United States News Digest
Mass Strike, Protests Against Budget Cuts Erupt on Campuses
March 5 (EIRNS)Millions of students, on over 100 campuses in at least 32 states, demonstrated yesterday against budget cuts and privatization of public education. Wire services report that the protests, called the "National Day of Action To Defend Public Education," took place in Alabama, California, Illinois, Oregon, Texas, Washington, Maryland, New York, and other locations. With plunging tax revenues and massive budget shortfalls, states are slashing funding to K-12 schools, community colleges, and universities, and as a consequence, many colleges have cancelled classes, furloughed instructors, and raised tuition.
Privatization is also a focus: A statement by one of the national organizers noted that "the public school system is being privatized through the widespread creation of charter schools, encouraged by President Obama's 'Race to the Top' program."
The largest protests took place in California, where AP reported that "millions" of students were protesting education cuts. "There are student activists all over the country who are looking to California as something to emulate," said Doug Singsen, 32, a graduate student at the City University of New York who has helped organize events outside California. "We want this to be the beginning of a movement that gets stronger."
McCain Calls for New 'Gang of 14' To Stop ObamaCare Bill
March 5 (EIRNS)Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is seeking bipartisan support to block Senate Democrats from using the budget reconciliation procedure to pass changes to the health-care bill, saying it is reminiscent of Republican attempts to force President George W. Bush's judicial nominees through with a simple majority vote, The Hill reports.
In a speech on the Senate floor, McCain recalled that he was a member of the bipartisan "Gang of 14" in 2005, which stopped Majority Leader Bill Frist (R) from using the "nuclear option" at that time. "Back a few years ago when the Republican side was in the majority and there was a movement toward the 'nuclear option,'... I stood up as a member of the majority and said we should not erode the 60-vote majority rule that has prevailed here in the Senate for many years."
McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) also introduced an amendment that would prevent the use of reconciliation rules to consider changes in Medicare. The amendment was offered to the "tax extenders" package, but it is expected that the Senate parliamentarian will rule that the amendment is "not germane" to the bill.
How Nero Obama Is Trying To Impose Hitler-Health
March 4 (EIRNS)To understand how President Obama is moving to impose his Hitler-health bill, you have to understand his Nero complex. He reacts like Nero, and he will kill like Nero, if he doesn't get his way. Any other evaluation, Lyndon LaRouche noted today, is worthless and incompetent.
Thus, following his press conference March 3, announcing his intention to ram through the health bill by an "up or down vote," Obama began to call in one group of Congressmen after another, to bludgeon or bribe them into supporting his bill (the Senate bill, or one very much like it, with the murderous cuts and IMAC "death panel"). He now has Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) out of the way, one major obstacle, who has been sidelined by bogus "ethics" charges. Rangel resigned as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee on March 3. That's just for starters.
Obama has also scheduled trips to Philadelphia and St. Louis next week. "There will be a bill," was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's blunt message today at her weekly update; House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said that a bill will be voted out by March 29, before the Easter recess; and White House press spokesman Robert Gibbs demanded that the House pass the full Senate bill by March 18.
Rohatyn Demands His Puppet Ravitch Be Installed as N.Y. Governor
March 3 (EIRNS)Financier-oligarch Felix Rohatyn called March 2 for installing New York Lt. Gov. Richard Ravitch as governor, to deal with the state's financial crisis. Ravitch, a close ally of Rohatyn, helped impose Rohatyn's 1970s dictatorship over New York City and State, which slashed wages and jobs on behalf of the bankers. As Rohatyn's puppet in the current crisis, Ravitch would be expected to force through crushing austerity that no governor with any independence would carry out.
David Paterson, then Lt. Governor, succeeded to the governor's office when Gov. Elliot Spitzer, a foe of Wall Street, was forced out in a prostitution scandal in March 2008. Paterson then appointed Ravitch as Lt. Governor, a move of questionable legality. Now Paterson is being scandalized: His top aide was forced to resign after being charged with assault, and Paterson allegedly used the state police to try to convince the victim not to press charges.
Paterson said on Feb. 26 that he will step down after his current term (the gubernatorial election is this November). State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, who, like Spitzer before him, is pressing a very popular investigative attack against Wall Street criminals, would be expected to do well in that election.
Thus Rohatyn's demand that Ravitch be installed now as governor, with Paterson stepping aside immediately, is a play for big stakes. Rohatyn's demand is echoed by the entire media and political apparatus of the London-Wall Street axis, such as the New York Times and the New York Daily News.