`No U.S. Land War in Asia!'
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
October 31, 2009
The launching of that insane U.S. 1964-75 war in Indo-China, which was made possible by the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. So, the launching of war illustrates the way in which what is sometimes named "go along to get along," carries the U.S.A. toward its self-destruction, even when all other options available to our republic's British and related enemies, to induce our republic to ruin itself, had otherwise failed.
In all visible history of mankind, when the enemies of a powerful nation, or some other "pro-globalist" agencies, are unable to ruin the targeted nation otherwise, they induce it, as ancient Greece was lured to destroy itself, as in the Peloponnesian War. So, powerful empires, such as the British in the cases of World Wars I and II, lured once powerful nations to ruin themselves, in those long wars during which the duped victim is made to appear to be no one as much as himself, as Germany and Russia in World War I.
Such was the method by which the British East India Company became an empire, through using the same trick as did the Delphic enemies of Greece in the case of either the Peloponnesian War, or modern Europe in the so-called "Seven Years War," or, on balance, in both so-called "World Wars" of the Twentieth Century.
You doubt it; look where our U.S.A. is going, under President Barack Obama, today.
So, near the end of his life, former Germany Chancellor Otto von Bismarck warned, that the then oncoming new war in Europe, the so-called "World War I," or, the so-called "World War II," would be used to maintain a British empire, by engaging foolish nations, including a foolish U.S.A., marching over the dead body of its assassinated U.S. President William McKinley, to put into place bearers of the tradition of the British-directed Confederacy, U.S. Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, to engage the U.S.A., contrary to all true U.S. strategic interests, in the World War I which had been pre-organized by the Prince of Wales Edward Albert, a war which was both the British Empire's ruin of continental Europe and a betrayal of our U.S.A.'s vital interests, all done against us, through a new, virtual "Seven Years War" within continental Europe, as Bismarck had warned.
So-called "strategists" who engage our U.S.A. in new, long wars in Eurasia, become, in the main, ever more and more foolish, as these centuries and their long wars roll on. When our republic had won the battles, it had, usually, nonetheless, actually lost the real war, against what had been our British imperial adversary, since 1763.
Those who have not heeded Bismarck's warning, should not be respected very much as statesmen, however well they fight the wars which only fools, or worse, send them to fight, and, if only apparently, win. All the wars which we have fought abroad since President Franklin Roosevelt died, turned out to have been wars in which we usually won the battles, but lost the greater, political war itself, nonetheless.
The best defense of the U.S.A. includes a capable military force whose very existence as an armed engineering talent, is our republic's sufficient, best military defense against the silly enterprises which might, otherwise, be entertained by foolish people abroad. We must be manifestly capable of doing what we must. Usually, that fact itself should be sufficient physical defense; beyond that, everything important about defense is essentially scientific and political.
There are, as I show below, much better ways, and more moral ways, than those, to choose to "skin a strategic cat."
Economy & War
Take the case of the wars of Napoleon Bonaparte, whose wars, in the end, were nothing different, in essentials, than the British-orchestrated "Seven Years War" which had established Lord Shelburne's British East India Company as a private empire in its own right. Napoleon was, in the end, a French failure, but a success in his performance as a British puppet.
All true science, including that which rips the veil from the great follies of economy and war, is always elementary, as it was, in the end, for Johannes Kepler, but never simple. Or, to put the same point in specific terms, all competent modern science, and, also, statecraft, including that underlying the comprehension of both economy and warfare, can be adduced from the opening two paragraphs and concluding single sentence of Bernhard Riemann's great, revolutionary, 1854 habilitation dissertation, On the Hypotheses Which Underlie the Foundations of Geometry.
Contrary to that pervert and expert poisoner Aristotle, who was denounced as a God-hater by Philo of Alexandria, and contrary to Aristotle's fool, Euclid, the universe is not a fixed, mechanical array, not the domain of what only the purblind express as an obsession with sense-certainty. The universe is a process of continuing creation, a process whose only known reason for being, is to be found in the faculty of those creative powers specific to the conscious, willful powers of the implicitly immortal, developed individual human mind, whenever that necessary development has ripened: man and woman made to serve in the immortal likeness of the Creator.
