Bringing Americans Back to
the Constitutional Process
[PDF version of this interview]
LaRouche Democrat Kesha Rogers was interviewed by EIR Editor Nancy Spannaus on March 23.
EIR: First, congratulations on your third electoral victory, this time forcing a runoff in the Texas Democratic Senate primary! This was a big one, since it's a lot harder to win a statewide race, i.e., for Senate, than a Congressional District. To what do you attribute your success?
Kesha Rogers: When I first announced my candidacy for the U.S. Senate, I declared that I would change the political discussion from the banal talking points and political hot-button issues to the essential policies needed to save the nation: namely, impeaching a treasonous President, and crushing Wall Street. This is what I made a focal point of my campaign a first step to establishing the needed solutions to restoring the physical-economic and scientific progress of our nation's future.
I owe the victory gained so far in my campaign, to a deep personal and moral commitment to tell the truth and act upon it to shape the future, regardless of whether it is popular. I am willing to go at odds with any authority, if that so-called authority is at odds with the real authority, which is natural law. People saw that in my own actions, and in the actions of my campaign team. We weren't going to be intimidated by anyone, we weren't backing down; what we said is true, and we didn't waste our time trying to get approval from anyone. Instead, we fought with our fellow Americans, to recruit them to develop within themselves that same devotion, that truth shall prevail over tyranny.
EIR: I understand that the runoff is May 27, although the Democratic Party, and probably others, are doing their best to ensure that no one even knows it's going to happen. Is it the only runoff race? How do you intend to get the word out?
Rogers: There are other runoffs in both parties, but my election is the only one that is defining the strategic agenda around impeaching Obama to avoid his intended thermonuclear confrontation with Russia, and launch a real physical-economic recovery with nationwide infrastructure projects like NAWAPA XXI. Otherwise, the Democratic runoff for Agriculture Commissioner is defined by a fight over legalizing marijuana, while the Republican runoff for Lt. Governor is between the GOP and Tea Party candidates fighting over who is more "conservative."
It's important for people to know: If someone voted in the Republican primary, they can't vote in the Democratic runoff.[1] The Democratic Party hacks are doing everything they can to mobilize the few supporters they still have, to vote for my opponent. Yet, millions of eligible Texans did not vote at all on March 4. These are the people who will make the margin of difference in my victory.
My strategy is to go directly to them with the same principled message I had before, because nothing else will actually engage and recruit the American people back to the Constitutional process. We have silly Republicans who have no concern for the future of this state or the nation, who are not in the real world; they are refusing to impeach this President, trying to hold on to their worthless money, while the people starve and the nation collapses. They say no to impeachment: "We have an election to think about."
Democrats are stuck on the Bush plantation in Texas and need to be freed so that we can restore the true intentions of the party exemplified under Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy.
The Only Drought-Relief Program
EIR: It appears that the state Democratic Party has become even more insane than it was during the primary, since you forced a runoff vote. I suppose this might even help you! How do you see the prospects for the runoff?
Rogers: It's actually that their insanity is more publicly exposed. They saw that my message was getting real traction, and were forced to respond. People such as Texas Democratic Party chair Gilberto Hinojosa panicked, screamed publicly for help, and they all made fools of themselves. But consider this: In 2008, only three counties in Texas couldn't vote in the Democratic primary; in 2014, that ballooned up to 21 counties. This is because the county party structure is what coordinates balloting with the Secretary of State. If there's no county party, because it dissolved for lack of support, then there's no Democratic ballot in that county. The total number of votes in the Democratic primaries in Texas has dropped, due to the Wall Street control over the national and state party, which means that many counties no longer even have Democratic primaries.
I also won over 50% of the drought-stricken counties in which there were Democratic primaries, and came within 10-20 votes of winning another 20%. I doubt that is a coincidence, given that I'm the only candidate with a realistic drought-relief program. So, I think the prospects are good.
EIR: Both you and LaRouche California Congressional candidate Michael Steger have made the issue of the devastating drought hitting Texas and California, and threatening our food supply, a major focus of this leg of the campaign. What are your plans to move this forward, and could you give our readers a sense of the response you are getting to this campaign?
Rogers: On April 12, Michael and I are hosting a joint town hall meeting in San Antonio and San Francisco, which will also be broadcast live on Google Hangouts On Air , to force the issue of the desperate conditions of drought, biofuels, and fracking, which are destroying our land, food, and water. We will pose the only reasonable solution to this emergency, the North American Water and Power Alliance/NAWAPA XXI, and the development of a fusion economy. This continental water-reclamation project will revitalize this scorched Earth, and bring it under the control of human progress, while fusion energy technologies will open the door for unlimited progress of human civilization.
Nobody should have to live at the mercy of drought, or environmentalism. I've been getting a lot of "Amens" from all kinds of farmers and ranchers, all over Texas. Some people say the Texas economy is booming because of the oil/gas industry, but our beef, dairy, wheat, cotton, sorghum, and corn production haven't recovered from 2011, and won't recover, until we build something of this magnitude. Some may get rich on shale gas, but nobody eats oil and gas for dinner.
People working on the production side of things know this; the fight is over getting them to vote a Democratic ballot, because they tend to associate "D" with the "Destruction" of Obama instead of the "Development" that Michael and I represent as LaRouche Democrats.
The FDR-JFK Tradition in Texas
EIR: To many people around the country, your forcing a runoff in this Senate race was extremely moralizing, and showed the ripeness of the country for the long-overdue impeachment of Obama. Are you getting the same response in Texas?
Rogers: There is a significant grouping within the Texas Democratic Party itself that understands the validity of what I am saying about Obama, and remember the strong FDR-JFK tradition within Texas. Making it into the runoff has had a very good effect on these layers, because they saw I was able to pull off a victory in the face some of the ugliest of personal attacks and libels, having no party support, and comparatively little money. I'm working with a growing number of these people behind the scenes, to broaden the reach of my message among Democrats.
At the same time, most Republicans in Texas (or their parents) used to be JFK-FDR Democrats, and shifted parties as Reagan did, but are disgusted by the fascist Bush family legacy. There are a number of these JFK Republicans who have announced their support of my candidacy, and are telling me that I'm the first Democrat they've ever voted for, and they did it for that reason.
[1] Texas has open primaries, but in the run-off elections, cross-party voting is not permitted.