EIR Online
Online Almanac
From Volume 8, Issue 12 of EIR Online, Published Mar. 24, 2009

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March 21 Webcast:
LaRouche Declares War on the British Empire

In-Depth articles from EIR, Vol. 36, No. 12
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World News

  • Will AIG Scandal Trigger New 'Pearl Harbor' Reaction?
    The payment by AIG of $165 million in bonuses to its derivatives traders—the guys who blew up the company and have already cost taxpayers close to $200 billion—has generated public fury, and rightfully so. But the real question is whether that rage will dissipate in mere protest, or be channeled into constructive action, as we did after Pearl Harbor in 1941.
  • South Asian Terrorism:
    All Roads Lead to the British Empire

    Since none of the South Asian countries have, so far, shown the ability to evaluate, and thus, eliminate, terrorism, it is necessary to know its genesis, and how it has affected the leaders of the South Asian nations, to the detriment of their respective security. Part 1 of a two-part series by Ramtanu Maitra.
  • Is Southwest Asia Preparing for Obama's or Netanyahu's 'Change'?
    Only a forceful intervention by the United States in Israel can thwart the threats to the peace process. What's needed is to end the legacy of the British Empire in the region, once and for all. The first signs from Washington are encouraging, but no one should rest on their laurels for the moment, not the least President Obama and the Arab leaders.


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