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This article appears in the October 6, 2023 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

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25th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science

The 25th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ICCF25) convened Aug. 27–31, 2023 in Szezecin, Poland. Attendance was about 150 in person and 38 online, making it the largest such gathering of scientists focused on LENR research. According to the ICCF website:

The aim of ICCF25 is to increase cross-disciplinary discussions and exploration in the field of low-energy nuclear reactions, to provide an opportunity to enhance international collaboration in solid-state fusion research by presenting new scientific results, developments and applications that are needed to make clean energy production an everyday reality.

The main topics discussed were “heat production, transmutation of elements, electrochemical experiments, engineering applications, hot gas experiments, plasma experiments, instrumentation, beam experiments, material studies, and theoretical and computational studies.”

Speaking on Day 4, Steven Krivit delivered his paper, “A Basic Introduction to the Widom-Larsen Theory.” According to a report by Infinite Energy, the international technical magazine for cold fusion and new energy technologies,

This is the first time at an ICCF conference that someone has provided a basic introduction to the main concepts of the theory.

In his paper, says Infinite Energy,

Krivit highlighted the four basic steps of the theory: creation of heavy electrons; creation of ultra-low-momentum (ULM) neutrons; capture of ULM neutrons; creation of new elements. Details of the Widom-Larsen Theory are described in New Energy Times Article 13. At the conference, Krivit announced that he will host an LENR session at the June 2024 American Nuclear Society national meeting in Las Vegas, and is looking for contributors.

Concerning the conference, Krivit himself reports:

Most interesting is that there is a strong new interest in performing experiments with normal hydrogen. This means a) these researchers are no longer locked into the old way of thinking about DD [deuterium-deuterium] “cold fusion” and they are giving more accurate consideration to what the data say—and if the data say the experiments can work with normal hydrogen instead of heavy hydrogen (deuterium), and if they can work with nickel instead of expensive palladium, this is huge progress because many more experiments can be performed with the same amount of money, and any potential future commercial application will be more practical.

When Krivit reported (see New Energy Times Article 12) that “Deuterium and Palladium [Are] Not Required” 15 years ago, his report was not warmly received and appreciated by most of the LENR research community. [back to text]

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