From Volume 38, Issue 24 of EIR Online, Published June 17, 2011

Ibero-American News Digest

Soros Wins Another Round in Peru

June 10 (EIRNS)—British imperial agent and moneybags George Soros, the world's leading drug pusher, has tightened Dope, Inc.'s grip over South America, with the victory of Ollanta Humala over Keiko Fujimori in the June 5 Presidential runoff election. Keiko is the daughter of former President Alberto Fujimori. Humala is a creation of the British monarchy's New Dark Ages project

Silly chatter, first that former Lt. Col. Humala's relationship with "populist" Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez makes him a danger, and now, that his "turn" towards Brazilian former President Lula da Silva, signals a "turn towards the center," is simply meaningless. The Humala Presidency was created as a British wrecking operation against South America as a whole, and it is only the narrowness of his victory (51% to 48.5%), and the momentous upheavals set to explode in the international system, which will determine how far that can play out.

EIR's Lima correspondent Luis Vásquez Medina nailed the real issue in an article posted, prior to the election, on his website,, warning that Humala is run by the Nazi-trained Soros, and among his assignments is to legalize coca and its derivative, cocaine. EIR's Lima office documented the European Synarchist roots of the Humala project, in its 2005 book, The Return of the Beasts: The Neofascist International Behind the Humalas.

Soros and his imperial backers, were determined to keep a Fujimori from returning to power. In 2000-01, Soros was the bagman for the operation to overthrew Keiko's father, and later imprison him. As President from 1990-2000, Fujimori demonstrated an exceptional quality of command decision in leading Peru's then-successful war against narcoterrorist groups such as Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path). Shortly before he was driven out of office, he had begun to shift away from his earlier economic pragmatism, denouncing the foreign debt as illegitimate usury, and calling for a United States of South America based on joint infrastructure projects. At the time of his ouster, the Los Angeles Times wrote that Fujimori's principal offense was that he was listening to the ideas of Lyndon LaRouche.

A promise that she would never grant her father a pardon from prison was extracted from Keiko Fujimori during the campaign, but her policy on drugs and narcoterrorism—both of which have made a comeback under ten years of Soros-run governments—was uncompromising. In her final campaign rally on June 2, Fujimori charged that her opponent "is also accused of having collected quotas from drug traffickers. This means that when he served in our highlands, he was working directly with drug traffickers. I request a prompt investigation and his comments to clarify his links with drug trafficking."

Soros associate and fellow drug-legalization champion, the degenerate Spaniard Marquis Mario Vargas Llosa, had earlier signalled that the oligarchy was backing Humala. Vargas Llosa, whose ties to the synarchist Humala family go back decades, announced last April that he would do everything in his power to get Humala elected. This was at a meeting of the ultra-free-market liberal Mont Pelerin Society in Buenos Aires, titled "Fighting Populism in Latin America."

Obama's Genocide: More Needless Deaths in Haiti

June 8 (EIRNS)—June 6 is now known as "black Monday" in Haiti, the day on which torrential rains caused untold damage in practically every province, killing 23 people. Hard hit was the capital of Port-au-Prince, described as "paralyzed," where rains flooded neighborhoods and refugee camps—flood water in the camps was sometimes as high as 4 feet—sweeping away tents and houses, and causing landslides in several districts. People are seen sitting on rooftops, waiting to be rescued.

The rains caused extensive flooding in the Dominican Republic and Jamaica, and the rainy season has only just begun. The Dominican government had to evacuate almost 12,000 people from regions threatened with flooding. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami warns of "flash floods and mudslides over portions of Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Cuba," in the coming days.

Thanks to NerObama's imperial policies, 17 months after the 2010 earthquake, Haiti is no better equipped to handle disasters than it was before the quake. Cholera cases are mounting, and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) warns that the situation is "deteriorating." Medical NGOs and aid agencies are straining to handle the number of sick showing up at cholera treatment centers (CTCs), not even attempting to track the number of people being treated.

