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This article appears in the July 21, 2023 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

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Diane Sare

Make the U.S. a Force for the Good!

This is the prepared text as edited of the presentation of Diane Sare to Panel III, “The Peace Movement Worldwide above Party Line; The Special Case of the United States; The Role of the Vatican and the Global South,” of the Schiller Institute’s July 8–9 conference, “On the Verge of a New World War—European Nations Must Cooperate with the Global South!” Mrs. Sare is a Candidate for U.S. Senate in New York, U.S.A. A musician, she is co-founder of the Schiller Institute NYC Chorus (2014), a conductor, and trombonist. Subheads and an embedded link have been added.

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Schiller Institute
Diane Sare

Thank you! I am very happy to be with you here, because we must quickly improve ourselves and our approach to everything in a coordinated fashion. I would like to thank Jacques Cheminade for his important leadership of France and his recent statement, and Helga Zepp-LaRouche for her brilliant initiative to pull together all of the international peace movements onto the same page. There is hope.

Humanity is undergoing a transition, and it is a very dangerous one because you have some shriveled up old, evil people running some evil institutions, who don’t want to give up the power that they used to have—and I say “used to” because they’ve already lost that power, and the danger comes from their failure to realize that important fact.

Lyndon LaRouche provided a pathway for the new order with his 1975 proposal for an “International Development Bank,” in which every nation would have the opportunity to achieve its full independence in the way the American President Franklin Roosevelt envisioned should occur after World War II.

Unfortunately, or by design, FDR had died just before the end of the war, and his vision for the post-war world was unfulfilled.

In 1975, when Mr. LaRouche put forward his program, and launched his first U.S. Presidential campaign, the financial and intelligence community interests tied to the British Imperial system still had too much power, and were able to prevent him from becoming President of the United States. They later assassinated [the Prime Minister of India] Indira Gandhi and others, including two important German figures, Alfred Herrhausen and Detlev Rohwedder, when we had another chance in 1989.

Now, these rotten institutions are totally and thoroughly bankrupt—and I mean, the World Bank, the IMF, NATO, the U.S. Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, JP Morgan Chase, all of them! So everything they try to do, not only backfires, but it produces the opposite effect.

They intended to destroy Russia—in fact, President Joe Biden announced that himself last year when he visited Poland. It is not “Russian propaganda” (which I’ve been accused of spreading).

Has Russia been destroyed?

No. The Russian economy is stronger than ever, and [Russian President Vladimir] Putin is now even more popular since the Prigozhin/Wagner attempted insurrection was so quickly and efficiently put down. Contrary to idiot Western propaganda, Putin is stronger, and his nation more unified. However, the arrogant, and perhaps also drug-induced, blindness of the so-called Western leaders seems to prevent them from seeing this.

A Powerful New Dynamic

But it’s not only Russia. There is a powerful dynamic among many large nations and they are joining into various groups, such as the BRICS [Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa], the SCO [the Shanghai Cooperation Organization], the Eurasian Economic Union, and now there are signs of unity coming in Ibero-America, and in Africa as well. The African Union has become a powerful player in world politics. Trade between Russia and China is now 85% in yuan and rubles, not dollars.

The grave danger is that the delusional West thinks that they can blackmail and threaten six billion people to change course, and go back to being slaves. If anyone has paid attention to recent speeches of South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, you know that this will never happen. So we face nuclear war.

Please don’t think I am exaggerating, or Helga Zepp-LaRouche is exaggerating when she keeps saying this. Let me remind you that President Biden has already crossed several of his own boundaries in escalating this proxy war in Ukraine. He said, “No tanks.” Now, we are sending tanks. He said, “No F-16s.” Now, we are sending F-16s. He said, “No long-range missiles.” We are now sending those as well. He also said, “Nord Stream will be ended…. I promise you.” On this one, he delivered. Would he, would [UK Prime Minister] Rishi Sunak, would [NATO Secretary General Jens] Stoltenberg approve a strike on the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant?

Now, those of us here, are here because we want to stop this. We want to move mankind into a new direction, but we face some obstacles. Perhaps most frustrating is that our governments don’t listen to us. Not only that, but our governments persecute truth-tellers. Because our societies have been so culturally degraded, it is easy to respond with violence. Before Helen Keller had access to language, if she needed or wanted something, all she could do was throw a tantrum. She caused harm in hope of getting a response.

The violence can be expressed outwardly as in the riots and looting just seen in France, and as happened in the U.S.A. a few years ago, or mass shootings—now we have one every few hours. Or it is expressed inwardly, with drug addiction, alcohol addiction, and suicide. The rate of suicides among children in the United States, aged 10–19 years old has tripled.

Everyone seems to believe that brute force, rather than poetry, is the way to “send a message.” What is the message? This is our challenge because God has created each of us with an innate sense of Truth and Justice, but due to the willful degradation of our culture, like the young Helen Keller, we feel powerless to express these principles and to “be heard.”

The first thing we must remind ourselves of is that the universe is created according to the same principles that exist in our souls, and this is why if we temper ourselves—or tune ourselves to universal principles, we can defeat all evil—but this is hard work!

Let me give an example of the wrong idea about “justice.” You may not have this so badly in Europe, or maybe you do—but in the United States we are obsessed with punishment. It is a popular sentiment, that if a person does something harmful or illegal, they should be made to “suffer the consequences,” which is supposed to ensure that they don’t repeat the action. We even have a culture which blames people for being refugees—we call them “illegals.” There is no concern for whatever monstrous acts, even by our own governments which may have driven them to flee their country, but merely rage that they get a hotel room, limited medical treatment, maybe, and a cell phone!

