Who's Who in the Goebbels Zoo
by Anton ChaitkinThe Cheney faction and its financier sponsors, intent on a catastrophic war escalation and anti-Constitutional measures to retain power, have assembled a political dirty-tricks cartel, centered on the Vice President's wife, Lynne Cheney, and Wall Street operative John Train.
Made up of nominally separate but absolutely interlocked groups, this cartel is attempting to impose a gestapo over American education that would wipe out resistance.
The Bruin Standard, a throwaway right-wing monthly paper distributed by outsiders at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), is headlined with an attack on LaRouche taking up most of the current issue. Author Garin Hovannisian, the paper's editor, explains how he spied on the LaRouche Youth Movement to gather his material. Hovannisian does not identify to what movement he himself belongs.
This and similar attacks in the Daily Free Press distributed at Boston University, and in the "alternative" papers The Weekly Dig in Boston and The Stranger in Seattle, led EIR's research team to the origin of the attacks from within the Cheney-Train cartel.
In early 2005, components of the cartel campaigned for government and academic authorities to take action to fire or otherwise suppress teachers critical of the Bush-Cheney Administration. As a direct result, in mid-2005, the Republican majority in control of the Pennsylvania state House of Representatives set up a Subcommittee on Academic Freedom [!] in Higher Education. Representatives from several of the groups comprising the Cheney apparatus testified to the committee.
Upon investigation, the underlying reality of these groups was easily ascertained.
The Campus Gestapo
Outlined here are the several interlocked pieces of the cartel campaigning for a gestapo on campus and elsewhere, arranged in order by the period of their origin. The accompanying box describes the Cheney cartel's "bottom-feeders," who are grabbing control over sections of the media on and off campus.
- Young America's Foundation, the nominally independent tax-exempt arm of Young Americans for Freedom. This movement, founded in 1960 by William F. Buckley, Jr., runs student cadre in order to crush liberal and dissident teachers, such as in the recent rightist agitation on Pennsylvania campuses.
Founder William F. Buckley, Jr., worked for the CIA in Mexico, reviving old pro-Hitler networks associated with his father, an international oil man. Buckley's own political movement, the beginning of recent decades' "conservatism," was started later, when as a student at Yale University, he attacked liberal/leftist campus influence. His book God and Man at Yale was published by the Regnery Group, a project of University of Chicago President Robert M. Hutchins, a One World Government fanatic, and his protégés, America First activist Henry Regnery, and Felix Morley, the stalwartly pro-Nazi former editor of the Washington Post. The Regnery Group also produced Buckley's book defending the red-baiting Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy.
Buckley's operatives organized the post-World War II political alliance of those forces still adhering to the Hitler and Mussolini regimes, in Spain, Latin America, and Asia. The Buckley organization was hired as the international public relations manager for the fascist regime of Augusto Pinochet in Chile.
- The Collegiate Network, founded by Irving Kristol in 1979, under the name, then, of Institute for Educational Affairs. The organization presently runs some 90 right-wing newspapers that are distributed on college campuses. One of these papers is Garin Hovannisian's Bruin Standard.
The neo-conservative movement, led by Irving Kristol, was another outgrowth of Hutchins' University of Chicago, deriving from the circle around the fascist philosophy teacher Leo Strauss and Strauss's sponsor, Carl Schmitt, the "Crown Jurist" of the Hitler regime. The Collegiate Network has placed and sponsored leading Straussians as teachers in American colleges.
The unit's first project, in 1979, was financing of an independent newspaper at the University of Chicago, led by then-student John Podhoretz.
Irving Kristol hired the young Michael Joyce to manage the organization's programs, training Joyce as a promoter of rightist "philanthropy" from the wealthiest financiers. Joyce went on to direct the Olin Foundation and then the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, setting up the primary funding for these various parts of the Cheney-Train cartel, and projects such as the American revival of the thought of German Hitlerite Carl Schmitt, and the production of the seminal racist tract The Bell Curve. The Bush-Cheney Administration chose Joyce to organize its entire "faith-based" scam to corrupt and buy out potential minority-community resistance to the regime.
Since 1995, the Collegiate Network, with its college newspapers, has been under the official management of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, founded by William F. Buckley, and distributes the theocratic news service of Buckley's nephew, Brent Bozell III.
The 'Get LaRouche' Taskforce
- In 1983 and 1984, financier John Train convened at his home meetings of selected representatives of major news media, right-wing foundation leaders, corrupted elements of the U.S. Justice Department, and rogue intelligence community figures, to design a propaganda campaign against Lyndon LaRouche; this would lead to railroad prosecutions, under the initial pretext that LaRouche was an agent of the Soviets (see EIR, Sept. 29, 2006).
The grandson of J.P. Morgan partner Charles H. Coster, and scion of an old opium-running Boston family, John Train was in Paris after World War II, managing the Paris Review on behalf of the CIA-financed Congress for Cultural Freedom. As a tandem project, his uncle, George F. Train, negotiated the U.S.-Spain military and aid treaty (signed 1953) that put American support behind the fascist Francisco Franco regime which had survived the war. John and George Train then set up as partners on Wall Street during the 1960s.
