Russia and the CIS News Digest
LaRouche's Aug. 1 Webcast Makes Waves in Russia
Sept. 7 (EIRNS)Wave upon wave of publication and discussion of Lyndon LaRouche's Aug. 1 webcast on "The Fall of the House of Windsor" is occurring in the Russian-language sector of the Internet. Since the opening segment of the speech was posted on RuTube (the Russian version of YouTube) with Russian voiceover on Aug. 25, under the subhead "The End of Monetarism: 'We Are Entering a Period of Upsurges'," over 10,000 Russian-speaking users have viewed the clip. A surge of viewings occurred the week of Aug. 31, after two popular RuTube posters copied the item as a new post. LaRouche's warning of an October mega-collapse ranked in the week's top ten most voted-for RuTube News & Politics videostwice! That is, two different postings of the clip ranked in the top ten.
There are scores of blog entries and hundreds of forum postings, discussing what LaRouche said about the fiscal year-end inflection point, as well as his indictment of California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger for pushing Nazi policies. Typical of the headlines: "Listen to what LaRouche says about Obama, Schwarzenegger, the crisis, Hiroshima, and the role of the individual in history." Typical of the discussion: "He's right that the debt has to be written off, otherwise the whole system crashes. But who will do it?"
Soon to appear on RuTube are a Russian voiceover of the balance of the Aug. 1 webcast keynote, and also LaRouche's answers to two questions from Russians, one of them a high-ranking diplomat. Preparations are being made to voice over LaRouche's Sept. 8 webcast in Russian.
V. Ivanov Identifies British Role in Afghan Drug-Running
Sept. 11 (EIRNS)Victor Ivanov, head of the Russian Federal Service for Drug Control, addressing the coordinating council fighting illegal drug trafficking in Central Asia and Russia, said the money coming from the sale of Afghan narcotics actually boosts international terrorism and extremism in Central Asian countries. "Specifically, it promotes the functioning of Hizb-ut-Tahrir and the United Tajik Opposition operating in that area," Ivanov added.
The United Tajik Opposition, an umbrella organization involved in the late-1990s civil war in Tajikistan, has since amalgamated with the terrorist outfit, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU). Meanwhile, Hizbut Tahrir, headquartered in London, is prospering famously under the protection of British intelligence and the Gordon Brown government. Hizbut Tahrir, which has been named by EIR over the years for terrorist activities in Central Asia and Pakistan, calls for establishing an Islamic Caliphate stretching from Turkey to Chechnya, including Xinjiang in China.
In another indication of Russian sensitivity to the British role in Central Asia, Russia Today TV commentator Yevgeni Khrushchov on Sept. 4 reported on some aspects of Russian-U.S. anti-drug cooperation in Afghanistan. "It was contrary to United Kingdom sabotage of effective U.S. anti-drug policy ... that the situation has changed in a positive direction," he said.