`Open Conspirators' Behind
September 11 Coup Plot
by Jeffrey Steinberg
In 1928, the leading British Round Table strategist, H.G. Wells, wrote The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution (New York: Doubleday, Doran and Company).
Wells prefaced the book with a religious proclamation: "This book states as plainly and clearly as possible the essential ideas of my life, the perspectives of my world. My other writings, with hardly an exception, explore, try over, illuminate, comment upon or flower out of the essential matter that I here attempt at last to strip bare to its foundations and state unmistakably. This is my religion. Here are my directive aims and the criteria of all I do.... [It is] a scheme for all human requirements."
Wells, at one point, attempted to boil down his new religion to six "basic essential requirements":
"1. The complete assertion, practical as well as theoretical, of the provisional nature of existing governments and of our acquiescence in them;
"2. The resolve to minimise by all available means the conflicts of these governments, their militant use of individuals and property and their interferences with the establishment of a world economic system;
"3. The determination to replace private local or national ownership of at least credit, transport, and staple production by a responsible world directorate serving the common ends of the race;
"4. The practical recognition of the necessity for world biological controls, for example, of population and disease;
"5. The support of a minimum standard of individual freedom and welfare in the world;
"6. The supreme duty of subordinating the personal life to the creation of a world directorate capable of these tasks and to the general advancement of human knowledge, capacity, and power."
"The admission therewith that our immortality is conditional and lies in the race and not in our individual selves."
Upon reading The Open Conspiracy, Bertrand Russell, the other leading British Round Table subversive, wrote to Wells, "I do not know of anything with which I agree more entirely."
An Unbroken Continuity
In writing The Open Conspiracy, Wells set out to recruit a worldwide network of Open Conspirators, who would operate, within their national settings, on behalf of the global subversion of all nation-states, the "scientific" depopulating of the darker-skinned races of the planet, and the establishment of one-world oligarchical domination, under Anglo-American leadership.
"The political work of the Open Conspiracy," Wells wrote, "must be conducted upon two levels and by entirely different methods. Its main political idea, its political strategy, is to weaken, efface, incorporate or supersede existing governments.... Because a country or a district is inconvenient as a division and destined to ultimate absorption in some more comprehensive and economical system of government, that is no reason why its administration should not be brought meanwhile into working co-operation with the development of the Open Conspiracy."
By the time the first edition of Wells' Open Conspiracy bible appeared, institutions like the Rhodes Trust, the Round Table, the British Fabian Society, the Royal Institute of International Affairs and its New York City adjunct, the Council on Foreign Relations, were already engaged in the process of recruiting successive generations of agents, agents-of-influence, and agents-provocateur, to the one-world banner. Wells' The Open Conspiracy gave focus to the effort, stating bluntly the long-term objectives, and highlighting the critical importance of selecting and recruiting the best and the brightest, albeit corrupted, minds—what Wells called the "serious minority."
For obvious historical reasons, the Open Conspiracy placed special priority on recruiting from within the political elites of the United States. Wells, Russell, and the other Open Conspirators detested the American intellectual tradition, that sprang from the American Revolution and was institutionalized through the U.S. Constitution. Therefore, they needed a particularly virulent crop of American Conspirators.
A number of outstanding examples of Open Conspirators congregated around the disastrous Woodrow Wilson Administration, virtually running the Presidency, principally from behind the curtain of private advisory bodies and intelligence cells. "Wilsonian democracy" was, in fact, Wellsian Open Conspiracy "democracy."
Beyond the famous figures, like Walter Lippmann and Col. Edward House, there were others of less public fame, but of equal importance to the Conspiracy, due to their subversive influence on the visible policy-shapers, and their ability to spot and recruit new talent. Among these, you will shortly be introduced to Isaiah Bowman, the long-time head of the National Geographic Society, the leader of Colonel House's "The Inquiry" private intelligence group, and the recruiter and principal mentor of Robert Strausz-Hupé.
Strausz-Hupé was first drawn to Bowman's attention by his booklength paean to Europe's two leading geopoliticians, Sir Alfred Mackinder and Karl Haushofer. Under Bowman's sponsorship, Strausz-Hupé was educated at, and then placed on the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania. Bowman also introduced him into the Anglophile intelligence circles of OSS and CIA figure Allen Dulles. When Strausz-Hupé founded the Foreign Policy Research Institute and its Orbis magazine in 1955, he revealed his Open Conspiracy recruitment in an inaugural essay in Vol. 1, No. 1 of the quarterly, titled "The Balance of Tomorrow," in which he set a 50-year American foreign policy agenda:
"Will the coming world order be the American universal empire? It must be that.... The coming world order will mark the last phase in a historical transition and cap the revolutionary epoch of this century. The mission of the American people is to bury the nation states, lead their bereaved peoples into larger unions, and overawe with its might the would-be saboteurs of the new order who have nothing to offer mankind but a putrefying ideology and brute force. It is likely that the accomplishment of this mission will exhaust the energies of America and that, then, the historical center of gravity will shift to another people. But this will matter little, for the opening of new horizons which we now faintly glimpse will usher in a new stage in human history.... For the next 50 years or so the future belongs to America. The American empire and mankind will not be opposites, but merely two names for the universal order under peace and happiness. Novus orbis terrarum."
