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This editorial appears in the June 10, 2016 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

Krafft Ehricke’s Polyglobal World
Now Being Realized

by Kesha Rogers

Kesha Rogers in Houston, Texas, is a leader of the LaRouche Political Action Committee and leads a campaign to revive the U.S. Space Program.

[PDF version of this editorial]

June 3—The closed world system with its “limits to growth,” which rejects the creative mind of the human being and confines mankind to a state of enslavement, starvation, and war,— that system is in its death agony. Now the world is moving into a new awakening of human progress through peaceful development and cooperation among nations, guided by the leadership of nations such as Russia and China. This battle for development and scientific progress has been waged for many decades through the work of Lyndon LaRouche and Helga Zepp-LaRouche. This is the progress that the enemies of mankind, the British Empire—the promoters of population reduction—continue to despise. They can build nothing, create nothing,— they can only destroy. Now they are moving through their puppet Obama for total war and annihilation.

To understand the power that we have as human beings to defy this threat to our very existence, we must come to recognize the unique nature of our species as completely distinct from the animals, in having unlimited potential through creative thought. We shall turn to the inspiration of the philosophy and scientific principles of the great German space pioneer Krafft Ehricke (1917-1984), who defined the principles of an open world system and a polyglobal civilization based on the rejection of “limits to growth.”

EIRNS/Stuart Lewis
Space scientist Krafft Ehricke addressing a 1981 meeting.

Russia and China are leading the planet in the realization of this open world system, as defined by Ehricke, one that is coming into alignment with the increasing drive for development and cooperation. The nations of the world joining in this effort toward progress—and in what China’s President Xi Jinping declared as a principle of win-win cooperation for all nations—are now transcending the confines of one globe and becoming truly polyglobal.

Ehricke’s conceptions of scientific and technological progress were not confined to one nation or people, but were the very principles which govern mankind’s understanding of the Universe. Ehricke’s principles followed the path of the conception of “Mind” that was defined by the great astronomer and scientist Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), who discovered that the Universe and Solar System in which we live are not a fixed system. The motions of the planets must be seen from the standpoint of a great conductor guiding an orchestra. The planets do not move without a mover, without a Mind to move them. Kepler’s investigation into the motions of the heavenly bodies provided humanity’s greatest-ever breakthrough in our understanding of the Universe. Kepler’s discovery of the Solar System was made through the recognition of paradoxes present in the mind’s eye. And similarly, the ability of mankind to travel out into our Solar System and beyond, both by leaving the Earth to travel in spaceships, and by sending instruments, requires one principle: Mind.

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Kepler’s discovery of universal gravitation, using principles of both
visual and musical harmony, has nothing to do
with the “Titius-Bode law.”

Above: Geometrical model of the solar system as nested Platonic solids, from “Mysterium Cosmographicum.” Below: Harmonic relations of the planets expressed in musical notation, from “The Harmony of the World.”

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Johannes Kepler.

Kepler knew well that some day mankind would traverse the Solar System:

Ships and sails proper for the heavenly air should be fashioned. Then there will also be people who do not shrink for the dreary vastness of space.

Kepler looked into the future of mankind’s presence in space and foreshadowed the principles for space exploration that mankind would later bring into being.

As soon as somebody demonstrates the art of flying, settlers from our species of man will not be lacking [on the Moon and Jupiter]. Who would have believed that a huge ocean could be crossed more peacefully and safely than the the narrow expanse of the Adriatic, the Baltic Sea, or the English Channel? Provide ships or sails adapted to the heavenly breezes, and there will be some who will not fear even that void [of space]. So, for those who will come shortly to attempt this journey, let us establish the astronomy: Galileo, you of Jupiter, I of the Moon.

Krafft Ehricke’s Vision

German space pioneer Krafft Ehricke knew from Kepler that it was mankind’s extraterrestrial imperative to travel in space, and that only the creative mind of man, removing all limitations, could fulfill that destiny. Ehricke developed three fundamental laws to serve as the basis for mankind to fulfill our imperative for exploring space, while rejecting the prison of a closed world system, confined to limited resources.

First Law: Nobody and nothing under the natural laws of this universe impose limitations on man except man himself.

Second Law: Not only the Earth, but the entire Solar System, and as much of the Universe as he can reach under the laws of nature, are man’s rightful field of activity.

Third Law: By expanding through the Universe, man fulfills his destiny as an element of life, endowed with the power of reason and the wisdom of the moral law within himself.

In one of Ehricke’s major works, the posthumous “Lunar Industrialization and Settlement—Birth of Polyglobal Civilization,”1 he set out to “summarize major aspects of lunar industrialization and settlement. It identifies scientific and evolutionary facts leading to a definitive justification for why man must industrialize space, changing our present closed world into an open world.” He establishes the philosophy of “The Extraterrestrial Imperative” as a “definitive justification for a long-term future based on mankind’s ability to transcend the limits of one small planet.” He goes on to define what he calls “information metabolism,” which is the ability of the mind of man to discover and apply new scientific principles, the capability that makes our world an open world, rather than a closed or fixed environment. Ehricke writes:

In an open world system there are no limits to growth. By capability and design, information metabolism can resolve the conflict that every umbilical metabolism has with the old environment. It can transcend the confines of one globe and become polyglobal. It has absolutely everything it needs to create a new and larger sphere of integration. I call this the androsphere.

As we break through any and all limits placed on mankind, and expand out into the far reaches of space, China’s mission—to land on the far side of the Moon in the next two years and explore it, as a new leap for mankind—puts us closer to our destiny of realizing the creative principles and the Extraterrestrial Imperative of our species that Krafft Ehricke so remarkably understood. These are the principles that must govern our future—mankind must free itself from any lower intention.

1. Krafft A. Ehricke, “Lunar Industrialization and Settlement—Birth of Polyglobal Civilization,” in: W.W. Mendell, ed., Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute, 1985, pp. 827-856. Available online at:

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