Ibero-American News Digest
Argentina Looks to Space Technology To Protect 'People's Welfare'
July 2 (EIRNS)Dr. Conrado Varotto, Executive Director of Argentina's National Space Activities Commission (CONAE), is enthusiastic that his country will soon be able to launch its own satellites and collect data that will be "of the greatest importance ... [and] can solve problems affecting human development and people's welfare." Varotto has stated on previous occasions that his life's dream is to see space technology used to predict earthquakes "six months before they occur."
CONAE plans to have its Tronador rocket ready by 2014, when it will launch clusters or "flotillas" of small segmented satellites, each of which will serve a different purpose.
The expectation, Varotto said, is that the satellites will be able to identify precursors of extreme weather, and also disease outbreaks, and provide information that will help "solve socioeconomic problems" as well. The SAC-E satellite, which Argentina is building with Brazil, will provide data on the environment, water resources, and agriculture in the Southern Cone nations of South America. Currently, CONAE is involved in processing satellite images and producing maps of those Patagonian and other regions affected by the volcanic ash that followed the June 4 eruption of the Puyehue-Cordon-Caulle volcano chain in the south-central Andes.
Dr. Varotto said that Argentina "is one of the countries that understands that information from space must be obtained together with other countries, and plans to establish a Latin American agency for such activity." He reports that agreements have been signed with Chile, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela to create such an agency.
Hooker Scandal Hits Soros-Owned Argentine Supreme Court Judge
July 30 (EIRNS)In a case smelling of a cross between the infamous "DSK" and U.S. Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), a key asset of George Soros's British-directed "Opium War" against Ibero-America, Argentine Supreme Court Magistrate Eugenio Raul Zaffaroni is embroiled in a scandal over the discovery that 6 of 11 apartments he owns in Buenos Aires have operated as whorehouses for the past five years. A "VIP" escort service was operating from one of the apartments in the capitol's exclusive Recoleta district.
In August 2009, members of the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) confronted drug-legalization advocate Zaffaroni as he addressed the Latin American Conference on Drug Policy, sponsored by Soros's Open Society Institute, the British and Dutch embassies, and the Soros-sponsored and financed Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy (LACDD). The LYM denounced him as a proponent of British menticide and destruction of youth, as well as of Prince Philip's Malthusian population-reduction policies.
Among the "employees" at the six whorehouses run from Zaffaroni's apartments were young women from Paraguay and the Dominican Republic who were "savagely exploited," according to an NGO investigating the case. Neighbors reported that whenever they complained to the police about loud noise and drunken behavior by some of the "clients," they were told that the police could do nothing because "the apartment belongs to Zaffaroni."
Soros's judge claims "not to have known" how his apartments were being used, and that management of the properties was delegated to third parties. Some Congressmen reject that argument and propose he be impeached for criminal negligence.