Ibero-American News Digest
Soros Helps To Throw Mexican Elections to London's Dope, Inc.
July 8 (EIRNS)The politically most significant result of Mexico's national mid-term elections on July 5, in which the entire 500-person House of Representatives and many governorships were up for election, was the reported narrow defeat in the northwestern state of Sonora, of Alfonso Elías Serrano, the strongly pro-PLHINO gubernatorial candidate of the opposition PRI party.
Elías Serrano had campaigned avidly for the PLHINOthe Northwest Hydraulic Plana great infrastructure project which Lyndon LaRouche and his associates in Sonora and across Mexico have championed for decades.
Back in early September 2008, LaRouche had warned that the drug mob would very possibly lash out violently against the PLHINO, because their economic and political control of the region and the country are threatened by such economic development projects. When a wave of bloody drug murders shook Mexico in the following weeks, LaRouche stated bluntly: "It's Soros; it's the British. It's Sorosattacking the flank of the United States."
On July 7, Elías announced that he will challenge the election results. His defeat was a striking anomaly in the overall national electoral results, where his PRI party swept up more than 230 out of 500 congressional seats, and held on to numerous governorships as well. Moreover, Elías had led PAN candidate Guillermo Padrés in the Sonora polls by as much as 25%, just one month before the elections.
But then on June 5, a very convenient tragedy occurred. A suspicious fire burned down a daycare center in the city of Hermosillo, killing 48 infants and children. Local media and Soros-linked organizations immediately blamed Sonora's PRI Gov. Eduardo Bours, and, by implication, Elías Serrano.
On July 4, a 20,000-person demonstration was held in Hermosillo, against "those responsible." This orchestrated campaign, combined with large quantities of cash, which reportedly entered Sonora from the neighboring state of Sinaloa (as in "Sinaloa Cartel") in the few days leading up to the election, was sufficient to throw the election against Elíasmuch to the satisfaction of George Soros and his British financial controllers.
High-level sources in Sonora report that they believe the drug cartels are involved in the monkey business, and that the state PRI intends to seriously fight for justice.
The LaRouche Youth Movement in Mexico is expected to issue a statement on the elections.
Argentine Cabinet Shift Brings in Soros Mouthpiece
July 9 (EIRNS)As the result of a July 7 cabinet reshuffle, Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner has brought in as her chief of staff, former Justice Minister Aníbal Fernández, the most vociferous proponent of British agent George Soros's drug-legalization policy in the country.
Aníbal Fernández has spent the last two years aggressively promoting Soros's "harm reduction" fraud and drug decriminalization, which the government officially backs, and hopes to soon ram through as legislation. He keynoted the August 2008 conference on drug policy, held in the National Congress, and organized by Soros's national and international drug legalization apparatus. This year's conference will occur on Aug. 6-7, at the same venue, and Fernández can be expected to show up.
The cabinet changes occurred in the wake of the June 28 midterm elections, in which candidates of the government's Victory Front were defeated in several provinces, including in the capital and the all-important Buenos Aires province. Here, former President Néstor Kirchner lost to right-wing Francisco De Narváez, a Colombian-born millionaire who is suspected of ties to the drug cartels. The British hand in the elections was far from invisible.
Now, demoralization among the government's ranks appears to be driving disastrous policy decisions. This is also reflected in remarks by the new Finance Minister Amado Boudou, who identified as one priority, renegotiating defaulted debt held by the "holdouts"the vulture funds and other speculators who refused to participate in the 2005 debt restructuring, and hold about $30 billion in defaulted bonds. For the past four years, both Presidents Néstor Kirchner, and now Cristina Fernández, have firmly refused to negotiate with these predators.
Capitulating on this issue is certainly a sign of government desperation over the impact of the global financial breakdown. Boudou cheerfully babbled that a deal with the holdouts will allow Argentina access to the "international markets," from which it has been shut out since its December 2001 default.
Mexico City Expects 'Imminent' Outbreak of A/H1N1 Virus
July 10 (EIRNS)Mexico City's Health Secretary, Armando Ahued, is calling on health personnel to start mobilizing, warning that an outbreak of the A/H1N1 virus is "imminent," as the city moves into the Winter season.
The capital could expect developments similar, or worse, than what is now occurring in Chile or Argentina, Ahued said. "We can't let our guard down," he told a July 7 gathering of directors of hospitals and 220 clinics, adding that the virus has already mutated eight times since its appearance last April, and could do so again, and become even more lethal in coming months.
To meet this challenge, Ahued said, by August the city government will launch a prevention campaign, reactivating emergency measures that have been relaxed. Soon afterward, together with a campaign to vaccinate everyone under the age of 5 or over the age of 65, it hopes to have a government-run laboratory operating that will be able to perform quick tests of samples to diagnose the virus. It is also purchasing all necessary equipment, such as respirators, as well as stockpiling antivirals.
Ahued announced that IBM has donated software to the city that will allow it to closely monitor the virus's evolution, and create a data base that will be shared by all the city's clinics and hospitals.
Argentine Bishops: Decrim Will Send Our Youth 'to Hell'
July 10 (EIRNS)With the poverty existing in Buenos Aires slums, combined with unemployment and school dropout rates, Congressional approval of drug decriminalization for "personal" consumption is the equivalent of murder, said Argentine Catholic Bishop Jorge García Cuerva, at a June 25 press conference in Buenos Aires.
García is a member of the Catholic Church's National Pastoral Commission on Addiction, which has publicly rejected the government's proposal to decriminalize drug possession for personal use. Commission chairman, Bishop Jorge Lozano, penned a document last December stating that such a policy is "synonymous with death."
It's as if "we're sitting on a powderkeg, on a box of dynamite," said Bishop García. "There are 400,000 youth in the province who neither go to school nor work.... These are young people who have no dreams, who feel alone and are likely to seek a 'solution' in drugs." The decriminalization which the state is proposing already effectively prevails in the slums, García warned. The consequences "are a type of Hell," as drugs are readily available for any kid who can pay a few pesos.
The bishops' statements earned the wrath of former Justice Minister and, now the President's chief of staff, Aníbal Fernández, a mouthpiece for drug kingpin George Soros's legalization policies. On June 26, he had the gall to tell the bishops that they shouldn't discuss matters "they know nothing about.... They're not specialists," and by attacking decriminalization, he charged, "they are bastardizing the prestige of the Church."