Executive Intelligence Review

Volume 47, Number 28, July 10, 2020


I. LaRouche Defines the Path

Crucial Strategic Importance of Creating the Right Cultural Paradigm Shift Now 

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

January 18, 1997.

The Challenge of July Fourth 

by Mike Steger

Lyndon LaRouche Must Be Exonerated Now! 

by Dr. Chandra Muzaffar

II. Scientific Revolutions Will Shape the Future

The Deep Space Mission that Might Trigger a Multidisciplinary Scientific Revolution 

by Judy Hodgkiss

South Africa: Nuclear Power Or Bust! 

by David Cherry and Ramasimong Phillip Tsokolibane

You Can’t Fight the Pandemic, or Rebuild the Economy Without Power—Nuclear Power 

by Paul Gallagher

III. World Economic Recovery

Schiller Institute Conference on the Internet
June 27, 2020

Will Humanity Prosper or Perish?
The Future Demands a ‘Four-Power’ Summit Now

PANEL 2: Why a 1.5 Billion Productive Jobs Program
Can End War, Famine, Poverty, and Disease

How Food Production Can Unite the World 

by Jacques Cheminade

Prosper or Perish: An Introduction to the Geopolitics of Hunger and Poverty 

by Diogène Senny

South America on the New Multipolar Road 

by Walter Formento

Returning the U.S. Work Force to a Culture of Scientific Progress 

by Mark Sweazy

The Caribbean’s True Importance in the Making and Re-Making of the Modern Global Economy 

by Kirk Meighoo

An Agro-Industrial Scientific Renaissance: The Staff of Life 

by Robert Baker

Food Unites People Around the Planet 

by Michael Callicrate

Let Us Return to the Best Moments of the U.S.-Mexico Relationship 

by Alicia Díaz Brown

Discussion: Conference Panel 2 