These are the same foundations to be foreseen for the benefit of modern times in the science of Sphaerics known to the Pythagoreans and Plato, as also embodied, in modern times, in those foundations of the Renaissance which created modern European science, as in the works of Filippo Brunelleschi, the discoverer of the physical principle called the catenary, and his great successor Nicholas of Cusa, and in the works of such great followers of Cusa as Leonardo da Vinci, and the great Johannes Kepler.
The commonplace objections to emphasis on these pages from the history of the principles of all statecraft, are expressed in the form of that infamous fraud of the Aristotelean hoaxster Euclid, which degraded the student's authorized introduction to science to "the bare bodkin" of simple faith in those qualities of ignorant sense-perception which locate truth essentially in a simple passion for the pleasures and pains of greed.
Thus, it came to be the case, again, and again, and still again, in ancient through modern history of societies' follies, that the most prevalent root of the mass-insanity we may expect to find among what are, putatively, more or less well-informed classes of people today, is their enormous capacity for denying, still today, what should have been recognized, by them, even decades ago, as a grave menace to civilized society which was a consequence of their own making.
Essentially, in most such cases, they have chosen to believe, like sheep, that the actual wolf in the case is not on the way to their own doorstep. Such is the case with the class of both white-collar Americans and western Europeans now confronted with a general, planet-wide economic breakdown-crisis, one worse in intensity and scale, than that of Europe's Fourteenth-century, so-called "New Dark Age." This same mental disorder is a prevalent source of infection among some of the "Baby Boomer" layer of my own association.
Admittedly, there have been strong protests among former associates, here and abroad, against my warning against the "Baby Boomer" syndrome, a foolish habit which is to be found among, especially, so-called "white collar" types born to the mercies of the ultra-sophist cult-dogma of the time since 1945. Whether my warnings are liked, or not, these remain as the truthful account of the typical representative of the so-called "Baby Boomer" generation, a "white collar" generation which has been drilled in that school of lying prescribed by its pages to the notorious generation of the devotees of The Authoritarian Personality, a generation which does not wish to hear itself described, quite fairly, as "a pack of inveterate liars," but simply does not actually believe in any principle of actual truthfulness.
It was, and remains a generation wont to say, in effect, "I'm sorry, but, you should understand: I had to lie, because ...!" Such is the de-generation among the ranks of what was named, during the 1950s, as the "White Collar," or "Organization Man" class. Such became the kind of de-generation among the infected children of that "White Collar" class of the 1950s, a class of those children which has now developed in itself the markings of the infamous flagellants of the Fourteenth Century's "new dark age."
That pattern of misbehavior is to be traced in the U.S.A., chiefly, to the so-called "Baby Boomer," "white collar" class born and raised, chiefly, during the interval between 1946 and 1968. The specific influence on that generation, had been the "brainwashing" of a virtual generation of "white collar" types who had been brainwashed in the doctrine of a book titled The Authoritarian Personality, and, in Europe, under the program of mass, pro-existentialist "brainwashing" associated with the Congress for Cultural Freedom. Books from the U.S. 1950s, such as the then-famous White Collar and The Organization Man, are typical treatments of the sociology of the process by which the young brats of the future "68er" phenomena were shaped.
That "white collar" stratum hated the "blue collar" types of the World War II veterans, and hated the "blue collar" types of the same biological generation as the university campus' own "68ers," "68ers" which I had identified in a June 1968 eyewitness report, titled The New Left, Local Control and Fascism.
In that report, I compared what had been recently exhibited at Columbia University campus, and elsewhere, with the fascist ferment of the early 1930s Berlin trolley-car strike, during which Communists and Nazis were swapping large chunks of their memberships back and forth during that earlier time. The pathological types which I described in that report, in June 1968, soon became the "Weatherman" bomber and Chicago violence of that Autumn and the following year.
That morally and intellectually sick social formation within the ranks of the "68ers," so typified, became the dominant trend of social developments in the U.S.A. and western Europe's political processes during the quarter-century and longer of the post-1968-71 youth movement of the "68ers" in both the Americas and Western Europe. This was a stratum, which came to dominate trans-Atlantic political and social trends, until the advent of the recent great, planet-wide, economic breakdown-crisis led to the "mass strike" form of the popular revolt which erupted inside the U.S.A. in August 2009.