Tied to the highest levels of the modern pro-feudal oligarchy, and their faction of the intelligence community, John Train emerged as a leading advisor of the wealthiest families on the investment and protection of their fortunes.
In 1986, hundreds of police crashed into the homes and publishing offices of the LaRouche political movement, setting into motion the railroad prosecution and jailing of LaRouche and dozens of his associates.
That same year, Mrs. Lynne Cheney was appointed chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities, which includes the Federal government's funding mechanism for the media. Mrs. Cheney headed up a culture war for a rightist takeover of academia and public communications.
In this crusade, in 1987, Train created and chaired the Northcote Parkinson Fund, tasked with achieving right-wing control over public television and other media outlets. John Podhoretz's mother, neo-conservative leader Midge Decter, was founding treasurer of Train's foundation, and the most important source for her treasury was Michael Joyce's Bradley Foundation.
The first project of the new foundation was a book attacking the leftist Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), employing John Train's own research whitewashing the CIA (when it had been led by George H.W. Bush) in the 1976 Washington assassination of IPS associate Orlando Letelier, a leading opponent of the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile.
The principal long-term project of Train's foundation money was to pay for the career of filmmaker Michael Pack, a warrior for right-wing control of Hollywood and public television. In 2003, the Bush-Cheney Administration put Pack in charge of programming at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, as part of a right-wing coup at CPB and the attempt at right-wing power in the media more generally.
The Campus Horrorwitch
- Operations directed by David Horowitz are the most prominent public face of the current campaign—as in Pennsylvania—for a gestapo on campuses to squash opposition to the Bush-Cheney policies.
Horowitz launched his current political career in 1987 as a participant in John Train's project (the first initiative of the Northcote Parkinson Foundation) against the IPS on behalf of the London/Dulles/Angleton/Bush/Buckley side of the intelligence world. Horowitz wrote the introduction to the 1988 book, Covert Cadre, which resulted from the Train project.
With these connections, Horowitz launched, in 1987-88, the Los Angeles-based Center for the Study of Popular Culture, now known as the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This was to be the West Cost pole for the culture war headed by Lynne Cheney at the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). John Train's backer, Michael Joyce, and his Bradley Foundation, have provided the main funding for Horowitz's Center.
Horowitz took a twisty path to this second political career. As the Communist son of American Communist parents, who suffered under the Trumanism/McCarthyism beginning in the late 1940s, Horowitz lived in England from 1962 through 1967, working as a political aide to Bertrand Russell. Meanwhile Horowitz sharpened his cultural credentials by writing Shakespeare: An Existential View, published by the Tavistock Institute, for which his editor was the famous advocate of insanity as "creativity," psychiatrist R.D. Laing.
Back in the United States in 1968, and now a Trotskyist, Horowitz went to work on Ramparts magazine, which had just run a major esposé of covert CIA backing for student politics and of the Congress for Cultural Freedom (John Train's gang.) Horowitz established a connection to former University of Chicago President Hutchins—possibly through the fact that Hutchins had been the American accomplice of Horowitz's recent employer, Bertrand Russell. With the backing of Hutchins' California-based Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, Horowitz staged a coup and took control of Ramparts.
In the 1970s, Horowitz made arrangements with the Rockefeller family that the entire fourth generation of the family would cooperate with him to produce a book on the theme that the dynasty was being restored to moral purpose by its new philanthropy. With Rockefeller money flowing into his political projects, and the Eastern Establishment press boosting the book, Horowitz became a right-winger, extolling Franco's defeat of communism and the "economic miracle" under fascism. Before he hooked up with John Train, Horowitz made more money with a book savaging the Kennedy family.
His tax-exempt center—which pays Horowitz in the range of $300,000 per year—set up Students for Academic Freedom in 2003. Garin Hovannisian, LaRouche slanderer at the Bruin Standard, is also president for UCLA of Horowitz's Students for Academic Freedom. Hovannisian writes for the Horowitz Web publication Front Page, and meets regularly with Horowitz.
Meanwhile, the Horowitz Center became the main host for the college-witchhunting organization Campus Watch, founded by neo-conservative Daniel Pipes. Campus Watch is directed by Winfield Myers, former head of communications for the Buckley organization and former editor of Campus Magazine the journal of the Collegiate Network which runs Hovannisian's Bruin Standard.
- The National Association of Scholars, founded in 1985 by Straussians and neo-conservatives, is a smaller unit helping guide the Cheney-Train cartel towards power over American campuses. Directors include Irving Kristol and his wife, Gertrude Himmelfarb, with her British-rightist culture studies, whom Lynne Cheney looks to for personal guidance. They give the Annual Sidney Hook Memorial Award.
Cheney's Neo-Culture Campus Gestapo
- Lynne Cheney herself founded the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) in 1995, after leaving the National Endowment for the Humanities. She was joined by Sen. Joseph Lieberman, the rightist false Democrat boosted into the Senate by William F. Buckley's sponsorship.
