.Executive Intelligence Review Online
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The Case of Arkadi V. Dvorkovich:
Free Russia from the Pirates of the Caribbean!
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Lyndon LaRouche gave this briefing to associates on April 24.

What I have to say about the subject of today's events, which pertain to our ``dear friend'' from Russia, Arkadi Dvorkovich, who visited California recently, is not to assume more about him, than I actually say. I am merely sticking to the facts of what he did, the essential facts, and to the implications of those facts, as they reveal a crisis which is building up, internationally, not only from Russia, but also, in Russia....

Now, what we have on hand, as demonstrated by the remarks, the visit of the gentleman in question to the United States, recently, is what I'm basing this on, and what I know of the historical implications of that. As in most cases of this type, it is the historical implications, often going back several generations, or longer, which must be taken into consideration, to understand anything. In particular, you have to take into account the history of Russia since Peter the Great. And if you're not looking at history against the comparable background, of the position of Russia in Europe, and in the world, since the reign of Peter the Great, you really don't have the background for understanding anything about what I'm going to say now....

This Week's News
LaRouche's Triple Curve

WLYM Economic Science Work

The LaRouche Show
3pm, Eastern Time
2000-2100 UTC
(live and archived)

(all but the 'In Depth' section.)

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The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism, by Stanislav M. Menshikov
March 23, 2007
—EIR News Service announced the publication of
The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism,
by Professor Stanislav M. Menshikov.

Translated from the Russian by Rachel Douglas, the book is an authoritative study of the Russian economy during the first 15 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The Preface, by EIR founder and contributing editor Lyndon LaRouche, titled, "Russia's Next Step," poses the need for U.S. policy-makers to study and grasp the "disease" presented in this book, since it represents "an economic global pandemic which we must all join to defeat."

This Week's Cover


  • Goldman Sachs Debacle Raises Overdue Questions About BRIC
    The BRIC (Brazil-Russia-IndiaChina), as a financial grouping, was created by officials of Goldman Sachs to counter the potential of an alliance of the four great powers—Russia, the U.S.A., China, and India—to initiate the replacement of the bankrupt British financial empire with a sovereign nationbased credit system for real economic development.
  • Restore Nation-States To Create New 'Man-Made' Water Resources
    The worldwide water crisis can only be solved with the development of science and infrastructure, using nuclear power and other advanced techologies. Such proposals stand in stark contrast to solutions being offered by the cartels.
  • Economics in Brief


  • Will Netanyahu Trigger London's World War III?
    Despite the fact that Iran does not pose an existential threat to Israel, scare stories about Iran's imminent atomic bomb breakout are being spread by a faction in London which wants an Israeli 'breakaway ally' attack on Iran. A subsequent U. S. intervention to contain the Iranian asymmetrical response throughout the Middle East could lead to world war and the post-Westphalian empire called for by Britain's Tony Blair.
  • Change History:
    Implement the Four Powers!

    The author, Summer Shields, is challenging House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in the June 8 Democratic Primary election in California's 8th C.D.

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