This phenomenon has not been uncommon among trans-Atlantic, European populations of that social type called "The Baby Boomer Liberals," a class found among certain types from the Seventeenth through Twenty-first centuries, on both sides of the Atlantic. The usual origin of particularly virulent forms of this moral and intellectual disorder since about 1945, was the rise of the left-fascist sort of existentialist cult of the "white collar" class of Liberals, who prefer to "spin," rather than disciplining themselves to seek the truth of the matter at hand.
Fortunately, the remainder of our population, has not yet been recruited into the intellectual likeness of a suppurating mass of "Fourteenth Century flagellants," but the infection spreads nonetheless, as through associations such as "Facebook."
Then, There Are the Real People
So, presently, when about eighty percent of the U.S. population has been in a mass-strike form of revolt against this U.S. President Barack Obama, his policies, and the utterly contemptible part of Speaker Nancy Pelosi's generally sheepish U.S. Congress, there is a small, but contemptible percentile of public opinion, chiefly one centered in the now rapidly waning "Baby Boomer" generation and its Flagellant-like offspring, which continues to apply a virtual dictatorship of so-called "popular opinion" of a decadent minority, inside and outside the U.S. Congress, over that approximately eighty percentile of the majority, against whose most vital existential interests the present President and majority of the U.S. Congress are acting with virtually criminal passion, presently.
When we muster the concentration to view this behavioral pattern among what are often presently hegemonic trends in trans-Atlantic culture, we should quickly recognize that the evil which the reigning "Liberal" ideologues typify, is not merely a matter of a morally rotten, prevalent opinion among that indicated stratum. There is a second, much larger class of contrary popular opinion, an increasingly desperate angry mass of true popular interest, which simply, has not decided, because it does not yet know, what to do about the ruin which the world's dominant force of London-centered, imperial monetarist tyranny has brought upon all of the world today.
If and when the mass of the U.S.A.'s "blue collar" and related forces find their true voice, they will see both the U.S.A., and the world at large, as already teetering on the edge of a deep chasm.
The issue confronting the entire population, with very rare exceptions now, is defined by two great, underlying subject-matters, and an all-important, but nonetheless very rarely understood universal principle of an actually civilized organization of society in general. It is not only important that you come to understand this matter; your life, and that of civilization generally, does, in fact, depend upon it.
I identify that matter as follows.
Three Great Issues
There are three principal issues to be considered.
The first two among those specific types of prevalent incompetence to be considered, are, first, those notions which present governments, and others, associate with the idea of economy, and second, the principled issue posed by warfare. Both of these issues are of the greatest urgency for correction, at this juncture. Both of those, are more closely interrelated than most leading specialists in either domain have yet understood. However, even among those who are qualified in either of those two fields of practice, there is virtually no comprehension of the decisive role of what I have defined, in continuing the unique initiative of Gottfried Leibniz, of what I have further developed as the notion of the combined, interdependent role of the concept of dynamics in both Classical culture and competent, anti-Liberal forms of physical science and economy.
These two issues can not be competently understood for practical purposes posed by the presently accelerating world breakdown-crisis, unless the subsuming, third issue, that of dynamics, as defined for modern physical science by Gottfried Leibniz, is taken into account.
I address the irony of economy, first, that in order that I may better situate the paradox of modern warfare. I begin by turning your attention, once again, to Albert Einstein's treatment of that great discovery of a principle of the universe which was made, uniquely, by Johannes Kepler.
The root of these matters lies not in those three topics themselves, but in the given susceptibilities which have dominated, and misdirected mankind's sense of its own nature of mankind. This is the lesson to be adduced from consideration of both of the first two of the three indicated cases, the subject of economy, and of war. The misguided human individual is led to his, or her own ruin, through the misleading assumption that his or her baser impulses are a safe guide to the fulfilment of self-interest.
I now proceed as follows. I proceed by presenting a summary of the three points which I had identified above, and, then, combine their effect as a single conclusion.
I. The Paradox of Economy
The proper starting-point to be discovered in modern history, is a lesson respecting the nature of those true principles which express true human interest, principles like those to be adduced from Albert Einstein's emphasis respecting the uniqueness, and truly fundamental quality of Johannes Kepler's achievement in defining the general principle of gravitation, empirically.
