LaRouche Briefs Europe:
'A Turning Point in History'
by Werner Hartmann
Four hundred members and guests, from more than 30 countries and five continents, one-third them under 30 years of age, participated in the international conference of the Schiller Institute, "A Turning Point in History," held on Sept. 24-26 in Hesse, Germany. The youth shaped the conference, with their interventions, with their singing, and their discussions both formal and informal. A future without the insane war policy of the Bush Administration, and without the brutal austerity in the service of bankrupt bankers, emerged on the horizon. Among those present were members of the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) from Germany, France, Italy, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Russia, the United States, and Yemen.
The guests from all over the world included parliamentarians, scientists, and artists, small and medium businessmen, farmers, housewives, unemployed—people from all social layers, who reject the helplessness of established policy. And last but not least were numerous veterans of the LaRouche movement, who have been working for 20-30 years, for this historical turning point.
As has become traditional at Schiller Institute events, the guests were tuned musically: Lotta Thronell-Hartmann sand the Lieder Widmung by Robert Schumann and Frülingsglaube by Franz Schubert. Muriel Mirak-Weissbach then read a message of greetings from the Iraqi Sunni leader, Sheikh Dr. Ahmed al-Kubaisi, who said that the United States had formerly been the hope of the Arab world—for example, at the time of the Suez Crisis in 1956—and must become that again, under the influence of Lyndon LaRouche. A message of greeting also came from former Justice Minister of Austria Dr. Hans Klecatsky, who wished LaRouche success in his support for the John Kerry candidacy against the Bush Administration.
LaRouche keynoted the three-day conference, in which he detailed the task of returning the United States to its founding role by defeating Bush-Cheney, and steering the program required by a Kerry government to overcome the economic breakdown crisis. See the transcript of LaRouche's speech.
During the following two-hour discussion, LaRouche stressed that globalization was the policy of destruction of sovereign nation-states, which would lead to a new fascism, "Anglo-Dutch Liberalism is the name, on Sunday, for fascism, practiced on Monday." We must prepare mercy killing for the IMF, he said. The Europeans, who are overly pessimistic, are on a suicidal economic policy course, he said, pointing to the irony, that it costs more to build and run an energy windmill, in ecologically conditioned Germany, than the energy it produces! This policy can be changed by the Monday anti-austerity demonstrations, based on the program of the BüSo party, the Civil Rights Movement Solidarity party founded and headed by his wife, Helga Zepp-LaRouche.
One young Frenchman asked for clarification of Leibniz's concept of the "best of all possible worlds" LaRouche answered that man—and only man—is capable of grasping the invisible laws of the universe, and applying them, in order to shape and improve the universe. In this way, each person participates in universality and becomes God's helper. "Can you think of anything more beautiful?" he asked.
The Condition of the Real Economy
The second day began with a panel on the condition of the physical economy. Dennis Small, EIR Ibero-American Editor (and former political prisoner), spoke on how to "Make the Reasonable Possible!" This phrase comes from a famous speech delivered by the late Mexican President José López Portillo before the United Nations in 1982—a short film clip was shown—in which he demanded fundamental changes in the world financial system, to the benefit of developing countries. The basis for his demand was the Operation Juárez program elaborated by LaRouche, as valid today as then. In 1998 Helga Zepp-LaRouche visited with López Portillo, who publicly announced, "Now is the time, to listen to the wise proposals of Lyndon LaRouche."
Today, Small said, the situation is much worse than in 1982, since the indebtedness worldwide is growing ten times faster than the world's economic product. Using computer animations, he illustrated how the U.S. physical economy had deteriorated in the last decades: loss of industrial jobs, hospital shutdowns, increase in poverty. In Mexico, the situation has become so terrible, that in the last 20 years, 10 million Mexicans have emigrated to the United States.
Just how much excitement a shift in economic policy can generate, was shown in a short film clip from Argentina in 2001, when then-President Adolfo Rodríguez Saá declared in parliament, quite calmly, that he would stop payments on the foreign debt. The politicians and citizens, hearing this, broke out into a storm of enthusiasm. In conclusion, Small cast a glance into the future, with a map of the "world land-bridge," that is, the Eurasian Land-Bridge, extended across the Bering Straits, through North and South America. When this land-bridge is fully constructed, he said, one will be able to take a magnetic levitation train from Berlin to Buenos Aires, for a weekend visit.
The well-known economic journalist Lothar Komp took up the theme, showing what errors German economic policy had committed, and how they must be corrected. As in the post-war period, when the German economic miracle was produced through the right credit policy, so today we require a comprehensive investment offensive. Germany has 4 million unemployed, officially. But, taking into account those who have given up seeking jobs, early retirees, and so forth, the figure is actually 8 million. This costs Germany 83 billion euros per year directly, and three times as much in lost economic production. For German municipal infrastructure alone, there is a EU 650 billion backlog in investments, and for every productively employed citizen, there are three non-productive citizens who must be supported.
