Henry Kissinger's Hell
Lyndon LaRouche summarized the immediate global strategic situation thus, in a memo issued Nov. 25:
"The best chance for extricating the U.S. military forces from an unimaginable debacle in Southwest Asia, is to scrap every shred of the relevant policies of the current Bush Administration so far, and bring together a concert of key governments of Southwest Asia for a coherent stabilization of the relations among and within the nations of that region. This must include opening immediate normal diplomatic relations with the group of keystone nations Iran, Syria, and Turkey, and, must include informing Israel's current government that there must be an immediate end to Israel's evasion of a constructive détente with the Palestinian people.
"It is the U.S. obligation, therefore, to acknowledge the prudence of saner voices among Israeli leaders, who do not propose to jump from the cliff into doom once again. The U.S. must immediately state and assist a U.S. lobby-proof, full commitment to a successful early conclusion of a Madrid II process. Otherwise, there is no safe route for extrication of U.S. forces from an increasingly desperate situation within Iraq itself.
"Otherwise, there is no hope of a foreseeable future for any part of that region of the world as a whole.
"At the moment, the greatest single threat to the U.S. military forces trapped in President Bush's wildly irrational evasion of elementary truths of the region, comes not so much from the addled head of the President himself, as from the same perennial menace to civilization, de facto British agent Sir Henry A. Kissinger, whose direction, assisted by the British intelligence service's (Arab Bureau's) Dr. Bernard Lewis, launched the beginning of the generalized warfare throughout the Southwest Asia region, with the launching of religious warfare within Lebanon, back in April 1975.
"What Kissinger is doing, in concert with Sister Lynne Cheney's mad-dog husband, is to attempt to enflame a Sunni-versus-Shi'a conflict within the region, thus seeking to foment a more or less immediate locking of the U.S. forces deployed in the region into a situation as hopeless for them as for the people of the Southwest Asia region in general.
"Although Kissinger was never exactly a 'Dorian Gray,' the evils of an ill-spent life in public service afford viewers today a clear view of the man's lack of humane character drooping from his dew-laps today. Perhaps Sister Lynne Cheney has an extra leash or two, for both Dick and Henry, next to the tethered dogs on the hillside of the Naval Observatory. Perhaps the fashion-conscious Secretary of State might bring out her famous high boots, and, grasping a blacksnake whip to match, march up to the Observatory to administer a relevant lesson in diplomacy to the snarling pair of Dirty Dick and rumpled Henry."
Indeed, there is little of the evil in U.S. foreign policy which cannot be traced back to the influence of Kissinger, as a leading representative of the Anglo-Dutch imperial outlook, on the American body-politic. In addition to his Middle East policy, which was dedicated to maintaining a permanent state of warfare between various groups in the region, Kissinger in 1974 put in place the infamous National Security Study Memorandum 200, which declared that it was in the U.S. "strategic interest" to contain the population growth of states which controlled raw materials to which the West wanted unrestricted access—a policy that has amounted to outright genocide against minerals-rich African nations, among others. This policy is still in effect today!
Perhaps most notable in summarizing the intent of Kissinger's policy was his May 10, 1982 speech at Chatham House, London, where he took direct aim at the American "idealism" of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and declared himself in favor of the Churchillian approach—that of a Hobbesian (each against all) imperial balance of power.
Can anyone deny that American foreign policy under Kissinger's Hobbesian hand has been nothing short of disastrous? We now stand at the brink of irreversible disaster. Both Henry, and his cohort Cheney, have got to be removed from positions of influence—now!