I have been making economic forecasts, chiefly bearing upon the U.S. economy, since Summer 1956, when I forecast the character of a severe U.S. recession to hit sometime during late February or early March 1957. Each of more than a dozen forecasts has been confirmed, in a timely fashion, by actual developments. None among these were financial-statistical forecasts, but were unique in the respect that they were based on physical-economic implications associated with financial-monetary effects, rather than financial-statistical trends.
Thus, in my July 2007 forecast, I warned of an immediate onset of a potential breakdown-crisis of the U.S. economy, to begin within weeks of that time. That breakdown-crisis which began a few days after my announcement, has dominated the U.S.A. and the world economy, as an actual breakdown-crisis in progress, rather than a "recession" or "mere 1929-style depression," since that time. Now, as a result of worse than merely stupid reactions to that forecast, by the U.S. and other governments, the entire planet has been locked within a three-fold breakdown-crisis composed of hyperinflationary expansion of monetary accounts, a post-2007 decline in financial turnover, and an accelerating rate of plunge of the physical economy of the international markets into a general breakdown of the physical capability of maintaining the present level of the world population.
See "Triple-Curve" Illustration.
The present breakdown-crisis is relatively unique in modern history, because of the effects of nearly four decades of degeneration of the global economy, from a system of protectionist forms of sovereign nation-states, to a so-called "globalized" model of a new "Tower of Babel," in which there are few remaining "fire breaks" to prevent a crash in one of the world's leading economies, such as the U.S.A., from becoming the immediate and inevitable trigger of the general, chain-reaction form of breakdown of all nations of the planet.
The question is: what can be done to stop this catastrophe now already in an advanced state of ripeness for a general and deep collapse of both the economies and the present levels of populations of the nations of the world?
To help the reader to understand the issue of economy posed here, I emphasize that Einstein actually makes two distinct, but interconnected, relevant points respecting the achievement of Kepler's notion of the nature, place, and role of universal principles in shaping the outcome of human behavior.
To find the answer to this question, it is indispensable to shift the emphasis from financial, to physical-economic considerations.
Kepler & Einstein
The answer lies, finally, in the domain of the great Russian Academician V.I. Vernadsky's development of the notion of a universe composed of three distinct, but interacting physical phase-spaces: the Lithosphere, the Biosphere, and the Noösphere. This means reducing the role of money to that of its function in a system of credit, and a related day-to-day local role as a medium of exchange.
In making that shift, away from a failed set of international and national monetarist systems, to a physically-based credit system of the type originally designed for the U.S. Federal Constitution, our focus must be on the matter of a rate of increase of the potential relative physical-productive powers of labor, a notion which must be expressed in terms of the increase of the relative level of energy-flux-density per square centimeter of cross-sectional flow of efficiently applied power. In other words, the potential level of density of the human population of the planet, depends upon the increase of the energy-flux-density of the mode of applied power employed by society.
All questions pertaining to potentials of physical economy and related matters of real production and income of nations and the world generally, must be reduced, for study, to these terms of reference.
The modern physical science which enables society today to deal competently with such physical-economic forms of challenges, is traced from the inspiration of, chiefly, the Fifteenth-century Renaissance figures of Filippo Brunelleschi, the discoverer of the principle of the catenary form of physical, rather than Aristotelean curvature, and, more extensively, Brunelleschi's successor in physical science as such, Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa. The development of modern physical economy as such, is rooted in Cusa's most important follower in science, Johannes Kepler, and Kepler's most notable follower, the Gottfried Leibniz, who founded the principle of physical economy on which the economic system prescribed by the U.S. Federal Constitution is based.
However, the general principle of physical economy is based on the specific quality of Bernhard Riemann's 1854 habilitation dissertation. From Riemann, we have his two principal followers in modern physical science, Albert Einstein and Academician Vernadsky. The latter two share the underlying conception of modern physical relativity; but, it is Vernadsky's elaboration of this discovery which is crucial for the science of physical economy as such.
First, Einstein emphasized the lesser of Kepler's accomplishments in this matter, which was the defining of a general principle of action among those orbiting bodies which he considered directly in defining a general principle of gravitation. Hence, in his general, relatively simpler, but uniquely original discovery, we may locate the formulation for the notion of what is presently suspected to be an electromagnetic principle complementary to gravitation itself.
