This editorial appears in the April 20, 2018 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
Lies, Damn Lies,
Damn British Lies
[Print version of this editorial]
The Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee issued this appeal on Apr. 16. EIR wants to associate itself with this call, and advises our readers to take it as a guide for their thinking in these critical days.
The Washington Post this morning portrays President Trump as surrounded by a traitorous foreign policy team which is lying to him constantly and persistently about Russia, and about actions this team has taken in the President’s name, in your name, against Russia and China. The Post attempts to claim that Trump’s national security staff staged a palace coup against him concerning Russia and Syria, and that Trump has lost the battle.
But the President responded immediately by acting against the traitors around him. He scuttled the appointment of Nikki Haley’s assistant, the Never-Trumper Jon Lemer, for a national security post with Mike Pence. The White House announced that new sanctions against Russia based on Russia’s support for Syria, which Nikki Haley promoted only yesterday, were being rolled back. It was publicly announced that President Trump still wants to meet with Vladimir Putin, although a date has not yet been set.
At the same time, French President Emmanuel Macron bragged to the world that it was he who duped the President into a missile attack on Syria, reviving the very Clinton/Obama ’“regime-change” doctrines the American people righteously rejected in the 2016 elections. This only sets the stage for ferocious blowback on the President of France.
As the fog of last week’s actions lifts, several aspects of our present situation are much, much clearer. While the Anglo-Americans fall all over themselves to stupidly declare they have caged Trump, it is very clear that their claimed victory is pyrrhic, arrogantly delusional, and temporary. They were reckless, and the blowback potential is enormous and revolutionary for the world, if the American people now join Lyndon LaRouche’s call to cancel the British Empire. At no time since Franklin Roosevelt declared his intention to end British colonialism, has the Anglo-Dutch Empire been so fragile and exposed. Here are the relevant features of our present situation:
1. The Syria chemical attack hoax, the Skripal poisoning hoax in Britain, and the British-inspired coup against our President are all one British strategic package. Britain, with its long-time poodle France in tow, is now out to lead the Western world in challenging Russia and China, who are claimed to be practicing something called totalitarian capitalism. Here is how British imperial scribe Allister Heath described the British motive for the poisoning hoaxes in Salisbury and Syria in the March 14 London Telegraph:
We need a new world order to take on totalitarian capitalists in Russia and China. . . . Such an alliance would dramatically shift the global balance of power, and allow the liberal democracies finally to fight back. It would endow the world with the sorts of robust institutions that are required to contain Russia and China. Britain needs a new role in the world; building such a network would be our perfect mission.
Across the pond, as they say, at the very same time, a similar foundational statement was made by 68 former Obama Administration officials who have formed a group called National Security Action, aimed at securing Donald Trump’s impeachment and attacking Russia and China.
2. The Russians now say they have incontrovertible proof that the White Helmets, an aid organization associated with Al-Qaeda and funded to the tune of millions by the British government and USAID, staged the chemical attack in Douma, Syria, at the direct urging of London. The proof includes photographs and intercepts. At the same time, an independent Swiss laboratory working with the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has stated that the poison used on the Skripals was something called BZ, an agent never developed in Russia but residing, instead, in the chemical weapons programs of both the United States and the UK. These claims are fully consistent with independent analysis LaRouche PAC has provided over the past 10 days. (See “There Was No Chemical Attack in Syria” and “Assad’s Chemical Weapons: Another British Fairytale.”)
3. Already in Great Britain, coming from the Labour Party and the Brexit movement, there is an enormous popular reaction against these lies. They appropriately compare the classified evidence for the poisoning hoaxes to the lies that led to the disastrous Iraq War. Similarly, here, the forgotten Americans who elected Trump to end this nonsense, joined with LaRouche PAC and protested loudly all last week against the Syria attack. That protest, by all accounts, pulled the world back from the nuclear brinksmanship and posturing fomented by Britain, France, and their Democratic Party and neocon colleagues in the United States.
4. A major driving force in this situation is the impending financial collapse of the Wall Street and City of London financial centers. Far from practicing totalitarian capitalism, China, joined with Russia, is on a massive infrastructure-building and economic development project joined by over 100 other nations in the world. It is the largest infrastructure-building project ever undertaken by human beings, and it has the express aim of ending poverty and raising living standards throughout the planet. China and Russia are also dedicating significant portions of their budgets to space exploration and fundamental scientific discovery. This is the kind of big thinking we in the United States used to engage in. It echoes the American system of political economy. Totalitarian capitalism, it is not.
If President Trump accepts China’s invitation to join the United States to the Belt and Road Initiative, then the Anglo-Dutch Empire, rather than Donald Trump, will be consigned to the dustbin of history.
5. The situation remains fraught with danger. Nikki Haley and John Bolton have committed the United States to a military response any time a terrorist in Syria can stage another phony chemical attack. Ukraine is another possible trigger point by those engaged in treason against our country and our President. It is also now clear that a desperate Robert Mueller is out to turn Donald Trump’s lawyer into state’s evidence against his client, a tactic the filthy Mueller has repeatedly used. Mueller’s tactic, this time, just may have eliminated the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Mueller is desperate, because Russiagate has blown up, Comey is a flop, and whole sections of the Obama Justice Department are now racing to expose one another’s crimes.
So, as the fog clears, we find ourselves actually on the edge of victory. The question will be decided by the courage of the people of the United States to demand and to act to end the coup, to expose the perfidious British lies, and insisting on getting on with rebuilding the country and the planet. Lyndon LaRouche warned constantly against pragmatism in just such a situation. Citing the words of St. Paul, LaRouche reminds us, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12) Be a force for the righteous and the good.
Join us in this battle. Tell the President to investigate and fully expose the perfidious French and British lies. Call the White House (202) 456-1111. Tell the Congress: End the coup or your career will end at the ballot box in 2018! (202) 224-3121