Ibero-American News Digest
Mexico: Drug War Is British Imperial Opium War Strategy
Dec. 11 (EIRNS)One day after drug cartel hit-squads launched simultaneous attacks on a half-dozen sites in three cities of the Mexican state of Sonora, including throwing fragmentation grenades at the headquarters of the state attorney general, the statewide newspaper, Diario de Yaqui, published on Dec. 10 a declaration issued by the Permanent Rural Producers Forum, which identified the narcoterrorism hitting Mexico as a weapon of British imperial strategy to force "full capitulation" upon the nation.
Today, the statement by the Forum, well-known as being led by associates of Lyndon LaRouche, was also covered by the Sonoran daily Expreso.
What is happening to Mexico is like the British Empire's 19th-Century opium wars against China, the Forum stated. The drug trade is "nothing but an extension of, and front for, an irregular war against the sovereignty of nation-states," with "the British Empire's financial agent, George Soros," as point man.
The Forum charged that Mexican President Felipe Calderón and the majority of the members of Congress have capitulated to the enemy, adding that "the majority of Mexico's political forces has given up on defending the nation and its sovereignty, in the face of this criminal deployment by imperial financial interests which uses the drug trade."
The drug cartels "are only the shadow of an imperial strategy which uses the drug trade as an instrument for the moral and economic destruction of the nation," they point out. Therefore, any battle against the cartels must be accompanied by an economic policy based on great infrastructure projects such as the PLHINO, to rebuild the nation's physical capability for economic growth, restore hope, and thus create the conditions for peace.
Venezuela's Chávez Does the Empire's BiddingAgain
Dec. 10 (EIRNS)In an action that benefits the British Empire's agenda of polarizing Ibero-America around orchestrated "left-right" conflicts, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez sponsored the founding on Dec. 7-9 of the Continental Bolivarian Movement (MCB), a collection of leftist and terrorist groups from around Ibero-America, explicitly backed by Colombia's narcoterrorist FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia).
This group's creation is a deliberate provocation to Colombian President Alvaro Uribe, the only Ibero-American President to seriously battle the drug cartels. The FARC's top leader Alfonso Cano sent a video to Caracas welcoming the MCB's founding as an "unpostponable duty" to combat "U.S. imperialism" in the region. Immediately afterward, he was named to the MCB's "collective presidency."
On Dec. 11, MCB executive member Narciso Isa Conde justified the FARC's inclusion in the group's leadership by stating that the MCB decided "not to discriminate against any form of struggle" in Ibero-America, thereby demonstrating respect for "diversity"! Peru's terrorist Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA) has also joined the MCB.
Uribe responded to Chávez's Caracas show by ordering an investigation of MCB members in Colombia, and their possible detention on grounds of being "accomplices to terrorism." He demanded that Venezuela state its position vis-à-vis the MCB, since support for the FARC means defending the atrocities it has committed against the Colombian people, and democracy.
Bolivia: Chew Those Coca Leaves; Embrace Mother Earth
Dec. 10 (EIRNS)Bolivia is one of the poorest nations in Ibero-America, and its embrace of the climate change swindle will ensure it stays that way. President Evo Morales, who will attend the UN's climate conference in Copenhagen on Dec. 17-18, will propose to the summit that April 22 be declared an international "Mother Earth Day."
Morales also backs a proposal to set up an international criminal court which would try governments that commit "ecological crimes."
During a Dec. 9 press conference in Copenhagen, members of the Bolivian delegation declared that "the Earth has rights too." It must be freed "from slavery," which indigenous leader Rafael Quispe defined as "contaminating and life-destroying capitalism." Quispe warned that global warming has already produced "climate refugees"people who've been forced to flee their homes due to the disasters that global warming has alledgedly caused. Bolivian Ambassador to the United Nations, Pablo Solón, warned that the capitalist system "has broken with nature's harmony."
To demonstrate the need to respect "the rights of nature," members of the delegation opened up a package of coca leaves and began to chew.
LaRouche: Mexico Has Sold Its Soul
Dec. 10 (EIRNS)"The United Kingdom has led a small group of countries, including Mexico, Norway, and Australia, to try to find a compromise on funding emissions cuts in poor countries," boasted the City of London's Financial Times today. "Their proposal, which originated with Mexico, would see all countries, including big emerging economies such as China, and excluding only the world's poorest nations, pay into a fund that would be disbursed to the most needy," the paper wrote.
Lyndon LaRouche charged that Mexico was being used by the British to split the developing nations at the UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen. Mexico has "sold its soul," LaRouche stated.
The proposal was initially made by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown at the recent Commonwealth meeting in Trinidad and Tobago. Other developing-sector nations, led by China and India, have demanded that if developed nations want the developing nations to cut carbon emissions, they will have to provide technology and funding. In the tradition of Austrian monarch Maximilian von Hapsburg, who was imposed as Emperor of Mexico (1864-67) by Napoleon III, this proposal aligns Mexico with the genocidal Prince Philip and the shriveling Queen Elizabeth against the rest of the developing-sector nations.