This article appears in the October 2, 2020 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
Bombshell Disclosures of FBI/DOJ
Crimes in Trump/Flynn ‘Investigations’
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Sept. 25—Thursday, September 24, featured new bombshell disclosures concerning the illegal investigation and continuing coup d’état run from Barack Obama’s White House war room against Donald Trump from early 2015 through the unhinged witch hunt conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
The day saw three significant disclosures. First, U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Jensen for the Eastern District of Missouri turned over even more evidence of bias, along with other previously undisclosed exculpatory information, in the case against Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. Attorney General William Barr assigned Jensen to review the Mueller prosecution file on Michael Flynn following clear indications that the prosecution was illicit and “unmoored.” By May 7, Jensen had produced more than 80 pages of exculpatory evidence which was never produced previously to Flynn’s defense by Mueller’s legal jihadists. This is what led the Justice Department to move to dismiss the charges against Flynn.
Jensen’s new 40-page disclosure was filed in the Flynn case Thursday afternoon, by Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell, ahead of the scheduled hearing before Judge Emmet Sullivan the following Tuesday, Sept. 29, concerning whether Sullivan will finally dismiss the case against General Flynn. Judge Sullivan has resisted dismissing the case even after the mountain of previously undisclosed exculpatory evidence showed that Flynn is completely innocent, and even after the Justice Department moved to dismiss the charges and said it will not further prosecute. Sullivan is a close friend of self-described Obama “wingman,” former Attorney General Eric Holder.
Also on Thursday, Attorney General Bill Barr sent a letter to Sen. Lindsey Graham, disclosing that the primary source for British agent Christopher Steele’s filthy “dossier” about Donald Trump and Russia was known to the FBI as a possible Russian intelligence agent as early as 2009. That source, Igor Danchenko, also told the FBI in January of 2017 that Christopher Steele’s filthy narrative about Trump and Russia was entirely bogus. These facts, of course, were never disclosed to the FISA court in the applications for surveillance warrants obtained on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page, which allowed surveillance of Donald Trump’s campaign and transition. Those warrants were wholly grounded in the dirty British intelligence Steele dossier. The filthy Steele dossier was also at the center of the international media campaign tarring Trump as a compromised pawn of Putin.
The Barr letter to Senator Graham notes: “I have also alerted the Director of National Intelligence to certain classified information in the possession of the intelligence community, also brought to my attention by Mr. Durham, which bears upon the FBI’s knowledge concerning the reliability of the dossier.” It is anticipated that John Ratcliffe, the Director of National Intelligence, will declassify and release this information as early as Monday, September 28.
Finally, on Thursday evening, September 24, the Justice Department filed, on the Flynn case docket, an interview of FBI agent William J. Barnett, the FBI case agent on the Michael Flynn investigation, and, subsequently, an FBI agent working on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s “team.” This is the most explosive disclosure of all.
Barnett chronicles, in detail, a “get Trump” attitude toward the entire Flynn and Trump investigations in both the DOJ and in Robert Mueller’s inquisition. Clearly a straight shooter, Barnett repeatedly told everyone he could that there was absolutely no basis for the Flynn investigation, and threatened to quit or go to the Inspector General over illegalities. As a result, he was repeatedly shut out of major decisions concerning the case. The interview of Barnett was conducted on September 17 by U.S. Attorney Jensen. It demonstrates that the investigation being conducted by U.S. Attorney John Durham has now expanded to include the Special Counsel and his team of legal zealots.
The immediate question raised by the disclosures is, of course, whether they will lead to criminal indictments of those involved by U.S. Attorney John Durham, or at least a report on what Durham has found so far, ahead of the November election. Durham has been investigating the entire Obama Administration spying and information warfare operation against Donald Trump.
These disclosures are being made in the middle of a full-scale insurrection against the government of the United States led operationally, for the most part, by lawyers and billionaires, using the uneducated and labile young, and the poor and dispossessed, as so much cannon fodder. The judiciary has been fully penetrated by this insurrection, particularly the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, where Judge Sullivan sits and where, many believe, any prosecutions resulting from the Barr/Durham investigations would have to be brought.
It is abundantly clear that if Donald Trump is not re-elected by a significant margin, these illegalities will go unchallenged and completely unpunished. This means that the “rule of law” will have vanished from the United States, having been completely emptied of any meaning and paraded around as nothing but a sophistical phrase by the insurrectionists. If the senile Joe Biden is elected, we will be subject to the soft totalitarianism of the Obama/Biden Administration and a declared plan from Obama’s national security officials, assembled in the groups, Security Action and the Transition Integrity Project, to “neutralize” those who voted for the current President. See “Sitrep U.S.A., Part III: President Trump Declares An All-Out Culture War.”
We will now examine, in turn, each of these disclosures of gross perfidies against the Constitution of the United States.
