Ibero-American News Digest
Mexican Army Cadet: Don't Be Seduced by Drug Mafias
Sept. 14 (EIRNS)"I feel obligated, as a citizen and as a military man, to call on my generation ... to be on the alert. It is our hopes that are targetted by those who accumulate their fortunes through drug trafficking."
So spoke young Mexican Army cadet Antonio Muñoz, the only speaker at yesterday's ceremony in Mexico City to commemorate the "Heroic Youth"the six cadets from the Military College who, on Sept. 13, 1847, chose to die at Chapultepec Castle in Mexico City, rather than surrender to invading U.S. forces during the British-orchestrated U.S.-Mexican War.
Although the ceremony was also attended by President Felipe Calderón, it was Muñoz who warned that the drug mafias are as great a threat to youth, and to Mexican sovereignty, as any foreign invading force. "We in the Armed Forces are conscious of the danger which stalks our youth, and this is why we make valiant efforts to protect them, and distance them from those who see them only as a source of income, a market for vice, and object of [drug] consumption."
It is organized crime, Muñoz said, "whose drug barons offer us artificial paradises, ephemeral happiness and instant wealth." The young person who falls into the grip of the cartels "remains their hostage forever," he warned, suffering from "an incurable paranoia, unable to establish formal relations with anyone, remaining as kidnapped and alienated as those victims of the ferocious criminality" that organized crime represents.
Mexican Supreme Court Ratifies Drug Decriminalization
Sept. 18 (EIRNS)Mexico's Supreme Court issued a ruling yesterday, which upholds, de facto, the so-called "narco-retail" law promulgated on Aug. 20, decriminalizing "personal consumption" of every kind of narcotic, from marijuana to cocaine, heroin, and LSD. Also, by ruling it unconstitutional to treat an addict as a criminal, it threw up a "legal" barrier to overturning that law in the future.
The decision marks another capitulation by Mexican institutions to the world's leading drug pusher, George Soros, and his drug cartels. The decision, a dangerous blow to the nation's continued existence, was hotly contested, as the Court reportedly had been unable to reach a decision on the case in a vote the week before.
The Court did not rule on the new law itself, but issued an opinion overturning a lower court's conviction of a drug user who was caught with a "personal" amount of cocaine. Among its other effects, the ruling is expected to set off a wave of lawsuits by others convicted of drug possession, demanding their freedom, exoneration, and the expunging of any criminal record.
Chile Has Yet To Learn Who Its Enemies Are
Sept. 18 (EIRNS)It's enough to make you cry, if it weren't so laughable.
This week, Chilean President Michelle Bachelet announced that later this month she will decorate John Lennon's widow, Yoko Ono, and George Soros, because of their service to the cause of "democracy" in Chile, by opposing the Pinochet dictatorship. Bachelet's father, Air Force Gen. Alberto Bachelet, was imprisoned and tortured by the fascist Pinochet regime after the 1973 coup.
Does the President really not know that British agent Soros, to this day, proudly reports his own training as a youth by the Nazi SS in occupied Hungary during World War IIthe same Nazi SS which was the model for the Pinochet regime? Has she forgotten Soros's interviews, where he calls that period the "most exciting" days of his life? Or, perhaps, have Soros's drug-laced millions, and the aura of power that the British Empire has built around him, blinded her to Soros's Nazi nature and policiesas they are doing with government after government across the Americas, which are capitulating to London's Soros-led campaign for legalizing drugs?
Spanish Fascist Does Empire's Business in Ibero-America
Sept. 18 (EIRNS)One of the British Empire's longtime right-wing assets, former Spanish President José Maria Aznar, spent the past week insinuating himself into the internal affairs of Colombia, Argentina, and Chile, stoking the "left-right" conflict that the British are orchestrating in the region, on behalf of their financier interests.
In Colombia on Sept. 14, Aznar backed President Alvaro Uribe's agreement to allow U.S. military personnel to operate on seven bases, a controversial issue which the also British-run "Bolivarian" movement, led by the buffoonish Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, has attacked as "imperialist aggression." Aznar repeatedly named Chávez an "enemy of freedom."
In Argentina, neo-liberal Presidential aspirants and like-minded former Presidents from around the region joined Aznar over Sept. 15-18 for a conference sponsored by his FAES (Foundations for Analysis and Social Studies). The subject: Ibero-America must choose between "civilization"the free-market, property, and "values"or barbarism, represented by dirigism, "populism," and "economic dictatorship."
After Buenos Aires mayor and 2011 Presidential hopeful Mauricio Macri charged that President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner's government is "the most fascist one we've had in years," Aznar joined in denouncing her proposed bill to curb the power of media cartels, as an assault on freedom of the press.
On a quick trip to Chile, Aznar gushed in praise of Sebastian Piñera, the multimillionaire Presidential candidate of the right-wing Coalition for Change, who made his fortune under the protective wing of fascist dictator Augusto Pinochet. Aznar has brazenly suggested that Chile consider Spain's system of having its opposing political blocs agree to alternate in power, implying that the ruling country's coalition should hand the reins of power over to Piñera's Pinochetista crowd. A picture of Aznar and Pinera together appears on the FAES website.
Borlaug's Passing: A Reminder Mexico Once Was Sovereign
Sept. 14 (EIRNS)Upon learning of the Sept. 12 passing of Dr. Norman Borlaug, Mexico's Foreign Affairs Secretary issued a statement of condolence, acknowledging Dr. Borlaug's more than 60 years of extraordinary work in Mexico, beginning in 1944.
Describing Borlaug as "one of the most important internationally known scientists in the area of agriculture," the Sept. 13 statement pointed out that his "work and research in the genetic improvement of crops such as wheat contributed to overcoming hunger in the poorest regions of the planet."
In Mexico, his work allowed the country to advance from importing half of the wheat it consumed, to becoming self-sufficient in wheat production by 1956, after which it began to export half a million tons annually by the beginning of the 1960s. A once-grateful nation had bestowed on Dr. Borlaug the Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle in 1970, for his assistance to Mexico in greatly expanding its agricultural production.
What an affront it is to Borlaug's memory, that British-inspired free-trade policies, especially the vicious North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), have decimated Mexican agriculture since the 1980sNAFTA went into effect in 1993forcing the country today to import more than 50% of the food it consumes.