ACTA is run by Lynne Cheney's personal "court":
Jerry L. Martin, ACTA chairman since 2003 and ACTA president 1995-2003, "held several senior positions at the National Endowment for the Humanities" beginning with five years under Lynne Cheney.
Anne D. Neal, ACTA president, was general counsel and head of congressional liaison for Lynne Cheney at the National Endowment from 1990 to 1992. Neal testified at the Pennsylvania campus-witchhunt hearings on Jan. 10, 2006, alongside David Horowitz.
Irving Kristol is on ACTA's National Council and its Donors' Working Group, his wife (Lynne Cheney's icon) in on the ACTA National Council, and Stephen H. Balch, president of Kristol's National Association of Scholars, is on the ACTA National Council and Donors Working Group.
- The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) was founded in 1999 by Bush family asset Alan Charles Kors, with political cover given by the co-founder, hapless Massachusetts liberal Harvey Silverglate. FIRE works toward firing dissident teachers. Then-president of FIRE, David French, testified at the first hearing of the Pennsylvania House Subcommittee promoting the campus gestapo, Sept. 19, 2005.
FIRE chairman emeritus is founder Alan Charles Kos, an academic expert on the French Enlightenment. In 1992, President George H.W. Bush appointed Kos to the Council of the National Endowment, under its chairman, Lynne Cheney. Kors holds the George Herbert Walker chair of Intellectual History at the University of Pennsylvania, named for the current U.S. President's great-grandfather, who founded the Harriman bank and the Fritz Thyssen/Adolf Hitler Union Banking Corporation. Kors' professorship was created in 2003 by his protégé and former student, George Herbert Walker IV, the current President's second cousin, who is co-head of Goldman Sachs's Hedge Fund Strategies Group. In 2005 President Bush awarded Kors the National Humanities Medal.
Marlene Mieske, a director of FIRE, is also a director of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. She is a psychiatric nurse, whose de-institutionalization policies echoed those of Horowitz's editor R.D. Laing.
The FIRE Board of Advisors includes:
T. Kenneth Cribb, a former Justice Department official from the 1980s, who is president of the Collegiate Network, which runs the 90 rightist campus newspapers. He is also president of William F. Buckley's Intercollegiate Studies Institute, which manages the Collegiate Network; and counselor to the Federalist Society, the Cheney cabal's lawyers/judges group based on the ideas of Carl Schmitt. And Cribb is a top leader of the religious right theocratic Council for National Policy.
FIRE Board of Advisors member Leonard Liggio is former president, former treasurer, and current senior vice president of the Mont Pelerin Society, the bankers' most radical globalism-advocacy group. The Society was co-founded in 1947 by the pro-Nazi editor Felix Morley. Liggio works at a Mont Pelerin Unit at George Mason University called the Institute for Humane Studies, which has just awarded $250 to Garin Hovannisian, in the Felix Morley Journalism Competition for 2004-05.
Another long-time FIRE Board of Advisors member was David Brudnoy, a Boston University teacher and friend of Bill Buckley, who died of AIDS in 2004. Lyndon LaRouche was interviewed on Brudnoy's WBZ radio talk-show in 1988. Brudnoy slandered and viciously denigrated LaRouche and attacked his African development policies, saying the U.S. should let Africans die because there are "too many people anyway."
FIRE Board of Advisors member Candace de Russy is a member of the Trustees Council of Lynne Cheney's American Council of Trustees and Alumni, and on the Advisory Board of the Independent Women's Forum, founded by Lynne Cheney and Barbara Olson; and she is a director of Irving Kristol's National Association of Scholars.
FIRE Board of Advisors member Ms. Ricky Silberman, was cofounder with Lynne Cheney of the Independent Women's Forum.
A Final Word
At this point, a look back inside the Horowitz-affiliated Campus Watch will demonstrate the real top-down operation by Cheney's degenerates, at work in the battle for the campuses.
All of the supposedly separate pro-Cheney organizations deploy as a single entity, promoting one another's gang-up operations on targetted professors, students, and campus organizations that defy the policy agenda of the "Conservative Revolution."
As stated above, Campus Watch is directed by Winfield Myers, a Buckleyite and former editor of Campus Magazine, the journal of the Collegiate Network, under T. Kenneth Cribb and his 90 rightist college papers.
That Campus Magazine has on its advisory board an array of the most notable specimens in the contemporary Goebbels zoo.
There is Edwin J. Feulner, president of the Mont Pelerin Society, the financiers' chief global organization seeking a world empire, and president of the Heritage Foundation, which planned the Wall Street-Washington cabal that reached for power in the 1980s.
There is Midge Decter, a founder of neo-conservatism, a co-founder of Lynne Cheney's Independent Women's Forum, and the founding treasurer of John Train's organization, the Northcote Parkinson Fund.
And there is David Horowitz, who traveled all the way from communism to fascism on a solid gold train.