The New Christopher Steele Disclosures
Igor Danchenko has been disclosed as the primary source of Christopher Steele’s fabricated dossier about Trump and Russia. Danchenko, a Ukrainian-born and Russian-trained lawyer, was an employee of Steele’s Orbis Business Intelligence stationed in the United States. When interviewed by the FBI in January of 2017, Danchenko disclosed that the Russia/Trump collusion claims made by Steele in his dossier were largely barroom talk and outright gossip from Russian expat circles and former college friends of Danchenko in Russia.
Nonetheless, the FBI and the intelligence community continued on its jihad against Donald Trump, painting the President as a pawn of Putin, for over three years—a jihad which was legitimized and spun endlessly through the Russiagate investigation of Robert Mueller. After spending $32 million in taxpayer dollars, undermining the presidency of the United States and ruining many lives through legal fees and unhinged prosecutions, Mueller concluded what had already been known when the investigation started, that there was nothing to the Trump/Russia narrative.
We know that at least as of January 2017, when Danchenko told the FBI the Steele/British dossier on Trump was so much cow pucky, the so-called Trump/Russia collusion claims had gone up in smoke. We also know now that at least by December of 2017, when CrowdStrike’s Shawn Henry testified to the House Intelligence Committee, that it was well known the WikiLeaks files on the DNC and John Podesta did not come from a Russian hack of the DNC servers. Shawn Henry told the House what the intelligence community already knew, that no information allegedly hacked by the Russians ever left the DNC servers. Further, if John Durham does his job and traces the targeting of Trump back to British intelligence and Obama, it is probable that he will find that a “Get Trump” defamation operation, smearing the insurgent candidate as a pawn of Russia while imperiling U.S./Russian relations, was already in full operation as of the late fall of 2015.
According to the summary of Danchenko’s 2009-2010 FBI investigation, the operation was triggered when Danchenko approached “a research fellow for a prominent foreign policy advisor in the Obama Administration” and another Brookings Institution employee, and indicated that if the two individuals at the table “did get a job in the government and had access to classified information” and wanted “to make a little extra money,” Danchenko knew some people to whom they could speak.
As opposed to what Sen. Lindsey Graham is reporting, the FBI investigation did not conclusively determine that Danchenko was a Russian spy, although it did establish that he had contacts with known Russian intelligence operatives. The FBI investigation ended when Danchenko left the country temporarily in 2011. Danchenko worked at Brookings for Fiona Hill, who, infamously, went on to assume the Russian chair on Donald Trump’s National Security Council. Given the British pedigree of Steele’s operations, it is just as likely that Danchenko was pimping for the British or some other intelligence agency.
Graham, a devoted, geopolitical Russia hater, who conspired with Senator John McCain to spread the original Steele dossier on Trump and Russia, has much to protect in pumping the claim that Danchenko is a Russian agent and hence, that there was Russian interference in the election, justifying his and other Senators’ nefarious actions. The Senate Intelligence Committee, under Senators Richard Burr, Marco Rubio, and Mark Warner, has been a central hub in the ongoing coup against Trump.
The FBI identified Danchenko as Steele’s main source and also the subject of its own previous investigation, in December 2016. Obviously, disclosure of the fact that Danchenko was the target of an investigation concerning whether or not he was a Russian agent, would have proved fatal to the Carter Page FISA application and much of the media spin provided to the filthy Steele British MI6 fabrication about Donald Trump and Russia.
The Flynn Disclosures
Even prior to Thursday’s filings, previous disclosures from U.S. Attorney Jensen’s investigation of the Mueller prosecution files had demonstrated that Flynn was completely innocent of wrongdoing in his conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, and that FBI lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page edited and falsified the original FBI 302 report of Flynn’s January 24, 2017 White House interview. It is the alleged lies which Flynn told FBI agents Strzok and Joe Pientka during that interview which form the basis of the charges against Flynn.
Despite the ambush interview of Flynn at the White House through a dirty and constitutionally illicit scheme concocted by FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, David Ignatius of the Washington Post, and Obama’s White House, the original 302 reported that Flynn was telling the truth about his interactions with Russian Ambassador Kislyak. The FBI/Obama scheme was designed to “get Flynn to lie” in the words of former FBI counterintelligence director Bill Priestap, so that he could be prosecuted and removed from the Trump Administration. Flynn had planned to completely reform the corrupt U.S. intelligence community and his knowledge gained earlier as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency would surely have uncovered the Obama Administration’s illegal campaign against Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign and transition.
The new 40 pages of disclosures to Flynn’s defense team largely consist of FBI agent discussions with one another on the internal FBI communication system about the case. They also include more of the infamous Peter Strzok/Lisa Page conversations about preventing Trump’s election and ginning up a case against Trump.
The discussions show that FBI agents were completely conscious that they were engaged in wrongdoing. The agents note that if a FOIA request is ever filed about the case there will be big trouble.
They note that they are taking out professional liability insurance because they are sure to be sued. They state that the CIA personnel working for John Brennan on the case are also taking out liability insurance. They shine a spotlight on the January 5, 2017 White House meeting involving Comey, Susan Rice, Obama, Joe Biden, and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, in which it was decided to prosecute Flynn no matter what. It is both stated that Obama had been briefed and that “the White House” was now running the Flynn case. There are repeated comments about the deliberate leaks of classified and confidential information concerning the Flynn case, with agents attributing the leaks to the White House or Obama’s CIA daily briefers. See the “Third Supplement in Support of Agreed Dismissal” filed 9/24/2020.