Second, Einstein pointed out that this discovery of a principle of organization of the Solar system, when considered from the vantage-point proffered by the achievements of Bernhard Riemann, represented a universe which was finite, but not bounded in any pre-fixed way.
In other words, Einstein's discovery in these and related matters, was at odds with both the Aristoteleans and the irrationality of the modern positivist variety of philosophical Liberals among mathematicians such as Karl Weierstrass, the mechanistic Ernst Mach, and David Hilbert. Einstein was thus in fundamental opposition to the nonsense-assertion of what came to be called a "second law of thermodynamics" as crafted by the foolish argument to the same effect by the relevant followers of the hoaxsters Pierre-Simon Laplace and Augustin Cauchy, such as Rudolf Clausius and Hermann Grassmann.
Thus, to summarize those points: the concept of universal physical relativity by both Einstein and Kepler, among others such as Academician V.I. Vernadsky, was situated within a crucial precedent of both Filippo Brunelleschi and Nicholas of Cusa in establishing the foundations of all competent modern science. The following explanatory point is crucial for understanding, and solving the generally accepted folly which must be overcome if civilization is to avoid a prolonged, planet-wide dark age for the immediately oncoming generations of the planet as a whole.
In working from Vernadsky's standpoint, we have the following to be emphasized here.
Economy & Raw Materials
Human existence on Earth depends chiefly, upon exploiting the fossil remains of deceased plants and animals. These fossils represent the role of life itself (i.e., the Biosphere) in selectively concentrating certain minerals from the tables of elements and their isotopes, in a fashion which is convenient for mankind. To compensate for a less dense concentration of needed minerals and isotopes, mankind must bring about the development of modes of power which represent relevant kinds of increases in energy-flux density, as the progress from the primitive use of fire, to more advanced expressions such as the nuclear-fission power which has been made indispensable for sustaining human life on Earth today. Soon, as we move beyond the development of industries on the Moon, needed for transport to Mars-orbit, the leading standard requirement will be thermonuclear fusion, rather than nuclear fission. (General reliance on "wind" and "solar" at ground levels are resources best suited to the folly of dead men.)
The progress along these lines will include revolutionary changes in our practical understanding of the methods needed to sustain human life, biologically, under other than preferred terrestrial conditions, including less gravitation, on nearby Solar bodies, and in interplanetary flight at relativistic velocities of ascent and descent along a pathway of travel.
This also means more advanced forms of principled conceptions of life, and of notions of biochemistry expressed in terms well beyond present levels of laboratory explorations.
The impediments along that pathway, are to be regarded as simply that: work in progress, still to be done over the course of generations to come.
What Is "Human Nature"?
The presently least recognized problem which confronts us in defining what the future will consider competently defined principles of physical economy, is the special nature of mankind itself, mankind of Vernadsky's Noösphere. There is a conception, as illustrated by Rafael Sanzio's The School of Athens, which bears the label of a "simultaneity of eternity."
I explain the relevance of this for our discussion here, as follows.
The popular idea is, like all commonplace wrong ideas, that the original discovery of a principle of nature, or even a patentable principled design, is a finite event, bounded, as if fore and aft, by the life-span of the accredited discoverer. If, however, we examine history more meticulously, the events we regard as original discoveries, however original they may be in fact, are an expression of an ongoing process of discovery which came out of a remote past, into a distant future. The creative impulse, as defined by such discoveries of principle as Kepler's uniquely original discovery of gravitation, expresses a character of the human species which does not exist in lower forms of life. So, as individual men and women come and go within the brevity of animal-like forms of life, the creative powers of the human mind have a quality of immortality, an immortality which lies in those kinds of uniquely human discoveries of universal principle, which express the eternal principle of transformation of the universe, as man, as a uniquely creative species, reflects the great principle of creativity (e.g., universal anti-entropy) which subsumes the universe. The human soul, in that respect, is immortal; it is that immortality, which is the inbred soul, and distinctive nature of the faithful representative of the man and woman identified in Genesis 1.
The human species, which is the only willful fire-bringer in the known universe, must come to recognize itself in the mirror of the future it is participating in creating. It is only when the human person recognizes that destiny, that obligation for the outcome of his or her existence, that that person has been truly, morally, intellectually human.
