.Executive Intelligence Review Online
War Among Nations Today Means Thermonuclear War

Lyndon LaRouche was interviewed by Alex Jones, on his Internet radio program, Sept. 7.Here is an edited transcript.
Alex Jones: The more I learn in my own research, the more I learn how right he is, which has become a big media event, that ``Jones is a LaRouchean!'' But what I am is a seeker of truth, that's what I'm seeking out. And that's why he's here with us.
And sir, I hear that you are just about 90 years old, but I tell you, you don't look a day over 75. What's your secret to youngevity—longevity?
Lyndon LaRouche: I don't know, maybe there's some virtue there, somewhere, or some reward for something I had done or not done! I just enjoy doing what I do. I feel committed to what I'm doing.
Jones: What is your birthday, is it today or tomorrow?
LaRouche: It's tomorrow.
Jones: Wow, so you'll be 90 years old, on Sept. 8.
LaRouche: Yep!
Jones: Well, happy birthday!
LaRouche: Thank you.
Jones: No one can say that you've sat around on your hind end for 90 years.
LaRouche: No! A lot of other places, but not that.
Jones: Let's get into world events first.... I just read over a snapshot of news today; I see the world lining up like we saw before the first two world wars. Am I wrong, in intellectually, historically, but also in my gut, feeling the serious tremors in the force?
LaRouche: I think there are only two major sources of threat: One is the British monarchy and the other is the British monarchy's puppet, which is Obama.....
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From the Managing Editor

This Week's Cover

  • LaRouche on the Alex Jones Show:
    War Among Nations Today Means Thermonuclear War

    Lyndon LaRouche was interviewed by Alex Jones, on his Internet radio program, Sept. 7, on the eve of his 90th birthday, for a discussion which centered on the two most significant sources of threat to humanity today: 'One is the British monarchy and the other is the British monarchy's puppet, which is Obama.' Countering those threats are the waravoidance efforts of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, and those of the Russian and Chinese leaderships.
  • The Case To Impeach Barack Obama Now
    The bill of indictment against President Obama, citing the key features of the U.S. Constitution, which offer an airtight case for removal of the President.



In Memoriam

  • Gail Billington:
    A Magnolia Made of Specialty Steel

    A loving tribute from Dennis Small to longtime LaRouche activist and frequent EIR contributor Gail Goerner Billington, who passed away on Sept. 1. 'She was a seemingly slight and frail person, but . . . inside she was endowed with steel—you might say specialty steel— that allowed her to move souls and mountains, in her lifelong commitment to economic and political justice for all mankind, through her leading role in the LaRouche movement.'
  • LaRouche:
    On the Death Of Gail Billington

    Lyndon LaRouche's remarks to associates, on learning of Gail's death.
  • The Angel of Freedom
    by Margaret Billington Greenspan

    Excerpts from a letter from Mike Billington's sister Margaret, to Gail and Mike, on the eve of his return to prison in 1992.


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