Germany Needs
21st-Century Technology,
Not a New Morgenthau Plan!
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
The author is the chairwoman of the Civil Rights Solidarity Movement (BüSo) in Germany. Her article, first published in Neue Solidarität, has been translated from German and subheads added.
Dec. 30—The new year will bring earthquake-like strategic and economic changes which will make the past years' convulsions seem like a picnic—and this not only for Germany. In the United States, patriotic outrage is waxing against the flagrantly anticonstitutional health-care legislation, and there is increasing pressure on President Obama to either throw out the Wall Street stooges such as Larry Summers, Tim Geithner, Rahm Emanuel, Peter Orszag, and company, and to return to a Franklin Roosevelt-style economic policy—or else be chased out of the White House. Meanwhile, the great nations of Asia, along with Russia, are setting their sights on modernization and high technology: The historic momentum has already shifted to the Pacific region.
And how is Germany's government responding to this fast-changing strategic landscape? Chancellor Angela Merkel's New Year's address unfortunately takes no account of the new situation, but instead demonstrates that her black-yellow[1] administration simply wants to speed headlong into its chosen dead-end—the only problem being, that this particular dead-end is a cement wall. Mrs. Merkel stressed that no one should permit themselves to be misled by the setbacks at the Copenhagen climate conference, because Germany will offer to surpass even the European-wide CO2 reduction goals. Germany, she said, will "recast our economic activity with all our power, all the way to sustainability," and will "change our way of living and running our economy."
Mrs. Merkel seems not to have gotten the message about Copenhagen and the world in its aftermath: 1) Climategate, and the brazen attempt to put onto the agenda demands for outright population reduction, have stymied the attempt to institute an eco-dictatorship, and have reinforced the principle of national sovereignty; 2) the G77 nations are determined to fight for their right to economic development, and have come to realize that the CO2 emissions trading swindle not only denies them that development, but would ruin even what little development they have already achieved; and 3) the Pacific nations, along with Russia, are now fully committed to expanding nuclear energy, high-speed rail systems, and technological breakthroughs such as those being achieved in manned space flight.
If Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy want to vie with each other over whose economy can retool itself more quickly for climate protection, thereby decreasing their energy-flux density, then—whether they know it or not—this is simply their attempt to belatedly implement the Morgenthau Plan, since the consequences of their policies will be drastic deindustrialization. The New Year's Day issue of Bild-Zeitung presents a lurid, but quite uncannily realistic preview of the consequences of this green policy. Titled "Cold, Death, and Utter Desperation," the article describes what would happen in Germany if electrical power were no longer available—and this will indeed occur if the government continues to count on green technologies: no water, no heating, growing numbers of looters, an overwhelmed police force—and more and more deaths.
Green Deindustrialization
The post-World War II Morgenthau Plan, which never became official U.S. policy, but greatly influenced British policy toward post-war Germany—the British occupying forces dismantled entire factories and carted them off to Great Britain—envisioned Germany's transformation from an industrial nation into an agrarian state. And if the German government today intends to use "all our power" to "change our way of living and of running our economy," and to rely solely on "sustainable"—i.e., green—technologies, then Germany, gagged by a green European Union dictatorship, its landscape already sullied by ugly windmills which pose a danger to animal life, will indeed soon become an agrarian state.
Such an agrarian state won't have very many farmers, either, because they are going to be killed off by the EU bureaucracy. The "land of poets and philosophers" will be a thing of the past, while the Pacific countries will be putting German virtues into practice, using German-developed technologies, such as the Transrapid maglev train and the high-temperature nuclear reactor.
In Copenhagen, Europeans were not even, at first, invited to participate in the negotiation of the final agreement; even the Financial Times Deutschland remarked afterwards that Europe is apparently sinking into insignificance, and that Brussels suffers from a total disconnect from reality, but does not want to recognize it. The Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano dealt with another aspect of the disaster, publishing a harsh attack against the malthusianism, utilitarianism, and nihilism which shaped the Copenhagen agenda. This malthusian prejudice, namely that population growth is the cause of poverty, and that human beings are merely intelligent beasts, leads to a devaluation of human life in comparison to nature's purported central role—as if nature were completely separate from humanity and could only be salvaged if human beings were eliminated!
