Executive Intelligence Review
This article appears in the July 18, 2008 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

The Swamp Whence Al Gore Came

by Dennis J. Mason, LaRouche Youth Movement

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This article was posted on the LaRouche PAC website, www.larouchepac.com, on July 7, 2008, and is reprinted with permission.

What Al Gore represents, in particular, is a picaresque reflection of the essence of the oligarchical model traced in our national history from traitors such as Lord Shelburne-backed crony of the British Foreign Office's Jeremy Bentham, the traitor Aaron Burr who founded the Bank of Manhattan. This connection to Gore has been shown most clearly by that almost swamp-creature-like, self-disgraced Tennessean's "mint-julip" racist, and "environmentalist" (i.e., eugenics) orientation, in alliance with Britain's Fabian imperial Prime Minister Tony Blair, against the black-skinned population and nations of sub-Saharan Africa.

However, it is to be emphasized that, in Gore's case, the silliness comes less from the hooch, than the "branch water." Shades of the 1970s collusion among the clippings-service mentalities represented then by the fellow-Confederates Gore, neo-Jacobin Newt Gingrich, and the pathetic Tofflers! It might be said, that one could get Al Gore out of the swamp, but it would be much more difficult to get the swamp out of Al Gore.

If I seem to view Gore as so much rubbish, take note of the fact that everything I say on that account is true, but, also, that I am obliged to do so to put the emphasis truthfully where it belongs. Gore is essentially an intrinsically expendable, mere errand-boy, not the master. Expose Gore for the miserable creature which he is, but save your fire for the global financier circles which are the architects of the immediate fascist danger to the planet now, as financier interests of the same breed, such as Felix Rohatyn, which, like Hitler's British sponsor, the Bank of England's Montagu Norman, and the Bank for International Settlements' Hjalmar Schacht, led, among numerous other Anglo-American, Dutch, French, and other financier circles, in creating the Hitler regime. So, the hedge funds, an operation centered in the British Cayman Islands, were created today. We must take Gore fully into account for what he represents; but, we must not let him be treated as a scapegoat for the truly evil masters which he, like programmed and scripted wind-up toy Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, merely serves. This time, the financier circles like those which created Hitler must not escape the accounting for their crimes.
—Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.[1]

To investigate the brackish roots of Albert Gore, Jr., requires going back no later than the end of the U.S. Civil War. It was Lincoln's success in defeating Palmerston's Britain, which set in motion the events which would come to shape the life of Albert Gore. It was the attack on the optimism spread in the wake of the 1876 Centennial Celebration, the successful completion of the Trans-Continental Railway, and the unfettered spread of the American System of political economy throughout the world, an attack which continues to this day; this is the driving factor, without which hollow Albert Gore, and others in his image, would collapse in on themselves like so much nothing, to be blown away like the sand at the feet of famed Ozymandius.

The thread of this present investigation rests upon the social heritage of the Gore family, as bequeathed by the Hammer family. As the Gores were merely lapdogs of the Hammers, so, too, were the Hammers to the Bolsheviks. And one of the key British operatives of the Bolshevik Revolution was one Alexander Helphand Parvus.[2] As Parvus's biographers summarized Parvus's outlook on the eve of the 1917 Russian Revolution:

Helphand showed that he believed that any political aim could be realized with sufficient money, that the elite of the socialist leaders could resist the lure of mammon no more than any other social group, that friendship, as much as political support, had to be bought. Such a view informed his political strategy; it was the essence of his political and human experience.[3]

Such a view would clearly inform the Hammer family, as well.

And, as the Gores were the errand-boys for the Hammers, the question which follows is, whose interests were the Hammers' errands serving? Here is where we run into the slime mold in fact, the supranational banking apparatus which brought us, via the British Empire, two world wars, the current spot-market driven hyperinflationary U.S. dollar system, and, among other nasty elements, George Soros.

