LaRouche Forecast 'New Terror Wave'
by Jeffrey SteinbergHad Lyndon LaRouche's warnings and marching orders been heeded, the Sept. 11 assault against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon might have been averted, along with countless other irregular warfare atrocities carried out over the past half-decade, in every corner of the globe.
On Oct. 13, 1995, LaRouche penned the introduction to an exhaustive three-part dossier on "the new international terrorism," which appeared in EIR. LaRouche began his introduction with the following chilling alert:
"A new wave of international terrorism is stalking the world. It is led by a horde of mujahideen mercenaries: human flotsam, like the 1920s 'rootless' veterans of World War I, cast upon the world in the wake of the 1980s Afghan war. This is the worst terrorism yet; it is much worse than that of the 1970s. It is coordinated from the capital of a former U.S. ally, London; worse yet, it was created with complicity of former U.S. Vice President (and, later, President) George Bush. It threatens you, and your family; perhaps directly, perhaps indirectly. We must mobilize to fight it."
LaRouche bluntly addressed the danger that complicit governments and intelligence services, and key complicit figures, like George H.W. Bush and the infamous Lt. Col. Oliver North, who "were involved in helping to create it" would seek to "conceal key facts." "The fact that the terrorism occurs, can not be hidden—not usually; what is covered up, is the fact that terrorism has a 'mother,' and also, occasionally, an 'uncle.' "
Experience Back To 1968
He continued, "Some readers will remember, that back during the 1970s, EIR performed a similar function against the international terrorism of that period. As in the 1989 myth, that Deutsche Bank's Alfred Herrhausen had been murdered by the (actually non-existent) Baader-Meinhof gang: Then, during the 1970s and 1980s, as now, official agencies preferred to evade the fact, that there were certain very influential agencies behind terrorist actions. Now, as then, few official intelligence and law enforcement agencies, so far, have found the political courage to address the roots of the problem. Today, the fear, among relevant intelligence and law enforcement, of exposing a Thatcher government, or a 'power-broker' such as George Bush, leaves it to private agencies, such as EIR, to fill the gap."
Beginning in 1968, Lyndon LaRouche emerged as one of the world's leading experts on the scourge of international terrorism and how to defeat it. At the time of the launching of the "1968 Generation" of terrorist insurgency on the campuses of America and Europe, LaRouche and his earliest collaborators exposed the role of the Ford Foundation and McGeorge Bundy, in bankrolling the formation of the WeatherUnderground terrorist group.
From that point on, LaRouche understood, and exposed, in countless written locations, the role of the tax-exempt foundations, and other institutions of the financial oligarchy, in the sponsorship of terrorist groups, as part of a far-broader cultural warfare assault against the founding principles of the American Revolution, and the broader idea of the nation-state system.
In his seminal 1995 exposé of the "new international terrorism," LaRouche concluded with a warning that echoes to the present moment:
"Directly to the point: As we have said, the heart of the new international terrorism is a legion of trained terrorists, formerly known as the mujahideen veterans of the 1980s Afghan war, which Vice President Bush and the British Thatcher government played a leading part in creating, arming, and deploying. Once the Soviet forces had retreated from Afghanistan, the Anglo-American-sponsored mujahideen, together with their massive drug- and arms-trafficking apparatus, were dumped on the world, a legion of 'special forces'-trained mercenaries, for hire."
In the Oct. 13, Nov. 10, and Nov. 17, 1995 issues, EIR published dossiers on all of the major "Afghansi" irregular warfare groups, as well as the Ibero-American narco-terrorist apparatus, and the "citizens above suspicion" in and around the United States, Britain, Israel, and other Western governments, who are the patrons, bankers, and political front-men for this global killing machinery. The highlights of these issues are readable today on the website.
At the conclusion of his introductory essay, LaRouche anticipated the events of Sept. 11, 2001. He wrote that the Anglo-Dutch financial oligarchy, with its extensions into Wall Street and Washington, D.C., was desperate to prevent the emergence of a coalition among nation-states, that might enact proposals along the lines of his New Bretton Woods and Eurasian Land-Bridge, to avert the biggest financial and monetary crash in modern history.
