of genocide, and go back to Roosevelt. If we develop the powers of mind of our peoples, there is no reason ever to have an economic depression, and you, who are young, can change the planet over the next 50 years.
LaRouche's presentation followed two days of events, which included two radio shows, in which LaRouche blasted the British Empire for its crimes in creating the food crisis, and trying to steal Mexico's oil; and an indepth discussion with a delegation of the Pro-PLHINO Committee, a group from the state of Sonora which is fighting to implement a tri-state Northwest Mexico hydraulic development plan, that would direct water into arid areas which, with irrigation, could become a flourishing agricultural region once again. The Pro-PLHINO Committee was represented by Antonio Valdez Villanueva, secretary general of the CTM trade union confederation in Ciudad Obregon, Sonora; Vicente Solis, advisor to the state executive board of the CTM of Sonora; and Alberto Vizcarra and Jesús María Martínez, both members of the LaRouche Movement in Sonora.
A full report will appear in EIR, May 2, 2008.
Prince Philip's WWF Is Out To Murder Mexicans
April 15 (EIRNS)The World Wildlife Fund (WWF), headed by Prince Philip, is out to murder Mexicans as part of its global drive to reduce the world's population to 1 billion or less, by crushing the support in Mexico for construction of the Northwest Hydraulic Plan (PLHINO), a tri-state water management project which Lyndon LaRouche has championed for three decades, as a crucial part of the greater North American "NAWAPA-plus" water project, required to develop the Great American Desert on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border.
Stopping the PLHINO, means Mexicans will die. Free trade has turned Mexico, which was once largely food self-sufficient, into one of the world's leading importers of corn and wheat, at a time when world stocks of grains are disappearing (see this week's InDepth, "To Defeat Famine: Kill the WTO," by Marcia Merry Baker). The Pro-PLHINO Committee of the 21st Century, a powerful and growing movement of farmers, labor, local, and state leaders in the state of Sonora, organized by the LaRouche movement, has gained national support for immediately initiating work towards this project which would allow Mexico to nearly double its production of grains, by opening up some 5 million new hectares of irrigated lands in this region, which has some of the greatest agricultural potential in all of Mexico.
Well-informed sources in Sonora warn that local media are under heavy pressure to launch a lying "environmentalist" campaign against construction of the PLHINO. This is coming from the WWF, which has established beachheads on two fronts, from which it hopes to crush both the PLHINO and the greater NAWAPA (North American Water and Power Alliance)-plus project: a Gulf of California project, and another for the Chihuahuan Desert. Both are considered among the WWF's 19 top priority projects globally, chokepoints which they assert they intend to seize control of by the year 2015 (see InDepth: "Want to Eat? Crush the WWF!").
The WWF's Gulf of California project has already threatened the Mexican food supply, by organizing restrictions on fishing in what it admits is the richest fishing area of Mexico, in the name of defending the ecosystem. Now, the WWF is targetting the entire eastern coastal region of the Gulf of California, which just happens to be the three Northwest states (Sonora, Sinaloa, and Nayarit) where the PLHINO's dams, tunnels, and canals must be built,
These people-haters would take down, as well, such already completed projects as the great Hoover Dam, built under Franklin Delano Roosevelt, which turned California's Imperial Valley desert into an agricultural powerhouse. The damming of the Colorado River "severely threatens" the ecosystem of the Gulf of California today, they assert.