When FBI case agent William Barnett moved to close the Flynn investigation, dubbed Crossfire Razor, in January of 2017, based on the fact that all investigative leads had been exhausted and there was no derogatory material on Flynn, Barnett was instructed to keep it open and investigate a “Logan Act” violation with respect to the conversations between Flynn and Ambassador Kislyak. The FBI didn’t even have a code for the Logan Act, a centuries-old, never-enforced statute long ago abandoned as unconstitutional. It prohibits private citizens from corresponding with foreign governments under certain circumstances. Barnett concluded that the Logan Act was completely inapplicable.
Barnett investigated every aspect of the claims against General Flynn in 2016 and found them without substance. He repeatedly told his supervisors, both before and after General Flynn’s discussions with Russian Ambassador Kislyak that there was “no there there” to the Russia/Trump collusion investigation concerning Donald Trump and General Flynn.
Soon, Barnett figured out that Andy McCabe was personally running the Flynn investigation out of his headquarters office and immediate staff. Barnett was not told of the plans for the ambush interview of General Flynn at the White House, although normally the case agent, Barnett, would conduct such an interview. He became so personally uncomfortable about what he learned and observed that in February 2017 he asked to be removed from the case. He told his supervisors that the Flynn case was problematic and could result in “an IG investigation.”
Nonetheless, he rationalized that if the Deputy Director was running the investigation backed by DOJ lawyers, in this case the now-indicted Kevin Clinesmith, he could continue to work on the case so long as he did not learn that anything was illegal. He did observe that another FBI analyst who was skeptical of the entire theory of the Flynn case, was removed from the team.
Barnett joined Mueller’s team after Peter Strzok pleaded with him to do so and after he had again sought through superiors to be removed from the case following the firing of FBI Director James Comey. He told the Mueller team, specifically Jeannie Rhee, that there was no evidence of a crime by Flynn. Rhee dismissed Barnett’s briefing and demanded that he drill down further on Flynn. Barnett states he concluded that Rhee was “obsessed” with Flynn and Russia and “had an agenda.”
He notes that there was a pervasive “Get Trump” attitude on Mueller’s team and that lawyers competed with each other to come up with theories of crimes which they pursued relentlessly, rather than attempting to develop the case by pursuing facts and evidence and determining whether or not they constituted a crime. The roles of investigating agents and lawyers were reversed in Mueller’s investigation. The lawyers presented ideas of possible crimes and tried to rig the evidence to fit their views, using agents administratively, to sign off on search warrants and to take other procedural steps normally assigned to investigating agents.
When Flynn’s assistant, K.T. McFarland, was interviewed by Mueller’s team and did not support one of their Trump/Russia collusion theories, Barnett was prevented from asking clarifying questions, leading him to believe that prosecutors were trying to intimidate and rig McFarland’s testimony simply to fit their theory. He was barred from interviewing McFarland further until he threatened to go to the Inspector General.
Barnett said the situation was so extreme that he and other agents joked that it was like a game which they called “Collusion Clue.” “In the hypothetical game, investigators are able to choose any character conducting any activity, in any location, and pair this with another character and interpret it as evidence of collusion.” See “Interview of William J. Barnett,” filed on 9/24/2020.
Earlier this month, it was disclosed that members of Mueller’s team appear to have deliberately wiped their cell phones after word arrived that FBI Inspector General Michael Horowitz was looking at the FBI and DOJ investigation of the Trump campaign. This has resulted in a new investigation to determine whether the lawyers involved obstructed justice. Barnett reports that he overheard members of Mueller’s team joking about wiping their phones.
What is now extremely clear is that everyone knew there was no Trump/Russia collusion before the Mueller investigation even started and that this was known by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein when he appointed Mueller to investigate this wholly fake construct. The entire game was to try and trick the President into obstructing justice by creating a minefield of staged legal atrocities, starting with the ambush interview of Michael Flynn at the White House, continuing with the raid and assault on his lawyer, Michael Cohen, followed by the Swat Team search and arrest of his friend, Roger Stone, and highlighted by the continuous investigation of his son, Donald Trump, Jr. and other family members. These events coupled with continuous inflammatory and false narratives, were designed to entice the President to react, to fire Mueller, or otherwise take their bait.
They stretched this game out as long as they could in order to do maximum damage to the legitimacy of the Trump presidency while protecting key intelligence officials, Congressmen, and Senators—up to their ears in crimes against the Trump Campaign—from discovery and appropriate investigation and prosecution. As a result of the full spectrum information warfare operation accompanying this faux prosecutorial campaign, they created a world in which their criminality was neutralized and protected and their crimes against the sitting President were transformed into rage against him. The ability of the present insurrection to function is a direct result.
Thursday’s developments mean that the patriots have finally begun the countercoup and have begun the fight to take the country back.