1. The Anglo-Dutch-Liberal Soviet Union

To begin to get a sense of the character of the Hammers' masters, requires looking into the real sponsors of the Bolshevik Revolution, in many cases, the same sponsors who brought us Hitler. The idea behind the following overview is not so much the specifics, but to give an overview of the banking apparatus that was in play, at that time, to accomplish the goal of world fascism. You may notice the similarity in method, effect, and disposition to the financial-political apparatus of which George Soros is the current foreman. This is because they are different spore structures of the same slime mold.[4]

To understand the social and political dispositions of the Gore family, we'll look at three aspects of the history which shaped them. First, a look at the international financial circles which were used by the British in defense of their sea-lanes, will give us the context in which the Hammer family's activities were situated, and the general mode of operations of this imperial slime mold.[5] Next, we turn to the Hammer family's activities as such, as a more localized expression of this process of empire, or if you will, as the footmen, of sorts, on behalf of an imperial destabilization operation. Finally, we see the manner in which the torch was passed from the Hammers to the Gores. This illustration serves to shed some light on the peddlers of what President Franklin D. Roosevelt would term "Eighteenth-Century methods," in his fights with Winston Churchill over post-war policy, methods which continue to this day in the rotund form of Albert Gore, Jr.[6]

Witte's American Optimism

The welfare of Your Empire is based on national labor. The increase of its productivity and the discovery of new fields for Russian enterprise will always serve as the most reliable way for making the entire nation more prosperous. We have to develop mass-production industries, widely dispersed and variegated. We must give the country such industrial perfection as has been reached by the United States of America, which firmly bases its prosperity on two pillars—agriculture and industry.
—Russian Minister of Finance Sergei Witte to Tsar Nicholas II, 1899 memo

The Bolshevik Revolution, and World War I more broadly, was a direct attack on, among other things, the optimism embedded in Witte's referenced correspondence. This took the form of a response by a slime mold of bankers who, in some cases, have, reportedly, directly traceable lineage to 17th-Century Venice, the former seat of the power, such as it is, that the United Kingdom wields to the present moment. Place on the stage of your imagination, as subtext, the 1881 assassination of Alexander II, an Alexander who lent crucial naval support to Lincoln during the Civil War. Look at the installation of Sergei Witte as Finance Minister in 1892, a Witte whose active hand was shaping what would become the Trans-Siberian Railway; view this against the backdrop of the establishment of the British Round Table group in the 1880-90s.

Cecil Rhodes, one of the Round Table's founders, was a hard-core racist and murderer.[7] Philip Kerr, who would lead the Round Table from 1925 to 1940, moved from "Germanophobia" to pro-Nazism. He would come to endorse Hitler's taking of Czechoslovakia: Since it was, in his words, "almost the only racially heterogeneous State left in Europe," it had no right to exist. Lord Alfred Milner, the previous head of the group, delivered a series of six lectures on socialism before his death in 1925, and considered Sidney and Beatrice Webb's A Constitution for the Socialist Commonwealth of Great Britain as a "very well-informed and thoughtful" approach to a "New Order."

Alfred Milner would become the business partner of one Max Warburg, of M.M. Warburg pedigree, a banking house and family that was very prominent in the anti-American-System Bolshevik operation. This family, dating back to Venice's 17th-Century financier Anselmo del Banco,[8] would go on, during the post-war period, to defeat some of the Establishment houses of the City of London, a battle waged by Sir Sigmund Warburg. Witte had noted that Japan, with her limited personnel and financial resources, could not have sustained the Russo-Japanese War without political backing from Britain and without a general financial underwriting; it was Max Warburg who, in 1904, secured monies for Japan through German Undersecretary of State Arthur Zimmerman, with the help of Franz Urbig, director of Disconto-Gesellschaft. Disconto-Gessellschaft was one of the founders of the Venetian Count Volpi de Misurata's Banca Commerciale Italiano, and would later conduit funding into the Bolshevik movement. Max, a hard-core Bolshevik patron, joined with Sir Ernst Cassell, privy councilor and personal banker of Britain's King Edward VII, to form the Edward VII Foundation.