The logical demand is for a huge investment program. The state must provide EU 100 billion yearly. One-half of this is paid automatically, as the cost for unemployment disappears, and the other half has to be provided as national bank credit. The model is the post-war reconstruction: Although millions of refugees poured into West Germany, where every other house was destroyed, and almost no capital or foreign credit was available. But with the help of the Reconstruction Finance Corp. (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau)—founded in 1948 under the leadership of Hermann Abs on the model of FDR's New Deal Reconstruction Finance Corp.—targetted planning succeeded in overcoming bottlenecks, and the country was rebuilt.
'Not To Live With Lies'
Several shorter speeches dealt with the catastrophic consequences of neo-liberal economic policy. The Christian Democratic Justice politician and former Minister of Justice from Slovakia, Dr. Jan Carnogursky, spoke about his life-long fight against Communism. Unfortunately, the dictatorial "advisors" from the Soviet Union were replaced after 1990 by those from the IMF and the World Bank. The resistance against Communism then, and the new Monday demonstrations now, he said, share a basic principle: "Not to live with lies." Dr. Carnogursky praised the publications founded by LaRouche, as far more advanced than the "opinion-shaping press." He characterized Schiller Institute members as the "dissidents of Western Europe," reminding them that the end of Communism came more rapidly than most had thought.
Dr. Nino Galloni, former high-ranking official in the Italian Ministry of Labor, spoke on the "Pension Reform and the Impoverishment of the Population." He compared the pension reform in Italy, to the Hartz IV liberal austerity in Germany, as devastating their countries' peoples; and identified the LaRouches' New Bretton Woods, as voted up in the Italian parliament, as the way out.
Dr. Stanislaw Fischer, a member of the Czech parliament and retired space physicist, called for representatives of different paries and groups to unite around common solutions. His faction, the Communist Party, had supported LaRouche's proposal for a New Bretton Woods in 2000, the very proposal which mainly conservative forces had voted up in Italy's parliament.
Prof. Silvia Szegoe, an economist from Hungary, who was an advisor to the Urban government, refuted many false assumptions about the alleged advantages of the transition from planned economy to the free-market economy. She demonstrated how there is less capital domestically now, while the foreign debt soars. In the place of state concerns, now foreign multinationals control the Hungarian economy, and speculation has grown to be four times the size of the actual economic product.
A Real Reunification for Germany
To introduce Helga Zepp-LaRouche, chairwoman of the Schiller Institute, a message of greetings was read by Amelia Boynton Robinson, a veteran leader of the American civil rights movement, who called on all participants to contribute to this decisive moment in world history. Zepp-LaRouche's presentation, "The Real Reunification of Germany Starts Now," described the LaRouche movement's fight against the plans to impose a fascist economic policy, typified by the Hartz IV policy. The transcript of her speech also appears below.
She was followed by Chandrajit Yadav, former minister in the government of Indira Gandhi, who spoke "For a True Dialogue of Cultures." Stating that "today, the entire world is one family," Yadav said the crisis could produce good, or it could lead to the destruction of humanity through nuclear war. Youth, he said, should demand that values and culture be taught in schools. A culture is like a river, which flows not from only one source, but from many rivulets: The influence of other cultures from other countries makes it richer, more beautiful and more lively. Mankind can find itself today in a period of social justice, true democracy and scientific-technical progress. India, he said, is a land throbbing with life, but is still a long way from economic justice. Only 15% of the population is well off, whereas 85% are very poor. In conclusion, Yadav quoted the poet Rabindranath Tagore, who said that true consciousness sees the world as a unity, which internalizes itself in it: "Only he sees, who sees all being in himself."
Think Better by Singing
That evening, the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) demonstrated how, through music, the spirit is moved and other people are elevated. A small LYM chorus sang Beethoven's Ode to Joy, a French freedom song, and the canon Dona Nobis Pacem. Then they performed a play, in which today's LYM members have become grandparents, and tell their grandchildren the history of the 2004 Saxony election campaign, illustrated by photos and film clips. The LYM also performed Johann Sebastian Bach's motet Jesu, meine Freude, and the fugue "Sicut locutus est," from Bach's Magnificat, followed by a solo performance of Beethoven's song Bitten.
