Ibero-American News Digest
LaRouche: Soros, Brits Unleash Narcoterrorist Violence in Mexico
Sept. 2 (EIRNS)The last two weeks of August saw a sharp escalation of drug cartel violence in Mexico, which Lyndon LaRouche today attributed to an intentional policy of the world's leading drug legalizer, George Soros, and his British strategic masters.
"It's Soros, it's the British," LaRouche said. "It's Sorosattacking the flank of the United States."
* On Aug. 26, dozens of heavily armed drug hitmen attacked an army base in the central state of Guanajuatoa first in Mexico.
* A week earlier, a dozen victims were decapitated by narcos in the northern state of Chihuahua, and a like number were eliminated in the state of Yucatan.
* On Aug. 27, hand-painted "narco-banners" showed up in plazas and on highway bypasses in five states, attacking President Felipe Calderón for allegedly siding with one of the drug cartels against another cartel, and listing the names of a half-dozen generals who are allegedly on the take from one of the cartels. The "narco-banners" were given prominent play in the media, contributing to an environment of institutional instability in the country, and adding grist to the mill of those who are calling for drug legalization, on the grounds that the war on drugs "can't be won."
* Various prominent opposition politicians are playing into the same British scenario, by demanding that Calderón be removed from office before any other issues can be addressedi.e., "regime change."
To all of this, LaRouche again responded: "It's Soros." LaRouche went on to urge Mexico to act promptly to start building the Northwest Hydraulic Plan (PLHINO), a great infrastructure project which addresses the underlying economic issues that are creating insecurity in Mexico.
"The United States is in the processing of expelling up to a million or two Mexicans back across the border," LaRouche explained. "And a large part of that is going to be in the northwestern area of Mexico that the PLHINO would help. And the people they are going to throw over the border are going to be people who have agricultural backgrounds, in large degree, as family backgrounds. And therefore the obvious security question is: What employment are you going to have for these people? And if you are not going to get them employment, you're going to get chaos. How much is the chaos going to cost you? And therefore, the point is obvious. Nature has given Mexico a remedy, at least in part, for the threat of chaos coming from across the border.
"So the question is: How much is it going to cost not to build the PLHINO? What's the cost of social chaos and breakdown of the entire economy in the region?" LaRouche concluded.
Colombia's LaRouche Association Slams Soros Front Group
Sept. 5 (EIRNS)The LaRouche movement in Colombia spoiled the plans of George Soros's Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy (LACDD), to launch the Colombian flank of its drive for drug legalization and mass addiction; they distributed 3,500 leaflets and e-mails with the LaRouche Association's demand, "Stop Soros and the British Project To Legalize Drugs!"
The LACDD, headed by three former Ibero-American PresidentsColombia's César Gaviria, Mexico's Ernesto Zedillo, and Brazil's Fernando Henrique Cardosohad intended to spearhead its legalization offensive with its splashy Sept. 4-5 conference in Bogota, opened by none other than Soros's personal drug legalization hitman, Ethan Nadelmann. Nadelmann, who is executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, the leading drug legalization organization in the United States, has run Soros's international war for legalization full-time since 1994, when he set up the Open Society Institute's drug-pushing unit, the Lindesmith Center, for Soros.
The LACDD's stated mission is to draft a paper to be submitted to the March 2009 global strategy meeting of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs, which it states from the outset will oppose "U.S. repressive strategies" against drugs, in favor of "the European model" of decriminalization. The choice of Bogota for the conference was no accident, given President Alvaro Uribe's successful offensive against the narcoterrorist FARC and his adamant opposition to drug legalization.
While local media willingly publicized Soros's pro-drug stance, the LaRouche Association gave the Soros traitors some publicity they would rather not have had.
"The activities of this Commission represent a national security threat, a danger to world peace and, in particular, a crime against the youth of every nation of the world. Governments should shut down the activities of this Soros group," the LaRouche Association statement reads. The statement began circulating throughout the continent Sept. 3.
LaRouche Youth Movement organizers in Bogota got out 1,200 leaflets at the national Congress and the Mayor's office. The Association sent out the statement via 2,300 e-mails to a list which hits every institution in the country.
Brazil Launches 'Oil for Industrialization' Campaign
Sept. 5 (EIRNS)Brazil's discovery last year of vast offshore oil and gas reserves in geological formations some 7,000 meters deep, known as "pre-salt," has revived the best of the spirit of Brazilian grandezathe idea that this nation should be a scientific and technological leader in the world. What is worrisome to British agent George Soros and his ilk is that President Lula da Silva is leading a campaign against leaving these new oil reserves to the whims of the market, and demanding that they be used to industrialize Brazil. This policy, if carried through, would begin to reverse the destructive policy of privatization.
Financier interests aren't happy that Lula is reviving the nationalist slogan O Petroleo E Nosso ("The oil is ours"), adopted in the 1950s by Franklin Delano Roosevelt's friend President Getulio Vargas. Lula has given at least three speeches this past week, with the message: "The oil does not belong to Petrobras, or to Shell, but to 190 million Brazilians." We must decide now how the money from the new reserves is to be used, Lula said, or "the same old people, the ones who always win everything, are going to get hold of that money before it gets to the noble ends which we want for the country."
Since Brazil's state oil company, Petrobras, was half-privatized by Lula's predecessor, Soros toady Fernando Henrique Cardoso, it is today 49% owned by private interestswith Soros buying $800 million worth of Petrobras stock just last month. Raising the possibility of handing the new oil finds to a new, wholly state-owned company, Lula set up an inter-ministerial commission which is to recommend changes in the oil law within 60 days.
The commission is mandated to accomplish three things: Its recommendations must ensure that Brazil will not remain an exporter of crude, but of refined petroleum products; that income from the new reserves must pay the nation's "social debt," including achieving a 21st-Century education, which involves science and technology; and it must solve the problem of poverty.
We should not forget the "Brazilian miracle," when for 30 years Brazil led the world in growth, Lula said on Sept. 2. Yet, when was the last time that a steel furnace was built in Brazil? Twenty-two years ago. The last large cement plant? Eighteen years ago. A whole generation of Brazilians have never known growth, the President stated.
The oil was discovered due to the great engineers of Petrobras, he told a meeting of 80 university deans on Sept. 3, and therefore we must use this oil to create "more geniuses," so we can stop being an exporter of only minerals or soy.