Why, then, should we kill one another, except as may be essential for defense of mankind's obligation to perform the creative eternal mission, merely typified by progress in the increase of the energy-flux density in mode of physical existence of nations, which is the essential feature of an otherwise ostensibly very mortal existence?
The Evil of Babel & Babble
The great stupidity of most of globally extended modern European civilization since the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, is exemplified in its expression as the utter depravity of the work of my chief personal enemies, as typified by the post-World War II phenomena of a book entitled The Authoritarian Personality and the European, but also Truman-U.S.A. promoted Congress for Cultural Freedom.
The truly evil lunacy was promoted, that scientific progress lies in mathematics, as this was promoted as a policy, most aggressively by, earlier, the positivists of the circles of Karl Weierstrass and Ernst Mach, and, in a more viciously evil form by Bertrand Russell and such among his lackies as Professor Norbert Wiener and John von Neumann. Discovery does not lie within numbers, within mere mathematics as such. Discovery, as I have emphasized this extensively in recent years' publications, lies in the domain specific to Classical artistic composition, such as Classical modes, not Romantic nor Modernist modes, in painting, poetry, drama, and music. The principle here is most efficiently typified by the 1690s denunciation, by Gottfried Leibniz, of the fraudulent character of Cartesian dogma. Creativity does not exist within the formalities of mathematics as such; it exists only in the powers of the imagination, in the discoverable principles which exist beyond the reach of practice heretofore.
This distinction is most quickly, and efficiently identified, by attention to the implications of the distinction of Euclidean forms from physical curvatures such as that typified by the uniqueness of the ancient Pythagorean Archytas' construction of the duplication of the cube, and the introduction of the catenary as the method of construction of the Florence cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore by Brunelleschi.
By destroying the rigorous standards developed over millennia, for the generation of validatable conceptions associated with Classical artistic modes of composition, in modern society, especially since the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, we have destroyed, largely, the ability of the generality of the populations of the Americas and Europe specifically, for what is decently described as human behavior.
The most notable effect of such depravities as those of The Authoritarian Personality and European "Congress for Cultural Depravity," has been not only to cultivate in our so-called educated products of university and related agencies, a lack of truly human powers of insight, but to crush, as if to crush out of existence, that which sets the human personality apart from the beasts.
The depravity which has overtaken the planet under the reign of the adversaries of President Franklin Roosevelt, beginning with the likes of Harry S Truman as President, has dehumanized mankind in a large degree. The entirety of the economic collapse which has overtaken the U.S.A. and Europe, among other places, since the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, has been largely a result of this loss of a sense of connection of mankind to that innate creativity which sets the human being apart from the edible beasts and vegetables.
Since such degenerate trends in culture as those associated with the toleration of The Authoritarian Personality and the "European Congress" of Sidney Hook, John Train, et al., for promotion of cultural depravity, we have largely uprooted the disposition of nations to meet the essentials of a mankind organized for its own decency.
II. The Paradox of Warfare
True: the British imperialist interests have been the greatest war-criminals in all great wars, such as President Barack Obama's mentor, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, whether as wars actually fought by the British themselves, or only by others at British prompting, since the aftermath of the 1648 Peace of Westphalia.
Take a particularly notable, clinical example of this problem: the history of the British role in crafting the presently permanent state of Middle-East warfare, up to the present moment, which the British launched initially in the form of London's launching of the "Young Turk" stunt. This operation, was the beginning, more than a hundred years ago, of the present Arab-Israeli and other permanent warfare in Asian "Great Game" sector of the world. This Young Turk operation actually spawned "Sykes-Picot" and the career of British agent Alexander Helphand ("Parvus"), both of which, commonly deployed from the Balkans, spawned, in turn, the perpetual state of religious and related forms of warfare in Southwest Asia, still ongoing, as in Afghanistan and adjoining British drug-trafficking regions today, today.
It is to be fairly emphasized, that Sykes-Picot and London's "Young Turk" operation, were born, immediately, as a by-product of the British strategic scheme developed in the time of Prince of Wales Edward Albert, as part of a scheme for using a British Royal-imperial control over the oil-pot known today as the Kingdom of Kuwait, as a crucial naval strategy, based on petroleum fuel for battleships, for Prince Edward Albert's intended "World War I."