Strausz-Hupé's words could have come directly from the pages of Wells' The Open Conspiracy.
Some of the American recruits to the Open Conspiracy were inducted via the "conventional" route of study at England's major indoctrination centers—Oxford, Cambridge, etc. William Yandell Elliott, the Harvard Open Conspiracy recruiter of a succession of U.S. National Security Advisers, including McGeorge Bundy, Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski, was a Rhodes Scholar to Oxford in the 1920s. He gained his PhD at Baliol College, Oxford under the tutelage of the school's leading Round Tabler, Alexander D. Lindsay, whose Wilton Park post-World War II indoctrination center was the model upon which Elliott created the Harvard Summer Institute. In published works like The New British Empire, The Need for Constitutional Reform and A Round Table for the Republic, Elliott, who was also a leading figure in the Nashville Agrarian literary circle of Confederacy apologists, made his loyalty to the Open Conspiracy clear.
The intersecting careers of Strausz-Hupé and Elliott spanned the period from the 1930s through to the present (Strausz-Hupé is still alive, Elliott died in 1979). Strausz-Hupé wrote for the Harvard Summer Institute's journal Confluence, and both Kissinger and Yandell Elliott were on the editorial advisory board of Orbis from the very outset. The combined impact of Strausz-Hupé and Elliott on such individuals as Brzezinski, Samuel P. Huntington, Henry A. Kissinger, and McGeorge Bundy establishes them as pivotal figures in the advancement of the Open Conspiracy.
Which brings us to the events of Sept. 11, 2001.
A Coup d'État in Progress
In the Jan. 11, 2002 issue of Executive Intelligence Review, Lyndon LaRouche provided a comprehensive analysis of the military-style coup d'état that was attempted, with the coordinated attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on last Sept. 11. LaRouche identified three components of the coup plot, dispelling the preposterous notion, peddled by the U.S. media, that Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda organization, operating out of caves and primitive camps in Afghanistan, were the authors of the Sept. 11 attack.
The degree of precision of the attacks, the access to details about the national security structures of the United States, and other features of the operation convinced LaRouche, from the moment the attacks took place, that the attackers had the backing of contaminated elements within the national security structures of the United States. Without that inside input, the attacks of Sept. 11 would have been impossible. This was the first component of the coup plot—the involvement of "secret teams" of figures from inside the American national security structures.
LaRouche acknowledged, in his "Zbigniew Brzezinski and September 11" report, that we may never ferret out the identities of those within the military and/or national security structures of the United States who directly facilitated the precision attacks of Sept. 11. He therefore concentrated, instead, on the second component of the coup apparatus, the "strategic authors" of the attack, and identified them as the leading public proponents of the "clash of civilizations," the new, global religious Thirty Years War. A careful mapping of the behavior and deployments of individuals like Brzezinski, Huntington, Richard Perle, and Bernard Lewis, in the hours immediately following the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, revealed powerful circumstantial evidence of their complicity.
As LaRouche wrote in "Zbigniew Brzezinski and September 11": "There is the general political-strategic factor of the 'Clash of Civilizations' policy of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samuel Huntington, et al., of which the attempted military coup was merely a subsumed part. That policy is the principal culprit, and the main body of the operation as a whole.... This is the factor which continues to be reflected so vividly in the ferocious factional battle within the U.S. government and leading news media, the debate on such subjects as proposing escalation of war against Iraq."
The third element of the coup apparatus identified by LaRouche comprises those factions in Israel and inside the neo-conservative Zionist apparatus in the United States who are aligned with Ariel Sharon and the present command of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), and who are prepared to serve as, in LaRouche's words, "the implicit suicide-bomber" detonator for a religious war in the Middle East at any moment. Sharon's "breakaway ally" posture, his covert alliance with Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and other terrorist gangs deployed against Yasser Arafat from inside the Palestinian Authority territories, and his patronage of the Temple Mount terror underground inside Israel, defines him as a principal asset of the coup. LaRouche also emphasized the additional factor of the Israeli espionage penetration and contamination of the U.S. national security structures, as yet another facet of the Sharon/IDF role as the third vital component of the coup operation.
Our Purpose Here
An EIR investigative task force, commissioned by LaRouche to prepare a soon-to-be-released campaign white paper, has been working for the past four months assembling evidence, detailing crucial facets of the coup. This documentation, in the form of appended dossiers, will soon appear in the LaRouche in 2004 special report, the third in a series of LaRouche Presidential campaign white papers produced since Sept. 11 and directed at casting a spotlight of truth on the perpetrators of the treason. It will provide the documentation of the key features of LaRouche's "Zbigniew Brzezinski and September 11" report.
What follows below is part of that documentation. To look inside the minds of the Open Conspirators—living and dead—who shaped the strategic-political dimensions of the still-ongoing coup d'état attempt, we provide a series of personnel dossiers. The authors of the dossiers are Antony Papert, Scott Thompson, Stan Ezrol, Anton Chaitkin, and Jeffrey Steinberg, with additional research done by Art Ticknor.