There is a general health alert around the region to guard against cholera transmission. But governments also fear that the E. coli bacteria rampaging in Europe will show up in Central American and Caribbean nations. Nicaragua has declared a health alert and has ordered heightened surveillance at ports and airports, and inspection of produce imported from Europe. Other countries are expected to follow suit.

In Mexico, in response to a confirmed case of cholera in Sinaloa and another in Colima, several state governments have begun to test water samples for cholera and have also declared health alerts, to guard against transmission. Given the constant movement of people across state lines, governments fear that, were cholera to appear, it would spread like wildfire. In the state of Morelos, 500 people with "cholera-like" symptoms have sought treatment, but there has been no confirmed case yet in the state.

Argentine Spacecraft/U.S. Experiment To Measure Global Ocean Salinity

June 9 (EIRNS)—Scientists have only scant data on how the salinity of the world's oceans changes. Yet even slight variations affect the global water cycle, including precipitation, evaporation, and ocean circulation. The Argentine-built SAC-D satellite, carrying NASA's Aquarius instrument, and contributions from Brazil, Canada, France, and Italy, is scheduled to launch June 10 from California. It will be the first satellite to provide global data on the salinity of the oceans.

Until now, ocean salinity measurements have been taken from ships and buoys, and are sparse and patchy. On average, the world's oceans are 3.5% salt, and while that varies only slightly, Aquarius will be able to measure changes as small as 0.2%, equivalent to an eighth of a teaspoon of salt in a gallon of water. The instrument will create global salinity maps every seven days, and will operate for at least three years. Other instruments aboard SAC-D will observe fires and volcanoes, map sea ice, and collect other Earth science data.

SAC-D, the Satellite for Scientific Applications, is the fourth in a series of satellites designed and built by Argentina's leading-edge technology company, INVAP, with NASA providing some scientific instruments and the launch vehicle. SAC-A, which was placed into orbit by Space Shuttle Endeavour in 1996, was a demo, to test satellite systems. SAC-B was designed to study solar physics, but suffered a launch-vehicle failure. SAC-C, launched in 2000, was a remote-sensing satellite, which collected data for more than a decade.

Turmoil in the Rim of Fire

June 11 (EIRNS)—The eruption of Chile's Puyehue-Cordón Caulle volcano chain, which began on June 4, continues to wreak havoc inside the country. But also, yesterday, as a result of volcanic ash that had been carried by winds to as far away as New Zealand and Australia, airlines in both those countries were forced to cancel many flights.

Several Argentine regional airports are still closed, contending with the volcanic ash that has severely affected the northern Patagonian region. Earlier in the week, the volcanic ash cloud had reached southern regions of Brazil and Paraguay, forcing airlines to ground flights.

Chilean geologists are warning that the volcano could keep erupting for several weeks, with unpredictable consequences.

Meanwhile, in the southeastern Chilean towns bordering the volcano chain, tons of hot volcanic rock, ash, and other debris that have fallen into the region's rivers have dramatically raised water levels, in some cases blocking the rivers at their narrowest points and causing them to overflow their banks.

Responding to the danger of landslides and flooding, authorities have ordered an evacuation of all residents in the Nilahue River valley. A court ruled today that, if necessary, security forces could evacuate citizens by force, enforcing the constitutional mandate to protect human life.

The hot volcanic material has caused the temperature of rivers and lakes to rise so much that fish cannot survive in them. The temperature of the Ranco Lake, for example, is normally 41°F at this time of year, but it's now 113°F. The Nilahue River is nine times its normal temperature. Observers say the rivers now look like hot springs, with steam rising from them.

This spells disaster for Chile's fishing industry, which generates significant export revenue. The head of the National Fishing Service reported that 4.5 million fish have been killed in the Nilahue River alone, and 5 million healthy salmon have had to be relocated to a safer place. Cattle-ranching, agriculture, and tourism are also threatened.

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