Another hard-working Warburg brother was Paul, and his mission was to impose British monetarism on the United States, in enmity to the system of credit, and thus economic development, embedded in the U.S. Constitution. After the assassination of President William McKinley in 1901, Theodore Roosevelt, a member of an Eastern Establishment family, was thrust upon the U.S.A. This Roosevelt has been quoted as saying, "Why not give Warburg the job? He would be the financial boss, and I would be political boss, and we could run the country together"—a statement uttered in the context of an international operation of securing the central banking system, as a system, globally. "The job," would come later under President Woodrow Wilson, who, in 1914, appointed Paul a member of the Federal Reserve Board, at the Equitable Life Assurance building at 120 Broadway in New York City. Paul helped pen the law creating the Federal Reserve system in 1913.

120 Broadway

120 Broadway would become a staging ground in the United States for many of the Synarchist financial operations leading into both world wars, which, from a geopolitical standpoint, were one and the same operation.[9] One tenant, John MacGregor Gant, was the U.S. subsidiary of the Russo-Asiatic Bank. Russo-Asiatic had been founded with elements of the French banking structure (e.g., Paribas), to drive a wedge between the Prussians and the Russians.[10] The Russian chair of the Russo-Asiatic bank from 1910-17 was A.I. Putilov, whose Putilov Works was instrumental in causing ferment leading into "Bloody Sunday" of 1905 Russia, the first insurrection against the State that would eventually lead to the consolidation of power under the Bolsheviks. Alexander Helphand Parvus would go on to use Russia-Asiatic as a money conduit for the Bolsheviks. Another tenant at 120 was Guggenheim Exploration, whose promoter, William Boyce Thompson, personally delivered $1 million to the Bolsheviks, while leading the Red Cross mission to Russia.

Equitable Life Assurance, the namesake of the building at 120 Broadway, had on its payroll one William Schacht, a 30-year employee whose son was Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht. In 1918, Hjalmar worked on the board of the German National Bank, co-directing it with Emil Wittenburg. Wittenburg would go on to direct the first Soviet foreign trading bank, Ruskombank, in close contact with another very active Bolshevik financier, Olof Ashberg. Schacht would become Hitler's economics minister, and his economic policies were implemented by the Nazi regime.

There's much more involved here, but this should suffice to illustrate the financial side of the strategic geometry in which Julius Hammer launched his career. A coordinated effort was under way by international bankers and financier families to halt the progress of humanity at all costs. If you are an imperialist, the upgrade in cultural productivity embedded in the two proposed rail systems of the time, the Berlin-Baghdad and the Trans-Siberian, simply had to be stopped. These American System-styled projects, now as then, represent the absolute dissolution of British imperial sea power: absolute end-game for the British imperial oligarchy. This hereditarily Venetian oligarchy sent out its footmen in the form of this professionally (and, actually) intermarried group of financier slime mold, allies to neither nations nor political parties, who controlled the operatives to which the errand-boy Hammers were to report.[11] These financial bosses, then as now, were interested in wrecking any standing threat to the British Empire, and would go on to create Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, et al., to this end.

2. Gore's Sponsors

Julius Hammer, upon obtaining a two-year degree at the Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, opened up a chain of drug stores, the profits of which went directly into the Socialist Labor Party; in this endeavor, he would, through his political contributions, drive his business into bankruptcy. His son, Armand, he would name after the "arm and hammer" of the socialist standard. His mentor, Boris Reinstein, brought Julius to the 7th Congress of the Socialist International, held in Stuttgart, Germany, in 1907. Here, he met with Vladimir Lenin, who tasked Hammer with creating a Bolshevik party in the United States.

The Communist Labor Party and Communist Party, U.S.A. were the fruits of this labor; as Hammer and Ben Gitlow were thrown out of the Socialist Party for agitating for Lenin, they found they had to form their own institutions. To run the money-operations into Soviet Russia, Hammer formed the Allied Drug and Chemical Company, later to become Allied American Corporation, maintaining its account at Midland Bank in London.[12] Allied American would come to have branch offices in London, Berlin, Riga, Kiev, St. Petersburg, and Moscow.

