LaRouche Opens a New Flank
Against Fascist `Vulcans'
by Jeffrey Steinberg
The publication and initial widespread circulation of a book, "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man," by John Perkins, has prompted Lyndon LaRouche to launch a major new international flanking attack against George Shultz's fascist "Vulcan" apparatus, an attack which could catapult the Perkins book to the top of the international best-seller lists, and drive the would-be controllers of the Bush-Cheney "Halliburton Regime" into new, greater-than-ever fits of wild-eyed rage. (LaRouche laid out his strategy for this flank to a meeting of the LaRouche Youth Movement in Europe on Nov. 20.)The Perkins book recounts the author's decades-long career as a self-described "economic hitman" ("EHM"), working through multinational corporate cover, on behalf of international financier circles, to bankrupt and loot the key nations of the developing sector, by saddling them with unpayable foreign debts, and grabbing control of their strategic raw materials wealth. Much of this was done through LaRouche's longstanding adversaries at the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. Indeed, LaRouche and associates have identified this modus operandi, in published locations, over many decades as "bankers' arithmetic."
As Perkins has explained repeatedly, 9/11 drove him to break a long silence, because he was now convinced he must expose this apparatus behind the "economic hit men."
As Perkins reported in a Nov. 11 interview with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now, "When the economic hitmen fail in this scenario, the next step is what we call the jackals ... [who] come in and try to foment a coup or revolution. If that doesn't work, they perform assassinations, or try to."
During his own career as an "economic hitman," employed by the New England engineering firm Chas. T. Main, Inc., Perkins reports that he saw two heads of state, who tried to defend the interests of their own people against the vultures of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, assassinated in fiery plane crashes: Panama's chief of state Omar Torrijos and Ecuador's President Jaime Roldos.
Perkins named the former Bechtel executive, Secretary of State, and creator of Condoleezza Rice's "Vulcan" neo-con apparatus, George Shultz, as a pivotal player in the apparatus into which Perkins was recruited for his role as an economic hitman. It is that network associated with Shultz and others, which Perkins has now come forward to expose.
The Real Deal
At this moment, an investigative team of Executive Intelligence Review editors and reporters, under the personal direction of LaRouche, is cross-gridding the material contained in the Perkins account, with documented real-world events which have already been known to us over the past several decades. LaRouche and his EIR colleagues have been prominent players in many of those events, events and players which do conform to the picture presented by author Perkins in his own autobiographical story, with several important caveats.
The most crucial of the facts which Perkins reports stand up to the standard of the rich vein of personal experience and knowledge we have accumulated over these decades of our sometimes crucial role in important parts of world affairs. There is, however, a certain fallacy of composition in his view of the operations he describes. Therefore, we adopt his report insofar as it corresponds to our prior knowledge of these matters; but, the key part, which his book seems not to recognize, defines the point at which we must take over to make clear the most crucial facts of the matter.
The international financier circles described by Perkins as an "American global empire" are, in fact, part of an apparatus centered, not in the U.S.A., but in Western Europe, particularly in the City of London. This apparatus, an extension of the Venetian rentier-financier oligarchy, later morphed into what is today called the "Anglo-Dutch liberal system" of private central banking, characterized by a Physiocratic obsession with vise-grip private cartel control over strategic raw materials, and a deep commitment to a Malthusian nightmare of radical world population reduction.
That Anglo-Dutch system was fully consolidated by the 1763 close of the Seven Years' War, and was, for the next century, dominated by the British East India Company of Lord Shelburne, Jeremy Bentham, Adam Smith, Edward Gibbon, and James Mill. It was this same apparatus, later under Lord Palmerston, that orchestrated the Southern secession and the U.S.A. Civil War. In the 20th century, through its Bank for International Settlements (BIS), it installed Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in power in Germany, Benito Mussolini in Italy, Francisco Franco in Spain, and other subservient fascist regimes in other parts of Eurasia.
Today this apparatus is behind the Bush-Cheney Administration, as most clearly shown by Shultz's role in installing Condi Rice at the President's side, to "Vulcanize" George W. Bush's brain.
LaRouche vs. the 'EHM'
The history of the LaRouche movement is, above all else, a history of 40 years of combat against this Anglo-Dutch oligarchy. Thus, the events described in the Perkins book take on special, broader meaning when cross-gridded with those direct experiences.
Indeed, the list of assassinated world leaders, who fought for national sovereignty and economic development, extends far beyond the Torrijos and Roldos cases, and includes: Indian Prime Ministers Indira and Rajiv Gandhi; West German bankers and business executives Jürgen Ponto, Hanns-Martin Schleyer, and Alfred Herrhausen; former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro.
In the domain of Perkins' personal experience, economic warfare, we have seen the decimation of Mexico, at the point that then-President José López Portillo, in 1982, took up LaRouche's Operation Juárez plan for a debt moratorium and a new global financial system; the Balkan Wars of the 1989-1999 period, to block the realization of LaRouche's plan for a European Productive Triangle; and the perpetual warfare in Southwest Asia, to fulfill Zbigniew Brzezinski's evil pledge to the late Shah of Iran that there would be "no new Japans" allowed to develop in the Persian Gulf or south of the Rio Grande. The two Iraq wars of 1991 and 2003 are but another legacy of that Brzezinski pledge, which had earlier been made by Brzezinski's GOP alter ego, Henry A. Kissinger, in his infamous 1974 National Security Study Memorandum 200, which defined Malthusian population warfare, and Anglo-American raw material cartelization, as official national security policy of the U.S.A.
Through front outfits like the late 1970s "Nuclear Club of Wall Street," the very nexus of corporate and banking interests described by Perkins, the London-centered financial oligarchy sought, directly, on a number of occasions, unsuccessfully, to silence LaRouche and crush his movement altogether.
The documentation of this historic fight, which is fills out Perkins' personal account of the "economic hit men," will be presented, in great detail, in the next several issues of EIR.