.Executive Intelligence Review Online
Concert in Memory of JFK:
Immortality in the Presidency
by Dennis Speed

``I was Twenty-three years old at the turn of the century. It was a time of brave expectations. Many believed that a new epoch was at hand—that the dawn of the twentieth century would prove to be a turning point in the affairs of men. They cited recent scientific advances and predicted a future of great social progress. The era, they said, was approaching when poverty and hunger would at last disappear. In the way people make fervent resolutions at the start of a new year, the world seemed to be resolving at the start of a new century to undergo a change for the better. Who then foresaw that the coming decades would bring the unimaginable horrors of two world wars, concentration camps, and atomic bombs?'' Pablo Casals, `Joys And Sorrows'
Those capable of foresight—and for civilization to survive, the American population must become so capable—will recognize the truth in Casals' observation. Yet, it is our duty to shape the future, and thus to know it. To paraphrase another slain U.S. President: We are now engaged in a 150 years war, testing whether any nation, so conceived and so dedicated, as is the United States, can long endure. Assassinations against American Presidents, have been the preferred criminal method of choice, for dealing with the problem of the American Cultural Exception. So it was with John Kennedy, his brother Robert, and Dr. Martin Luther King. To respond to the challenge of reproducing and increasing the power of foresight for civilization's survival in the short and long term is the unique mission of the Schiller Institute...
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  • Mining the Moon To Power the Earth
    With China's successful Chang'e-3 mission to the Moon, the long-hoped-for possibility of mining helium-3 on the lunar surface will become a reality, thereby advancing the prospects for development of thermonuclear fusion energy. EIR Technology Editor Marsha Freeman reports.



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