"The oligarchy is at the extremes of hysteria," LaRouche warned, "in its determination to destroy existing nation-states, especially the United States of America, before the point is reached that such recovery measures might be forced onto the table for immediate action."
With the economies and monetary and financial institutions of the United States, Europe, and Japan all crashing at the same time, the oligarchy has reached its "Day X," when the kind of massive covert irregular warfare, seen in the World Trade Center and Pentagon assaults, became the order of the day—just as LaRouche forecast.
Perfidious Albion
Plainly, despite LaRouche's warnings, no concerted effort was launched in 1995 to take down the vast "Afghansi" and Ibero-American narco-terrorist infrastructures, both of which were assets of what EIR labeled a "new opium war" against civilization, directed, top down, from the financial oligarchy of London, Wall Street, et al.
Some victim-state governments did take LaRouche's warnings to heart and initiated limited measures to single out the role of London as the safe-haven of international irregular warfare.
To further those efforts, and place pressure on complicit U.S. government officials, on Jan. 11, 2000, the Editors of EIR submitted a memorandum, commissioned by Lyndon LaRouche, to then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, formally requesting a State Department review to determine "whether Britain should be placed on the list of nations sanctioned by the United States government for lending support to international terrorist organizations." The memorandum was published in EIR on Jan. 21, 2000.
The memorandum documented that at least a dozen nations had, in recent years, filed formal diplomatic protests with the British Foreign Office, over the fact that Britain was harboring wanted terrorists, who were still conducting major acts of irregular warfare against their nations. Among the dozen nations that filed formal protests were such leading U.S. allies as: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India, Israel, France, Turkey, and Germany.
On Nov. 14, 1999, Russia joined the list of nations formally accusing Britain of harboring terrorists. The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned British Ambassador Andrew Wood to file a formal protest, after Russian state TV journalists were beaten, during a London meeting at which "Afghansi" groups attempted to raise funds and recruit volunteers to travel to Chechnya, to wage war against the Russian Army.
Senior State Department officials involved in counter-terrorism work acknowledged to LaRouche representatives that the memorandum had strong merit; however, Secretary Albright would never take any sanction action against the British government. Indeed, Albright's office never even acknowledged receipt of the EIR memorandum.
Ashcroft's Pay-Per-View Snuff Film
Even before the publication of LaRouche's warning about the emerging "new international terrorism," LaRouche and EIR had exposed the fact that the U.S. Justice Department had engaged in a massive cover-up of the circumstances surrounding the April 19, 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma, City. LaRouche revealed that U.S. military investigators and forensic experts had concluded—and LaRouche shared their assessment—that Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were incapable of carrying out the Oklahoma City bombing alone. They possessed none of the demolition and military engineering skills required to pull off such an attack.
McVeigh's attorney Steven Jones attempted to obtain government intelligence documentation, proving that his client was a bit player in the biggest terrorist attack on American soil, but was blocked by Federal prosecutors and by the presiding Federal judge from accessing vital evidence.
McVeigh was convicted and sentenced to death. On the eve of his scheduled execution, evidence surfaced that the FBI had withheld thousands of pages of documents from defense attorneys—some of which reportedly pointed to the larger conspiracy behind the bombing.
Despite that, Attorney General John Ashcroft, an obsessed advocate of Federal executions, forged ahead with the McVeigh execution.
On May 25, 2001, Lyndon LaRouche issued a stark warning to the Attorney General, that his actions to stage a "pay-per-view snuff film" of McVeigh's execution on June 11, 2001, posed a direct threat to U.S. national security. LaRouche revived EIR's original 1995 evidence that there were higher level co-conspirators still at-large, and warned that the execution of McVeigh would forever close off the opportunity to access evidence that McVeigh, alone, had, concerning the true nature of the crime. The execution of McVeigh, LaRouche forewarned, would serve as a "green light" to the very networks behind the Oklahoma City bombing, to strike again.
Some of the evidence gathered by EIR in the months following the April 19, 1995 bombing had established certain links between the worldwide "Afghansi" irregular warfare apparatus, and the so-called "militia" networks with which McVeigh had been associated.