This self-righteous indignation is fueled by the anxiety and frustration felt by millions of Americans, who themselves can’t afford medical care, or rent, or are hopelessly indebted, and I think it is designed to try to induce us to start killing each other—but that can be taken up later.

I have been reading a book by Dr. Homer Venters, who was the Chief Medical Officer of the Correctional Health Services for New York City. It’s called, Life and Death in Rikers Island. To give you a sense of the results of this attitude, of the need to punish, let me tell you the story of one 25-year-old inmate at Rikers Island, who died there in 2012. His name is Jason Echevarria.

On the evening before his death, Mr. Echevarria was being held in a unit for people with mental illness who failed to obey orders. It was then decided that he was “fit enough” to be subjected to solitary confinement as a form of punishment. According to Dr. Venters,

In order to escape the stress of solitary confinement, Mr. Echevarria swallowed a packet of industrial soap and then told correctional officers that he needed medical attention. Passing medical staff confirmed that he was vomiting and required medical attention, but the response of Department of Correction staff and their supervisor was to keep Mr. Echevarria in his cell overnight, intermittently taunting and ignoring him as he vomited blood, bile, and lye, screamed for help, and ultimately died with an eroded esophagus.

Now, suppose they had allowed the medical staff to treat him before he died a horrible painful death, and they had saved his life, but he’d gotten to suffer a bit. Would that be an appropriate means to “teach him a lesson”?

“Well, everybody doesn’t think that way—it’s not how things are done most of the time,” many even here might say. But I am telling you that this is the institutional policy of our governments.

Take sanctions, for example. What’s the idea of sanctions? “Just starve the people, let them watch their babies die in their arms, and they’ll shape up. They’ll overthrow their leader, or their leader will finally start obeying us.” This is the exact same attitude as expressed by the corrections officers, but now made policy and imposed upon millions of innocent people.

Do you think that a society which tolerates and promulgates such barbarism will be capable of preventing nuclear war?

Acting in Accord with the Universe

So, we must temper ourselves. We must remember certain fundamental universal principles, so that we can act in accordance—what a great word, with “chord” in the middle—with the universe, which will greatly amplify our voices.

[Two-minute video of Diane Sare talking about resonance, using a trombone to provide an example of how if we are truthful, the universe can amplify our truthfulness as a matter of principle.]

I apologize that that may not have been as beautiful as I’d like, but I think you get the idea. We have to sound a certain trumpet—or trombone, but not in an arbitrary way, but based on truthful principles. If I hadn’t bothered to find out that the note F is in first position on the trombone, it would have been a very frustrating and ugly experience.

Similarly, if you have a mass movement for change, and you ask for the wrong thing—that is your demand is not in coherence, as Confucius might say, with the laws of heaven—you might regret getting what you asked for in a way you never intended.

The fundamental principle of our universe, and of our relationship to it, is growth. We are learning this more and more with the James Webb Telescope—that contrary to foolish opinion, the universe is moving from lower order, lower energy density, to higher, and more complex order and higher energy density.

Life on this planet used to be little single-cell organisms which went extinct easily until photosynthesis occurred. Suddenly, more advanced life was possible, until we came to fish and amphibians which could propel themselves—no longer dependent on the ebb and flow of the tide. Then came mammals, which not only could regulate motion, but also body temperature, requiring a great increase in caloric intake per kilogram of body mass.

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Gabriela Ramirez-Carr
Diane Sare and Alan Ogden serenade some of their friends at a recent birthday party.

What is the link between a mammal and a salamander? I think you’d be hard pressed to find it—these are some of the great mysteries—like the link between life and non-life. There is not a linear connection—if you squeeze a rock hard enough, it will turn into a mushroom, for example. We don’t know how it works. Then humans emerged, and suddenly not only could they regulate their own activity and temperature, but they could change the environment around themselves! They could cook their food! They could plan into the future—sowing crops for later consumption. They could build houses to enable survival in extreme temperatures. People are able to improve their environment to make it possible for more people to live more happily. People can even improve the environment to make it possible for more animals to live more happily—some good and some bad—I wouldn’t call exponentially increasing the rat population an improvement.

This means that the natural creative love of discovery in the human mind is resonant with the way the universe itself is unfolding. This means, that if we wish to survive as a species, we must create the conditions for each individual person to develop their innate potential as much as possible. Do you believe there is such a thing as “too many geniuses?” We need billions of geniuses! We are so very arrogant to imagine that we’ve mastered the secrets of the universe, and now we should all just stop eating and using electricity and reduce our carbon footprint because we are complete.

It is precisely trying to halt growth which will kill us all, because it goes completely contrary to the laws of the universe. So far, the most efficient means we’ve discovered to foster the development of the individual, is the principle of the nation state. So the sovereignty of nations must be respected, and the need for each nation to have ever increasing available energy and energy density. We don’t all need to have the same language, religion, or appearance, but we do need to respect the principle that the measure of our success is the development of mankind.

This is why the one standard which gives any government legitimacy is the principle of the General Welfare. Any policy which seeks to degrade the humanity of any individual person, or any group of people is wrong.

Mankind is now at a crossroads, as the United States was when Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. The United States had reached a breaking point where it was unavoidably obvious that slavery was creating a harsh dissonance with the principles of our republic. The United States could not survive if that evil institution were allowed to continue. Similarly, the world has reached the point where humanity will no longer submit to a system which arbitrarily determines that one group is superior to another, and has the power to make its own rules, as if natural law and the created universe did not exist. The majority of mankind is no longer willing to pretend that snow is black.

If we wish to be heard, and have the power to change our own sorry governments, we will have to tune our trombones to that chorus.

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