The money-operations run by the Hammers included an underground abortion clinic for which the senior Hammer went to jail: Armand reportedly tried his hand at abortion, and killed Marie Oganesoff, the wife of a Russian diplomat, in the process. Julius took the fall for his son, and served in prison from June 1920 to April 1923 for this. The Hammers secured an exclusive deal with the Soviet government to offer money orders to Russians in the United States, to be purchased and sent off to Russia to be redeemed by family members there. As commercial attaché, Hammer would be utilized by Ludwig Christian Alexander Karlovich Martens, head of the Russian Soviet Government Bureau, as a fence for stolen diamonds and other booty. Later on, another ploy was forged Russian art: a few originals were paraded around to attract the attention of certain circles in the United States, to further the social network on behalf of the Bolsheviks, and then forgeries were sold to generate cash. A fabricated biography, The Quest for the Romanov Treasures, complete with an introduction from Walter Duranty of the New York Times, was circulated to give cover for this operation. Armand Hammer would go on to create the Armand Hammer Foundation, ostensibly a house of fine art; but Hammer cared for art only as long as it were politically useful.[13]

As Neil Lyndon, who travelled around the world with Armand Hammer and Albert Gore, Sr., and wrote Hammer's second biography, Hammer, while serving on Hammer's staff writes:

Hammer owned Al Gore, Sr. Hammer kept Gore, as he liked to say,"in my back pocket." When he said this, Hammer would touch his wallet and chuckle.

Throughout the whole of his life, Al Gore, Sr. and his family depended on pay-outs, kick-backs, and subventions from Hammer. Like his father before him, Albert Gore, Jr.'s political career was lavishly sponsored by Hammer from the moment it began until Hammer died, only two years before Gore joined Clinton in the 1992 race for the White House....

The few people in the world who know about their close involvement have always been dryly amused by Gore's Mr. Clean reputation, a reputation only recently called into question over allegations of Gore's illicit fund-raising activities in the Presidential election of 1996....

Hammer enjoyed and exploited outright ownership of Al, Sr.'s political career—as Congressman and later Senator of Tennessee—and even insinuated himself ineradicably into the Gore's family life. He sent the Gores an expensive piece of antique silver every Christmas....

Along with the silver, Armand Hammer handed over controlling interest in Shadow Isle Farm to Gore, Sr., as a way to line Gore's pockets and fatten him up, so to speak. Gore would send reports to Hammer, with a check for his share in the company, and a thank you note for that year's gift of silver. In these letters, he marvels at how his prize Aberdeen Black Angus calves would receive double their value at auction: Purchase of these calves at over-inflated prices proved quite a stealthy method of bribery. Later, Albert, Sr. would become executive vice-president of Hammer's Occidental Petroleum Corporation, the wealth of which Gore was instrumental in bringing about. Hammer used this wealth to purchase Island Creek Coal Company, the company that owned the company store of the famous song, "Sixteen Tons," and the third-largest coal producer nationally through the 1970s, while seating Al Gore, Sr. as chairman of the board in 1972. Occidental yielded Gore $750,000 a year as a board member from semi-retirement in 1983, until his death in 1998. "Oxy," and its subsidiary mining company, Occidental Minerals, provides Gore, Jr., with personal slush to this day.

In return for a life of comfort, Al Gore, Sr. was put to work on Hammer's behalf. From 1950 to 1968, while serving as a Congressman and, later, as U.S. Senator, Gore, Sr. did Hammer's bidding. When Hammer needed to have his FBI files expunged of decades of FBI surveillance reports, identifying him as a suspected high-ranking Soviet agent, Gore was there. When allegations of bribery in obtaining government contracts, which were later proven true, came up in the Senate, Gore defended Hammer on the Senate floor. When Hammer needed an introduction to a prominent Democratic politician, Gore was there. In 1961, Gore introduced Hammer to President Kennedy, who reluctantly granted permission for Hammer to say he represented the United States in meetings with the Soviet leadership. Afterward, Gore would forward a memo written by Hammer, "A Memorandum on the Berlin Problem," to Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs under Kennedy, Foy D. Kohler, with the advice that Hammer ought to be sent in to solve any further crises in the region.