To wit: The British development of petroleum, to replace reliance on coal for capital naval ships, and in the process which connects Saudi Arabia with Britain's BAE still today, as the infamous "9-11" case illustrates this pattern in British imperialist methods, is, historically, the Red Sea's role, since ancient times, as a continuation of the process from the ancient rise and fall of what became the Achaemenid Empire, through the ruin of Greece in the Peloponnesian War organized by the cult of Delphi, into the formation of the Roman Empire, and Eighteenth-century Britain's adoption, as by Lord Shelburne and his crew, the actual founders of the British Foreign Office, of the self-image of a new Roman Empire.[1]
By such methods the world today is still reverberating in the effects of those wars which British Prince Edward Albert was enabled to arrange, once he had brought about elimination of his great obstacles of that time, most notably, Bismarck's diplomacy, France's President Sadi Carnot, and U.S. President William McKinley. In British strategy, an assassination or two, of three key figures, such as a President John F. Kennedy who was blocking the beginning of the U.S. Indo-China war, is worth more in its effect as a benefit for the British strategic interest, than the force of entire armies in what seem to be great victories of the befuddled on the battlefields of grand strategy. The assassinations of U.S. Presidents Lincoln, McKinley, and Kennedy, or, in the alternative, the elements of a British-Saudi role in "9-11," suffice to illustrate precisely this point.
In all seriously competent forms of customary, ancient through modern European strategic history, the case of the competence of a European political strategist of ancient through present times, is understood to be locked up with the intentional use of long wars, as in Britain's orchestration of the Napoleonic wars, in two so-called "World Wars," and the post-Franklin Roosevelt U.S. wars in Asia, and in the silly exhibition of anglophiliac folly in a U.S. Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger's obscenely impassioned support for Margaret Thatcher's war against Argentina. Such are the more economical means in grand strategy for bringing about the mutual great weakening and self-destruction of once-powerful nation-state civilizations, including one's own.
It is also of crucial significance, that in all the notable wars which the U.S.A. has sent its soldiers to fight, since Franklin Roosevelt's death, the U.S. forces usually won the battle, but actually lost the peace which the credulous had mistaken for the outcome of that war.
So, with the British empire playing both sides for dupes, in the end, from Khrushchev through Gorbachev, the U.S.A. and the Soviet Union both lost the outcome of the long cold war into which Winston Churchill duped his Wall Street-backed stooge and dupe Harry S Truman.
That is not to suggest that some strategic conflicts could not, or should not be won by aid of military force; but, with some crucial, rare exceptions, war is usually not the way in which to bring a supposedly happy military result about: usually, the contrary result has prevailed in the end, as reaction to perceived causes of relevant conflict of interest, as in all wars fought by the U.S. since the death of President Franklin Roosevelt.
It is now way past time to learn that lesson of warfare from the entire sweep of European history since the folly of the Peloponnesian War and such notable kindred cases as continental Europe's Seven Years War, and the grand sequel to the Seven Years War created, by aid of that combination of the firing of Chancellor Bismarck, as followed by the assassinations of France's President Sadi Carnot and U.S. President William McKinley, which cleared the way for the British destruction of continental Europe, which was fought in the Pacific and in European wars of 1895-1917, all launched, through either direction or preparation, by Britain's Prince Edward Albert.
Similarly, we have the case that the ruin of the United States which has occurred over the period since April 12, 1945, could not have occurred without the foolish U.S.A.'s ruin of its assets and economy through aid of unnecessary long wars fought over the interval from Truman's Presidency to the present day.
Granted, some evil powers must be destroyed; that does not mean that warfare is the best way to bring that improvement about. In fact, in recent decades, the long wars fought by the U.S.A. were neither necessary nor desirable alternatives to much better remedies and net success. In these days, when nuclear strategies are the ultimate outcome of strategic miscalculation, we ought to have become sensible enough to realize that destroying a selected adversary may be the first step toward the ruin of one's own nation, as occurred for all of continental Europe through the stupid roles of France's President François Mitterrand and U.S. President George H.W. Bush in supporting Britain's Margaret Thatcher in the crushing of Germany's Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Alfred Herrhausen.
For the moment, all western and central continental Europe has lost its sovereignty, that for no more reason than its support of British subjugation.
