From Volume 8, Issue 11 of EIR Online, Published Mar. 17, 2009
Africa News Digest

ICC Seeks To Add Genocide Charge Against Sudan's President

March 14 (EIRNS)—Luis Moreno-Ocampo, prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) which is the creation of George Soros and Britain's Mark Malloch Brown, is not happy that his primary assignment of getting Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir indicted for genocide, was not included by the three-judge ICC panel in their call for the arrest of Sudan al-Bashir. Moreno-Ocampo has requested permission to appeal the judges' decision, claiming that they had set the bar too high, so that the charge could not be included in the warrant for Bashir's arrest.

Moreno-Ocampo has been acting not like a prosecutor, but an activist, broadcasting unsubstantiated propaganda that echoes the activists who want to bring down the nation of Sudan, saying that Bashir masterminded a campaign to eliminate African tribes in Darfur.

Sudan Catholic Church Hits ICC Attack on Bashir

March 12 (EIRNS)—Bishop Rudolf Deng Majak of Wau, president of the Sudan Catholic Bishops Conference, said that to arrest President Omar al-Bashir, as is demanded by the International Criminal Court (ICC), will not bring peace to Sudan, but only create more tension. He said that Sudan needs genuine reconciliation among its people. Deng released the statement yesterday, in which he called the international community to task: "What we need is more sincerity from the leaders and the rebels and a more serious dedication from the international community to save the Sudan."

The Auxiliary Bishop of Khartoum, Bishop Daniel Adwok Kur, said it was crucial to see that now was not the time to consider a change of leader, since it could derail the fragile peace process between the government and the South of Sudan. "Removing him could throw obstacles in the path to peace—including in the south of the country."

The peace agreement with the South was worked out by President Bashir after a factional brawl against those in the leadership of his party who opposed a settlement to the 40-year civil war, which claimed more than 2 million lives.

The bishops' comments and statements were reported by several Catholic news and mission organizations.

Neocons Gloat: ICC Will Destroy Sudan

March 11 (EIRNS)—The arrest warrant issued by the ICC against President Bashir is applauded as a "strategic move with profound geopolitical implications," by the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, a neoconservative think tank.

In a statement published March 6, the Foundation gloats that the arrest warrant "accelerates the ongoing disintegration of the Sudanese state." The statement argues: "There is now almost no reasonable expectation that [this year's scheduled] general elections ... will actually take place," and "South Sudan [may] go its own way, taking with it some 90% of Sudan's proven oil reserves. Hence, when the election in July fails to take place, most South Sudanese are likely to draw their own conclusions and the regional government may well proceed to a unilateral declaration of independence.... Whether the secession takes place peacefully or a new north-south conflict erupts, the practical result will be the same: the rulers in Khartoum will be deprived of [these oil] revenues...."

In 2004, the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies hosted the inauguration of a new Committee on the Present Danger, reviving the Cold War-era CPD to try to drive the Bush-Cheney preventive war doctrine toward permanent war.

J. Peter Pham, the neoconservative author of the Foundation's March 6 statement (entitled "ICC Arrest Warrant for Sudan's Bashir Has Both Humanitarian and Strategic Consequences"), is vice president of the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa, whose chairman is British imperial strategist Bernard Lewis; Anglo-American Pinochetista George P. Shultz is on the board.

Arabic Media Coverage of LaRouche on Sudan Crisis

March 9 (EIRNS)—Coverage of Lyndon LaRouche's views on the fight between Sudan and the ICC continues in the Arabic media, especially in Sudan-related websites.

The coverage is concentrated on two issues: 1) LaRouche's statement that the Obama Administration and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton should not tolerate the ICC/British operation; and 2) George Soros's involvement in the creation and financing of the ICC.

In spite of President Bashir's focussing in his speeches on the British Empire as the source of evil in Africa, there is little understanding in the media of the present British involvement. One such example is the spin put on the story in the Saudi daily Asharq al-Awsat, the largest Saudi-financed international Arabic newspaper. Columnist Zayn al-Abidin al-Rikabi, who had written positively about LaRouche in previous years, cites LaRouche on the "Nazi-trained billionaire Soros" as one of the most important hands behind the ICC operation. However, al-Rikabi put the issue not in the framework of what LaRouche has defined as the British Empire, but in the "Zionist" context, claiming that Israeli officials have said that the Darfur question is strategically important for Israel.

Apart from the spin, this article shows the enormous presence LaRouche has had in recent days in the discussion. Asharq al-Awsat had boycotted LaRouche for many months.

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