It was during this trip to the Soviet Union that Hammer stopped off in Libya to prospect for oil concessions for Occidental Petroleum, concessions which would turn out to be pay-dirt for Hammer and Gore both. According to Hammer's biographer, Neil Lyndon, "Al Gore, Sr. was at Hammer's side on the day he paraded King Idris up a red carpet laid on the desert to open the new field."

To secure these deals, Hammer worked on King Idris and Omar Shelhi, Idris's adopted son, who was in charge of oil concessions, from several sides: Al Gore, Sr. operating from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; circles around gangster Meyer Lansky (with whom Hammer had done business in the '40s and '50s); and a "Swiss businessman" named Hans-Albert Kunz, a bonafide member of Italian Freemasonic lodge P-2.[14]

It is also of note that Al Gore, Sr. had ties dating to 1954 with Sir Henry Kissinger, who has admitted publicly to keeping the British Crown better informed of U.S. policy than the United States, when he was Secretary of State. They shared, among other things, a determination to prevent the development of ballistic missile defense systems, as any such defense would hamper their pursuit of world rule through threat to use the bomb: the doctrine of Mutual and Assured Destruction (MAD). Indeed, after witnessing a nuclear test in Nevada in 1954, Gore, Sr. would suggest a "de-humanized" or "sterilized" zone in Korea, created by a massive atomic bombing campaign.

The elder Gore also fought in the halls of Congress against Civil Rights legislation.[15]

3. Red-Coats vs. Red-Blooded American Patriots

With this kind of pedigree, it should come as no surprise that Albert Gore, Jr., would be found working closely with Soviet Prime Minister Victor Chernomyrdin, defending one another as they fought, like a pair of rabid dogs, to take over the top of their respective governments. And that Gore would be found in the middle of the Golden ADA looting operations of post-Soviet Russia. Nor would one be astonished, upon surveying the VIP section at George H.W. Bush's inauguration, to find Armand Hammer there, as the personal guest of Albert Gore, Jr. With this sort of background, it were fitting for Gore to have worked in the U.S. Senate on behalf of Canadian oligarch Maurice Strong's associate Peter Munk, founder of Barrick Gold. Indeed, given the environment which shaped Gore's political and moral outlook, it would be astonishing were Gore not advocating the types of genocidal policy typified by carbon-caps and other varieties of "Bio-Foolery." But to leave it thus, to have fattened Al's family history as a sort of apology and excuse for his behavior, were a great fallacy.

With his Blood & Gore hedge fund (Generation Fund Management), his ties to Prince Charles, his post as an official climate advisor to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Gore continues as a British operative to this day. It is here that we see the nature of Synarchy, the left-right policy of Liberal Imperialism: the right as typified by Vice President Dick Cheney, and his connections to the Crown via Lynne Cheney; the left as typified by Gore, both of which coincide at 10 Downing Street. Remember that the infamous "16 words" in President Bush's 2003 State of the Union speech, justifying war against Iraq—words of Downing Street memorandum fame—were a stove-pipe operation to manufacture evidence to fit an intent: to draw the United States into another suicidal war, to crush her, as if of her own volition, on behalf of the British Empire.

We see, as our leaders bend over like so many reeds in the winds of popular opinion, where the so-called left and right coincide in the face of fascism. One could watch as our sophist leaders allow themselves to be carried away by the currents of this strategic geometry, a tragedy, which they, intentionally or not, fail to comprehend.

Lyndon LaRouche has not only identified this strategic geometry, but is constantly acting to alter it fundamentally, posing an existential threat to the British system, as in the tradition of Lincoln, Witte, Bismarck, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Typical of this is LaRouche's call for an interconnected world rail system, on the basis of a Four Powers grouping of the sovereign nations of the United States, Russia, China, and India. This policy statement, which is already being heeded by wiser circles of influence world wide, is the only real option on the table for dealing with the profound physical economic and financial collapse overtaking us today. Mr. LaRouche is working to provide us all with the opportunity to create new policies based upon reason, whereas most of our policy-makers, elected and institutional, are letting their strategic environment dictate their own, and thus civilization's, existence.

