This transcript appears in the October 2, 2020 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
[Print version of this transcript]
My Experience with Lyndon LaRouche,
A Great and Loving Human Being
This is the edited transcription of the pre-recorded presentation of Jozef Mikloško to the International Youth Conference of the Schiller Institute, September 26, 2020. Mr. Mikloško is a former Deputy Prime Minister of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic. Subheads have been added.
Greetings from Slovakia, a small country in the heart of Europe. We were under totalitarian Communism for 40 years, and now, for the last 30 years we are free—with various problems, but free! Fantastic!
For 27 years, I was a mathematician, and then after the 1989 Velvet Revolution, I entered federal government as a Vice Premier, and then served in three parlia ments—Slovakia, Czechoslovakia—and served for five years as Ambassador of Slovakia to Rome. Now I am a writer. I have written eight literary books. And always I mentioned LaRouche because my memory of him is very strong.
If you allow me then, I shall try now to speak of my experiences with Lyndon LaRouche.
I became familiar with Lyn’s “case” in 1990, after the Velvet Revolution, when I was serving for two years as Vice Premier for Human Rights in the post-Communist federal government. I quickly understood the many irregularities of his political persecution. It was a tragedy that at the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall, when it was possible to change history, Lyndon LaRouche was in jail and could not watch his forecasts about the West and East being fulfilled.
I met him for the first time in August 1993. I had never met such an educated, creative, and modest person. He was a politician, economist, mathematician, and musician, with a great knowledge of history.
He had perfect knowledge of the Bible. He introduced Christian moral principles into politics and economics. He was a fighter for moral renewal and the saving of Christian civilization. I was always surprised about his knowledge about Mozart, about Beethoven, about supercomputers, calculation of elliptical functions, the situation in Eastern Europe, Russia and China, about religion and concrete economic projects, the protection of life, culture and education. His speeches left no grey area: Compromise with evil was not possible. Lyn was a hard fighter, but also had humor and tenderness, when speaking about love, agapē and God. He was a real generator of new ideas, associations, and alternatives for the present world system.
His political program was the need to produce, not speculate. Moral principles must be established in politics and economy. His proposals to reform the financial system. He predicted a crisis, especially due to the destructive impact of speculation in derivatives. Printing money with no backing in the United States and Europe today is called “quantitative easing”: Interest rates are being lowered and money pumped into the old system in areas of crisis. Bad banks are being rescued, and the current financial system has been torn away from a productive economy. I’ve visited the United States six times because of the LaRouche movement. I’ve lobbied in Congress, in the Senate, in universities, and many conferences.
My old American friend Nina Ogden, from the Schiller Institute, who always accompanied me in America, is not any more with us. She became a Christian, and she had a personal contact with Mother Teresa from Calcutta, who told her: “We are praying every day for Lyn and Helga.”
An Innocent Genius Imprisoned
Lyndon LaRouche was sentenced, for nothing, on December 1, 1989, in a political trial, to 15 years in prison; his five associates to a total of 209 years. The trials of him and his colleagues in the late ’80s had so many irregularities that the broad international community at this time, including myself, protested many times against it. I wrote several letters of protest to top U.S. leaders; I visited the U.S. repeatedly with former politicians, and several countries.
I visited most of the American prisons where LaRouche and his collaborators were imprisoned. I am proud that I, too, contributed to his parole in 1994 and later to the release of the entire “Virginia Five”—Mike Billington, Anita and Paul Gallagher, Laurence Hecht, and Donald Phau. I remember especially a meeting with Mike Billington, sentenced to 77 years, and before as well with his brave wife Gail. Both also visited Slovakia. They were here in our church, and my son and daughter sang for them the Ave Maria of Gounod. We have many pictures from it.
Our friendship began in August 1993 at the prison in Rochester, Minnesota, where I visited him. For him, a sentence of fifteen years was a death sentence. He met me in the prison with a smile and optimism—we spoke for six hours.
In December 1993, I attended the conference of the Schiller Institute in Germany. It was before Christmas, many lights shone, and we waited with painful anticipation for his freedom. I am proud that I was probably the first person on the Earth to know that Lyn would be free.
