LaRouche: Stop the FBI Fraud!
Stop the Coup Against President Trump!
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June 8—Lyndon LaRouche has called upon the American people to shut down the coup underway against President Trump, which was fed today by the lying testimony of fired FBI Director James Comey before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. LaRouche said that the coup is an FBI-type operation attempting to destroy the United States, and if it is not stopped, the world will face general warfare.
On June 7, former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper revealed the actual motivation for the coup against Trump in remarks in Australia. He said that Trump’s openness to peace with Russia—the platform upon which Trump was elected by the American people—was itself wholly against U.S. national security interests, in effect, equivalent to treason. It was already known in official Washington, well before the election, that President Obama, in collusion with the British, candidate Clinton, DNI Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan, and FBI Director James Comey, had steered the United States onto a war course with Russia and China, which was meant to be fully activated with Clinton’s election.
Trump was elected instead, triggering the coup which has followed. President Trump has kept his promise and established better relations with both Russia and China, who are seeking cooperation with the United States in developing the world, based on great infrastructure projects. That is the only issue here. Comey backed that up Thursday in a long rant against Russia as a mortal enemy, in response to a question from Senator Joe Manchin.
Comey Admits Tasking to Entrap Trump
Here’s how the actual conspiracy worked in general outline. According to Comey’s own words and their actual implication, on January 6, two weeks before Trump’s inauguration, FBI Director Comey is selected by Obama’s intelligence chiefs to do a “J. Edgar Hoover” on Trump, briefing him on salacious blackmail material fabricated by British intelligence and Clinton campaign operative Christopher Steele. It is a pure Hoover blackmail operation.
Comey signals to Trump, “give up your fantasy about cooperation with Russia and we won’t release this.” Trump doesn’t budge. The very next day the whole Steele dossier is leaked all over the international news media, accusing the President-elect of perverse sexual acts with Russian hookers. Comey admitted as much in his testimony June 8, saying he was aware that that briefing could be construed as a “J. Edgar Hoover moment,” in response to a question from Senator Susan Collins of Maine.
During his meeting with the President, Comey assures him that he is not under FBI investigation. Comey goes out and writes a classified memo about the briefing and the President’s responses. Was this memo shared with the British? Who else was it shared with?
Comey claims that he wrote it up because he thought the President would lie about the meeting. That is hogwash. Comey had already been tasked to bring down the President, to entrap him, if Trump did not back down on seeking better relations with Russia and China. That James Comey set out to entrap the President, is the only logical conclusion which can be drawn from Comey’s testimony in response to questions by various Republican Senators.
First, Senator James Risch:
Risch: I remember, you talked with us shortly after February 14th, when the New York Times wrote an article that suggested that the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians . . . that report by the New York Times was not true. Is that a fair statement?
Comey: In the main it was not true.
With respect to the alleged Michael Flynn conversation:
Risch: You quoted exactly what the President said, “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.” . . . He didn’t direct you to let it go?
Comey: Not in his words, no.
Risch: He didn’t order you to let it go?
Comey: Again, those words are not an order.
Risch: You don’t know of anyone being charged for hoping something?
Comey: I don’t as I sit here.
In any truthful scenario that should have ended the matter right there.
No Obstruction of Justice
Various Republican senators asked Comey repeatedly, why, if the President had asked for his loyalty and had told him to drop the Flynn investigation (which was a false statements investigation that the President in all probability did not even know about), why did he not report it to the Attorney General? Alternatively, why did he not threaten to resign, as he had done previously in a confrontation with President George W. Bush? Why keep meeting with the President, telling the President he was not under investigation, while refusing to tell the public the same thing, and returning to strategize with FBI agents about what was said and what were the next steps?
Comey admitted, during his testimony, that he did not do certain logical things, including telling the President to stop any improper conduct, because the FBI had decided that these conversations were of “investigative interest,” that is, Comey, acting as an undercover informant, had not yet succeeded in completely setting up President Trump.
Comey included Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe in the circle of people he was briefing on all of his interchanges with the President. Unfortunately for Comey and this entire “obstruction of justice” scenario, McCabe testified under oath to Congress on May 11, following all of these events, that there had been no effort by Trump or anyone else to interfere with or obstruct the FBI investigation. In fact, Comey himself, in his June 8 Senate testimony, said that prior to his firing, there was no investigation of President Trump for either obstruction of justice or collusion with the Russians.
End This Coup Attempt!
In a statement following Comey’s staged performance, President Trump’s lawyer, Marc Kasowitz, denied that the President ever asked Comey to let the Michael Flynn matter go, ever pressured Comey, or ever asked for Comey’s “loyalty.” Kasowitz appropriately emphasized these parts of Comey’s testimony:
- The alleged Russian hacking did not change any votes.
- The President told Comey that if any of his satellite associates did something wrong, it would be good to find that out.
- James Comey admitted that he leaked all of his memos about his conversations with President Trump to the New York Times, in order to provoke the appointment of a special prosecutor. At least one of these memos was classified.
This is not a battle that will go to court. Whether it continues or not is a question for the American people and their representatives. As LaRouche said, it is time for the people to speak and end this disruptive and highly dangerous, attempted coup. It is also time for the coup plotters to be investigated, including the treasonous news media.