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Who Really Controls
International Terrorism?

In October and November 1995, EIR published a four-part series of in-depth profiles of the new international terrorism, focussing on the Afghansi mujahideen apparatus and the Ibero-American narco-terrorist apparatus. The emphasis was on the top-down nature of the control over these networks, emanating from elements within the U.S., British, and Israeli intelligence establishments, and the need to eradicate this apparatus before some hideous new level of international irregular warfare is unleashed. We have decided, in light of the events of Sept. 11, 2001, to make this material available here.

The New Terrorism, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Put Britain on the List of States Sponsoring Terrorism

I. London's Afghansi

War in Afghanistan Spawned a
Global Narco-terrorist Force

How FDR Planned to Outflank the British

The Real Story of the BCCI

The Golden Crescent Heroin Connection

The Anglo-American Support Apparatus
Behind the Afghani Mujahideen

The SAS: Prince Philip's Manager of Terrorism

Sadruddin Aga Khan: Mujahideen Coordinator

Afghansi Groups: The Peshawar Seven

Afghansi Terrorism Around the World

The Case of the GIA: Afghansi Out of Theater

Afghansi-Linked Terror in the Philippines

II. South Asia

London Runs Terrorism to Destroy the Nation-State

Lord Avebury: Human Rights for the Raj

Interview with Lord Avebury

Northeast India: Target of British Apartheid

Insurgent Groups in Northeast India

Pakistan, Northwest India Insurgencies

London Runs Cover for Terror in South India

Southern India, Sri Lanka Terrorist Groups

III. Ibero-America

London's Irregular Warfare vs. Nations of the Americas

Map 1: Narco-terrorism Spreads Across the Americas

The São Paulo Forum, Castro's Shock Troops

Manuel Piñeiro, Castro's Hit-Man

Spain's ETA Sets Up 'Kidnappers, Inc.'

Inter-American Dialogue:
Sponsors for São Paulo Forum in Washington

The 19th-Century British Roots of
Today's São Paulo Forum

Map 2: `31 Nations of the Americas' (PDF)

Map 3: `Ethno-linguistic Regions' of Ibero-America (PDF)

Map 4: Protected Areas of Ibero-America (PDF)

Map 5: `Endangered Ecoregions' of Ibero-America (PDF)

London's Terrorism Support Apparatus:
Environmentalism, Indigenism, NGOs


Explosion Nears Over
'Landless Movement' Provocations

The PT: New Age Neo-Liberals

Workers Party Goes to
Court Against the MSIA

The MST: The Other Face of Usury

Bolivia and Peru

Coca Growers Building a Regional 'Chiapas'

Map 6: Drugs, Terrorism, and Protected Areas in the Andes (PDF)

Andean Coca Council: Drugs and Subversion


Separatism in Urabá: A UN Pilot Project

Maps 7 and 8: Drugs and Terrorism in Colombia, 1982 and 1995 (PDF)

FARC: Colombia's 'Third Cartel'

ELN: Fidel Castro's Personal Project

In Colombia, Life Under
Narco-terrorist Dictatorship


Chávez Organizes SPF's Military Wing

MBR-200 Takes Aim at the Armed Forces


'Internet International' Targets
Guerrero State

The PRD: Masons and Jacobins
Against the State

EZLN Terrorists:
A Foreign Invasion of Mexico

ACNR Spreads Drugs, Terror in Guerrero

Puerto Rico

The SPF's Terrorist Bridge to the U.S.

NMIP: Terrorism Under the
Banner of Independence

IV. London's Terrorist International

RIM: London's Narco-terrorist International

The British Role in Creating Maoism

RU/RCP: Anatomy of a Maoist Countergang

RIM: Narco-terrorist Merchants of Death

Shining Path: Core of the RIM Project

Nepali CP Looks to Armed Revolution

ETA: The 'Mother' of Separatist Terrorism

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