Rand Paul's Fascism, for Example:
'The Destruction of the Destruction of the Destruction'
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. |
November 9, 2010The highest level of achievement of civilization within the Mediterranean region during the feudal times prior to the later great ecumenical Council of Florence, had been that achieved by the collaboration expressed as a `Peace of Faith' between Christianity and Islam during the time of the collaboration between France's Charlemagne (A.D. 742-814) and the Baghdad Caliphate under Caliph Haroun el Raschid (A.D. 786-809). The ``second Roman empire,'' also known as Byzantium, directed acts of subversion and violence against both of the parties to this friendship.
With the death of Charlemagne, that Roman Empire reacted ever more forcefully in working to eradicate Charlemagne's kingdom (a kingdom which had embraced France and most of later modern Germany) through Byzantium's dupes and agents. The result was the destruction of not only much of France's and Germany's achievements under Charlemagne, but continued as also the decline and destruction of the Baghdad Caliphate, as through the combination of monetarists' methods of subversion of the Baghdad economy, and by the associated use of certain culturally brutish, imported, Turkic elements of crude muscle brought into the ``Middle East'' from a region of what is called ``Iran'' today, brought in to destroy the Arab Caliphate, and to spread that destruction, from within, throughout much of the Islamic world.... |
March 23, 2007
EIR News Service announced the publication of
The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism,
by Professor Stanislav M. Menshikov.
Translated from the Russian by Rachel Douglas, the book is an authoritative study of the Russian economy during the first 15 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The Preface, by EIR founder and contributing editor Lyndon LaRouche, titled, "Russia's Next Step," poses the need for U.S. policy-makers to study and grasp the "disease" presented in this book, since it represents "an economic global pandemic which we must all join to defeat." |
This Week's Cover
- Rand Paul's Fascism, for Example:
'The Destruction of the Destruction of the Destruction'
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Senator-elect Rand Paul's poisonous ideology harks back to that of the implicitly fascist modern dionysians, Friedrich Nietzsche, Werner Sombart, and Joseph Schumpeter. As of the recent midterm election, the U.S.A. is dominated, at least for the moment, by a fascist President Obama, aided by an incoming, fascist-dominated, Republican body in the House of Representatives. This, in the midst of the worst economic breakdown-crisis of the trans-Atlantic region of the world since the Fourteenth-Century 'New Dark Age.' But, there is one last chance to reverse this process, LaRouche writes.
World News
- Soros and the String-Pullers Behind Germany's 'Hot Autumn'
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche.
The introduction to a pamphlet issued by the BüSo in Germany, titled 'Stop the Hot Autumn of the Financial Locusts and Their Foot-Soldiers.' Behind the greenie madness in Germany, and the election of NerObama, lurks the philanthropo-fascist George Soros and his myriad organizations.
- President Obama's Trip to India:
Was He Singing, 'I Wanna Get Away?'
- LPAC-TV Interview with Sam Vaknin:
Obama Is a Malignant Narcissist
An interview with the author of "Malignant Self Love Narcissism Revisited", and many other books. The malignant, or psychopathic, narcissist, such as President Barack Obama, lacks empathy, the crucial faculty of experiencing what it means to be human. Obama is a psychological time bomb, which could go off at any moment, endangering the nation and the world.
- The 40th Anniversary of de Gaulle's Death
French Presidential candidate Jacques Cheminade remembers Charles de Gaulle, who rallied the nation to the Resistance against fascism.
- LaRouche Webcast:
After Tuesday: Last Chance To Avert a Global New Dark Age
Lyndon LaRouche's Nov. 6 webcast address. Forget political parties: In these times, we must proceed from the standpoint of the nation, the real American System principles upon which the U.S.A. was built. If the Democratic Party, and sane Republicans, capitulate to the fascist policies of Senator-elect Rand Paul and his co-stinkers which are shared by the Presidentthe results will be catastrophic. 'There is no moral excuse, for compromise. And the only way you are going to win against these bastards is not by placating them. You're going to win by crushing themand it can be done,' LaRouche stated.
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