Those who had not had the privilege of seeing a live demonstration by the LYM in Leipzig, during the Saxony campaign, were treated to a stage performance of 100 youth paraded in with BüSo pickets and banners, while singing a Classical canon with the campaign motto, "In Sachsen muß die Wirtschaft wachsen" ("In Saxony, the economy must grow"), and Frère Jacques, with the words addressing the German Chancellor: "Gerhard Schröder, Gerhard Schröder, schläfst du noch? Hör damit die BüSo, Wir sind das Volk!" ("Gerhard Schröder, are you still sleeping? Hearken to the BüSo: We are the people!" The last verse was the rallying cry of the 1989 Monday demonstrations that brought down the Berlin Wall.)
The concluding discussion revolved around the dialogue of cultures and the question, what is beauty? LYM members described their recognition that, since the other parties in the Saxony campaign had nothing to offer, theirs was the responsibility to grow and live up to their new tasks.
The Strategy of Tension
The panel on the "Strategy of Tension" was opened by Michael Liebig, who warned that the terror attacks, such as that in Beslan, must be seen as part of irregular warfare of synarchist financial circles.
Dr. Konstantin Cheremnykh, a psychiatrist and political analyst from St. Petersburg, noted that LaRouche's analyses and proposals have been taken very seriously at the highest levels in Russia over the past years. Russia's relations with the United States, he said, have deteriorated since the Iraq war very significantly. And he pointed out that President Putin had held foreign interests, who seek the disintegration of the Russian Federation, responsible for the bloodbath in Beslan.
Altai Unaltay, from the Turkish magazine Yarin, which has frequently run articles and interviews by LaRouche, cited a letter by Kemal Ataturk to President Franklin Roosevelt from 1937, expressing their commitment to the common good. Unaltay said that there was a patriotic current in all political parties in Turkey today, in the tradition of Ataturk, which he counterposed to the pro-globalization tendency. He characterized the Anglo-American policy of regime change for the region as a new form of colonialism, a "democratic imperialism."
Parliamentarian Hrant Khatchatrian from the Armenian Union for Constitutional Rights party, presented the history of the fight for Karabakh and called on Western countries not to recognize the results of the fraudulent recent elections in his country.
LaRouche concluded the panel, stressing that one has to look at strategic developments from the standpoint of the long term, rather than extrapolating trends, since the seed of later developments often goes unnoticed. He gave the example of his 1983 forecast that the Soviet Union, if it rejected his policy for cooperation in strategic defense, would collapse within five years.
The terrorism in the Caucasus, he said, was steered by Anglo-American circles, who have very dangerously underestimated the Russian reaction. The intention behind their worldwide irregular warfare is to build a world empire on the model of the Venetian-Norman power and the British Empire. The financial oligarchy was behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, he said, also a development he had forecast: Before the inauguration of the Bush government, he had warned that, as the economic and financial-monetary depression worsened, banking circles would attempt a kind of Reichstag Fire, as Göring had done in 1933. LaRouche said he was supporting John Kerry, in hopes that the United States would bury the IMF system, something that the Europe of independent central banking systems would not do.
Shock Waves in Physics and Politics
The last speaker was Schiller Institute science advisor Dr. Jonathan Tennenbaum from Berlin, who addressed "The Coming Triple Shock of the Physical-Economic, Financial, and Cultural Crisis." Changes were coming, he began, that one could hardly imagine. In order to grasp this kind of change, one has to think in terms of the complex domain, as developed by Gauss, Riemann, Vernadsky and LaRouche. The boundary conditions for possible effects is represented by a geometry, which is an "ordering of intentions," what Riemann called Geistesmassen. In this geometry, multiply-connected effects produce singularities, which can not be grasped in terms of Euclidean geometry. A good example is the sound barrier, which had been considered unbreakable, until Adolf Busemann in 1935 designed a supersonic plane—which the scientific establishment rejected.
Tennenbaum then explained today's threefold crisis:
1. Real economy: The condition of mankind is always a result of the past, the construction of infrastructure, culture, language, and so forth. Today, infrastructure is rotting, and is not being prepared for the future. Firms like MBB have terminated research projects, in favor of making quick profits; and, a small accident in the electrical grid, last year, was enough to trigger a U.S. blackout of 50 million people, because no investments were made in capital goods, and everything was based on computer simulations.
2. Finance: In the last years, the biggest speculative bubble of all time has come into being, such that today, the U.S. debt is $130,000 debt per capita.
3. The noëtic crisis, the crisis of the human spirit. This is expressed in the tendency of people to make false decisions and to run like lemmings to their doom. In the end, people have the option either of going insane, or realizing that their entire way of thinking were false. Here they must not only seek practical, economic policy solutions, but also call forth the principle of reason. This is where the youth movement is most capable. (The membership meeting the next day decided, that under the LYM leadship, the BüSo will intervene into the North Rhine-Westphalia elections, slated for May 2005.)
Helga Zepp-LaRouche closed the conference by calling on everyone there to take as their role models, figures like Columbus or Jeanne d'Arc, as immortalized in Schiller's poems.