Our next meeting was in February 1994 in the United States. Amelia Robinson, a big fighter for human rights, welcomed him with the words: “This is a day which was given us by the Lord.... If God selects somebody as a leader, nobody can destroy him.” We all stood with long applause and Lyn said: “Five years in jail was a long time.... It was necessary to suffer, but we are now stronger.... The main power is the power of ideas.... We must lead an American revolution to the end by the authority of truth.”
I was very glad that in August 1994, Slovakia was the second country (after Russia) that Lyn visited following his release in 1994. We met in Smolenice Castle, home to the Slovak scientists of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. There are many pictures of this, hundreds, and 120 young people from 17 countries of the world showed that mankind can tend toward unity. I remember the tears in Lyn’s eyes when, at the fire, we sang folk songs from all over the world. I was proud, when he told me: “In Slovakia, I spent one of the most beautiful and happiest weeks in my life.”
In May 1995, I met Lyn in Leipzig, Germany at the concert of the boys of the Thomanerchor. In this historical cathedral of Bach, while listening to the singing of these boys—educated on Lyn’s principles—I saw tears in his eyes for the second time. Then, Lyn and Helga went to see Beethoven’s opera Fidelio in Berlin, in which another heroic woman freed her husband from prison.
Our next meeting was in Washington in September 1995, during the hearing. It was the investigation of the misconduct of the Department of Justice. With a Commission representing about 15 million black voters in the United States, we fought for the exoneration of LaRouche, and for the freedom of his five collaborators, still in jail on long sentences.
The case was referred to International Tribunal of Prominent Judges and Lawyers, for example, by Ramsey Clark, a former U.S. Attorney General in President Lyndon Johnson’s government. The Commission concluded that there had been a gross abuse of inquiry and criminal violence in this trial.
Imago Viva Dei
Lyn, at a following Schiller conference, said: “Man is created as imago viva Dei. This is a quality, which can be seen in the eyes of each newborn child: the quality which makes brothers and sisters of all people.”
At a conference in the USA in February 1996, after I asked him a question publicly, Lyn began a beautiful speech about God as the highest Goodness. The same situation occurred later in Wiesbaden, Germany where Lyn spoke for almost three hours: “The new wine I bring cannot be in old skins..., the culture of death is a scandal..., we must start a new revolution based on love toward our neighbors.”
Lyndon LaRouche, the Sakharov of America, was a politician with original views. Many of his ideas are today widely accepted and represented by many people.
On his second visit to Slovakia in 1996, he wrote to me: “Slovakia is a happier country than others. She has a sense of spiritual values and has not lost her national identity. She needs honorable leaders.”
Lyndon LaRouche was a universal, educated man. I have often been actively present at debates in which he has answered dozens of disparate questions. He was a Christian who spoke with enthusiasm about his faith.
When Lyn was 75 years old, on September 8, 1997, a gala was held in the United States with prominent singers, musicians, and politicians. I was the Master of Ceremonies, and I probably till the end of my life, will never again be in such a society of great personalities.
Lyndon LaRouche was an American politician, an economist, mathematician, writer, and musicologist; I hadn’t met a more educated person in my life. He has written dozens of books and thousands of articles. He was a generator of new ideas, a warrior to save Christianity, family, and life. I’ve met him 17 times, including three times in Rome, when I was there as Ambassador of Slovakia for five years.
In my book, Very Top Secret—How We Were Free, published in 1999, I devoted about 80 pages to him and to the results of the Schiller Institute.
At the end of my speech I am happy to introduce some of LaRouche’s important spiritual ideas:
• Man is created in the image of God and has a highly positive worth.
• Everything is decided in childhood: children need to be brought up to learn creativity by discovery.
• Today, no one has time for children: their television and the internet are depressing. By protecting the family, we protect society.
• The main thing is the knowledge of classical music, history, mathematics, and religion.
• Money, counterculture, and borderless freedom produce people in the U.S. for prisons.
• Compromise with evil and tolerance for evil must end; commentary on lies is a lie.
• Let’s start a revolution on Christian love, without thinking about ourselves, like a Good Samaritan.
• What is the goal of man? You come into the world like an angel, you should leave the world like an angel.
Till the end, I will tell of the honored memory of Lyndon LaRouche, and I hope for his fast exoneration and rehabilitation.
All the best. I’m sorry that my English is not as good as it was. I’m a little bit better in German, Italian, and Russian, but my words are from the heart, and I will very much remember, to the end of my life, fond memories of Lyndon LaRouche.