Mr. LaRouche's recent proposals on how to protect the population of this Earth from the hell-fire of a disintegrating international financial-monetary system, to defend and develop the generations of mankind yet to be, ought to be the benchmark by which any candidate, at any level of our republic, and elsewhere, should measure their worthiness and credibility.[16] To stand up and defend this republic from backwardness, enslavement, and the degradation of the sanctity of the individual human soul; to do God's good work, in the further elaboration of this universe of ours, is the most noble course of action one can take in this life. It's in your hands, on behalf of the future, to determine whether we will have tragedy, or success. Humanity requires you to act from this standpoint, on behalf of future generations of mankind, and on behalf of our hard-working predecessors, with the understanding that you are only allotted one death. What will it procure?

The real question thus posed, is, what are you doing to secure this precious republic?

This report is based on other published research by EIR staff.

[1] Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.; "The Cult of the Oligarchy: The Gore of Babylon," EIR, March 30, 2007.

[2] Jeffrey Steinberg, Allen Douglas, and Rachel Douglas, "Cheney Revives Parvus 'Permanent War' Madness," EIR, Sept. 23, 2005.

[3] Z. Zeman and W.B. Sharlau, Merchant of Revolution (London: W. & J. Mackay & Co., Ltd, 1965).

[4] The slime mold, a one-celled plasmodium with many, many nuclei, produces distinct reproductive structures housing spores which, as different elements of the British Empire do, can remain dormant for more than 75 years, and then germinate.

[5] LaRouche PAC documentary, "1932: Speak Not of Parties, But of Universal Principles."

[6] Elliott Roosevelt, As He Saw It (New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1946).

[7] Rob Ainsworth, "The New Environmentalist Eugenics: Al Gore's Green Genocide," EIR, March 30, 2007.

[8] Allen and Rachel Douglas, "The Roots of the Trust: From Volpe to Volpi, and Beyond—The Venetian Dragomans of the Russian Empire," EIR unpublished manuscript, 1987.

[9] LaRouche PAC Documentary, "Firewall: In Defense of the Nation State."

[10] The combination of Friedrich List's Germany in economic cooperation with a modernizing Russia was too dangerous a prospect for the oligarchy, and I think it is important here to keep in view the crucial role of the proposed Berlin-to-Baghdad railway, a threat every bit as dangerous to the British Empire as the Trans-Siberian. From the Russian perspective, Witte wanted to drive the Trans-Siberian through China, and out to Japan, as a way to incorporate these nations into the project, and thusly normalize relations with them; hence, the London-directed Russo-Japanese war. The Berlin-Baghdad run would open up new routes of trade, freeing all parties involved from reliance on British imperial sea-routes.

[11] Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Project A (Ch. XII: "A Self-Conscious Scientific Method"), reprinted in The Science of Christian Economy (Washington, D.C.: Schiller Institute, 1991), p. 162.

[12] These covert financial operations were run by Hammer in the decade or so before the United States officially recognized the Soviet government.

[13] Steven P. Meyer and Jeffrey Steinberg, "The Congress for Cultural Freedom," Children of Satan, LaRouche PAC, August 2004, p. 203.

[14] Claudio Celani, "Strategy of Tension: The Case of Italy," The Synarchist Resurgence behind the Madrid Train Bombing of March 11, 2004, LaRouche in 2004 Special Report, June 2004.

[15] It is also of note that Armand Hammer would go on to create the "Armand Hammer Conference on Peace and Human Rights," as a replacement for the Pugwash conference, and spent the end of his life lobbying for the Nobel Peace Prize.

[16] Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., "Free Trade vs. National Interest: The Economics Debate about Russia," EIR, July 4, 2008; also, LaRouche, "From Shakespeare's Principle of Tragedy: Ambrose Evans-Pritchard," EIR, July 11, 2008.

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