Germany's problems, and those of the United States, are, in a certain sense, similar: Both can survive as modern industrial nations, only if they wrest themselves from the British Empire's vise-grip. For Germany, that would mean liberating itself from the green EU dictatorship's policies, and recognizing that the policy of issuing bailout packages for the banks' speculative gambling losses, has been just as wrongheaded as the idea of counting on a new CO2 emissions trade bubble—a large part of which, according to a recent Europol report, is based on outright fraud.
Revolt in the United States
In the United States, Obama only has a small window of time left to save his Presidency from ruin. The recent scandalous revelation that, bypassing normal procedure, a clause was secretly inserted into the proposed health-care bill during a meeting at Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's office, has created a dramatic situation at the start of the new year. The inserted clause states that the planned Independent Medicare Advisory Board, which is to decide which lives are worth living, and which not, is to be enacted in perpetuity, and that no future Senate or Congress shall have the power to make any revisions to its mandate. That would mean that the British Empire enters into direct control of U.S. health policy, since not only is the IMAB a carbon-copy of the British NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence), but in early 2009, a paper from the London School of Economics by one Prof. Adam Oliver went to far as to state that the U.S. Constitution is a typical example of an undesirable structure, because it gives people "firmly entrenched" ideas about their "rights to medical care."
The revolt in the United States promises to escalate against the proposed health-care bill, as well as against the Senators who voted for it. The so-called "perpetuity clause" will be viewed as a clear violation of the Constitution, and will be looked upon as a footprint of the British Empire—just as it was for the EU Lisbon Treaty's "simplified revision procedure" clause. The idea of incorporating into a law a clause that it is to be effective not for a given term in office, nor for a lifetime, but forever, is a thoroughly oligarchical idea. Already, back in 1791, Thomas Paine attacked the ideas of British politician Edmund Burke on this account. In The Rights of Man, he wrote:
There never did, there never will, and there never can, exist a Parliament, or any description of men, or any generation of men, in any country, possessed of the right or the power of binding and controlling posterity to the 'end of time,' or of commanding for ever how the world shall be governed, or who shall govern it.
Shift to the Pacific
The dynamic in Asia, on the other hand, is moving in an entirely different direction. Following the groundbreaking October 2009 accords between Russia and China, which agreed upon 12 future-oriented projects, valued at $500 billion, cooperation has been firming up among the various Asian countries. With this, piece by piece, all the elements that the LaRouche movement has been proposing since the early 1990s, with the Eurasian Land-Bridge, are now coming together. Just recently, the Russian government affirmed that the expansion of a railway system connecting eastern Russia, over the Bering Strait, to Alaska, and from there to North and South America, is high on its list of priorities. And U.S. investors have already shown keen interest in this project.
During Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama's recent visit to India, it was affirmed that the expansion of the Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor, which would dramatically improve the economic well-being of 180 million Indians, is being hastened from its planning phase into implementation. A large number of Japanese investors are participating in this project, which has the potential to foster the development of the entire Asian region. But perhaps the most essential difference between Germany's malaise, and Asia's future-orientation, is that the Asian countries are all determined to develop and build on various models of nuclear energy generation.
China, for example, in addition to the nuclear plants already now under construction, wants to build a demonstration nuclear plant, the AP-1000 reactor, as the basis for the CAP-1400, for which construction is set to begin in April 2013, based on a reactor design by the U.S.-Japanese firm Westinghouse. China has also just decided to expand construction of the Canadian CANDU reactor, which utilizes thorium fuel. This means that not only can China can utilize its domestic thorium reserves, but it can also expand its cooperation with India in this sector.
The Australian nuclear energy agency ANSTO has announced plans to construct ten more nuclear plants by 2030. South Korea will build a $20 billion nuclear plant in the United Arab Emirates, and in Seoul, it will open an international university dedicated exclusively to nuclear technologies.
But it still isn't too late for Germany to turn from its wayward path. Over the course of 2010, when further millions of jobs will be at stake, it will become evident that only the BüSo's program of close cooperation with the future Four Powers agreement among the United States, Russia, China, and India, will be able to rescue Germany's future as a modern industrial nation.
[1] The Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union (black) and the Free Democratic Party (yellow) form the ruling coalition—ed.