Glorious Strategies
Since long before the genocidal campaigns of the Roman Legions, campaigns which wiped out entire peoples as a policy of the Empire itself, the staging of gladiatorial-type wars, as celebrated in the Roman arenas' entertainment of man and beast against man, together with the degradation of the masses of entire peoples into stupefying slavery, has been the method by which ancient, medieval, and modern European cultures have erected and long maintained imperial systems which were predicated upon a supranational practice known as monetarism, such as the slave-system, the "Euro empire," imposed upon western and central continental Europe by the British Empire, through the crushing of Germany and other continental European nations and their peoples, by Margaret Thatcher, her dupe François Mitterrand, and her American lackey, President George H.W. Bush, at that time.
The essence of all empires under and since Cyrus' Persian Empire, has been the imperial reign of a system of monetarism. By dividing the populations which are subjects of the imperial monetary overreach, and by aid of fomenting wars and related forms of bloody enterprise among subjected members of the imperial system, the great majority of peoples are kept in a state of stupidity of a type echoed in the "zero technological growth" cult-dogmas of the trans-Atlantic community since the developments which wrecked the U.S. economy since the 1968-1973 breakdown of the U.S. dollar-centered fixed-exchange-rate system of modern agro-industrial, science-driven development.
The role of that long war in Indo-China, which the assassination of President John F. Kennedy made possible, combined with the slimy Prime Ministry of Britain's Harold Wilson, was key in bringing about the great wave of economic and culture ruin of trans-Atlantic civilization since the Kennedy assassination. Without the prolonged Indo-China war, and the virtual treason of the Warren Commission, this ruin of the U.S.A., up to the present day, were not possible.
Thus, the known history of even merely the Mediterranean-centered aftermath of the Peloponnesian War, should have demonstrated to all but the most miserably credulous and brutish fools, that the worst and most persistent enemy of all mankind is the intrinsically imperialist political system known as monetarism, and those prolonged and recurring wars which monetarism both promotes and requires for the establishment and perpetuation of its slaver-like systemic powers over the peoples of our planet.
The objective of civilized society is the superseding of warfare, especially chronic warfare, by commitment to the eradication of both monetarism and systems of conflict inherent in the requirements of a system of monetarism. It is sometimes necessary to crush the military forces deployed for monetarist purposes, and to do that quickly when required; but, the limited purpose of military capabilities, is to suppress monetarism and its systemic evils, including British super-agent Alexander Helphand's "permanent warfare, permanent revolution."
The goal of civilization today, is replacement of those evils known variously as empire and the practice of monetarism, by modern nation-states established according to the same anti-monetarist principles of a credit-system as the United States. This requirement for such sovereign nation-states, is not really as much a concession to nationalist cultural impulses, as a necessity rooted in the role of the Classical-artistic roots of human creativity, creativity located, within each culture, through what is comparable to the known Classical mode of civilized European culture since Solon, the Pythagoreans and Plato.
Scientific creativity, for example, does not lie within the bounds of mathematics in general, or degenerate forms of a-prioristic geometry, such as that of Euclid or the modern positivists. It lies within what are to be identified as the Classical artistic aspect of the language-culture of each specific language-culture.
In the appropriate relationships among cultures, the benefits of a Classical form of each culture finds a common expression within the Classical form of language-culture of a people, a language-culture running as deep as the Vedic and other ancient roots of the culture which emerged in the sub-continental region of Asia known as India today.
Thus, valid national cultures are properly premised on the development of a language-culture which is suited for the efficient development of a people according to its underlying language-cultural potential, Yet, at the same time, the appropriate intention of each culture converges upon parallel, and also converging common aims. Each culture contributes its specific quality of Classical artistic forms of creativity to the stock of progress shared among the sovereign nations which should comprise humanity as a functioning whole, with the kind of functioning goal which is aptly expressed today, by the mission of preparing the colonization of Mars through the development of the industry developed on the Moon.
That goal is the intention of peace accomplished by efficient suppression, by necessary means, of the evils of intent to foment war.
[1] Two points respecting the role of maritime power are notable here. First, that the ability to concentrate effective force with relative strategic promptness depended upon naval/maritime power, a factor which prevails in all relevant ancient and medieval history. Second, that the access to the Indian Ocean, from the Atlantic and otherwise, depended upon the Red Sea route and its role under the British imperial "great game" strategy, essentially because of the effect of the currents on the south-eastern side of the Atlantic.