Ibero-American News Digest
Will Mexico Become a Drug Plantation?
Aug. 18 (EIRNS)British Empire toadies launched their campaign this month for Mexico to be transformed into one big dope plantation. Former Mexican President Vicente Fox, a former Coca-Cola executive who cut a deal with the drug cartels, at least as far back as his Presidency (2000-06), issued a call on Aug. 7 for the legalization of "production, sale, and distribution of drugs." A few days later, Fox told Miami Herald scribbler Andres Oppenheimer (Aug. 12), that what he is proposing, "is that, instead of allowing this business to continue being run by criminals, by cartels, that it be run by law-abiding business people who are registered with the Finance Ministry, pay taxes and create jobs."
Fox did not specify whether he aims to get in on the business himself.
Two days later, Mexican Sen. René Arce issued a call for an "agricultural revolution" in Mexico, based on setting up vast plantations of legal marijuana. "There will be enormous legal marijuana plantations in Mexico. I am convinced that marijuana is going to save the Mexican countryside and will become the lever of development for the country," he told Milenio, which featured the Aug. 15 interview, under the title "Pot Will Save the Countryside." Like Fox, he reports that "businessmen are lining up" to get in on the bonanza, as soon as the production and sale of marijuana are legalized.
Arce comes from the left-wing PRD party, Fox from the right-wing PAN party, but both are longstanding pawns for the captain of Britain's modern-day Opium War, speculator George Soros. The City of London's pro-drug Economist magazine immediately promoted Fox's "forthright demand for the legalization of the production, sale and distribution of all drugs," (Aug. 12), linking his call to this November's referendum in California on legalizing the sale of marijuana in the U.S. Should that pass, Mexico would have to drop any fight against drug traffickers, the Economist points out, citing another Soros-owned Mexican, Fox's Foreign Minister Jorge Castañeda: "How would you continue with a war on drugs in Tijuana, when across the border grocery stores were selling marijuana?"
The Economist worries that the referendum may lose, with Hispanic voters (most of whom are of Mexican heritage) strongly opposed.
Argentina To (Finally) Develop Its Own Satellite Launcher
Aug. 19 (EIRNS)Argentina plans to develop a rocket launcher that will be able to place its domestically built small satellites into low Earth orbit, the head of the Argentine National Commission for Space Activities (CONAE) announced Aug. 15. Conrado Varotto said Argentina could launch satellites for one quarter the cost of buying foreign launch services, and that the technology would all be developed domestically.
According to CONAE, the Tronador II ("thundering") rocket will build on Argentina's current Tronador I project, which uses a liquid-fueled engine, weighs about 60 kg, and can travel on an unguided ballistic trajectory up to 20 km. Tronador II, which will be about 10 times heavier, will use multiple engines, and add navigation, guidance, and control technology, so that the rocket can be deployed to a specific point in space.
Varotto stated that satellites weighing between 250-400 kg could be launched with the new rocket, which he said could be ready for its first flight test in 2013, if the resources are provided. The small satellites would be a "dynamic cluster," he explained, each one designed for a specific mission, to test a particular technical capability. In this way, a failure in one does not jeopardize all of them, and allows for an "immediate response." Using conventional technology, he said, it can take up to six years to design, build, and launch a satellite.
This is not Argentina's first rocket project. Like Brazil, the military had developed ballistic-missile technology through the 1980s, which were dual use capabilities, also for civilian projects. The anti-technology non-proliferation mafia, allied with the economic hitmen, starting in the 1970s, conspired to destroy Ibero-America's development, and Argentina's rocket program was finally shut down in 1990. The Cóndor rocket and its infrastructure were dismantled.
Tremendous capability, in rocketry, space hardware development, and space science still reside in Argentina. A reorganization of the world's financial system could quickly bring Ibero-America in to the space age, on which path it started decades ago.
Castro Discovers British Imperialism
Aug. 20 (EIRNS)International media went a-twitter this week over Fidel Castro's two columns in Cuba's Granma entitled "World Government," featuring the cultural and other warfare waged against the world's people by the British-dominated financier elites, which some call the Bilderberg Group. The columns consist largely of quotes from Russian-Spanish investigative reporter Daniel Estulin's book, The Secrets of the Bilderberg Club, which Castro enthusiastically endorses.
Notably, Castro chose to quote a section from Estulin's book which cites U.S. statesman Lyndon LaRouche by name. In fact, much of Estulin's material chosen by Castro for his first, Aug. 17 column, is taken from work published over the years by the LaRouche movement. Castro also featured, via Estulin, the deliberate deployment against the U.S. post-World War II youth, of the mind-destroying rock-drug counter-culture by British intelligence's Tavistock Institute and Frankfurt School, among others, the cultural warfare which created the failed Boomer generation, and consequently, the global crisis faced today.