Fowler Says He Will Resign
From Democratic National Committee
Aug. 29 (EIRNS)--Only days after being sued by Lyndon LaRouche and minority voters for Jim Crow-style violation of the Voting Rights Act, Democratic National Committee Chairman announced on Aug. 25 that he will be stepping down from his post this coming January. Fowler made the statement during an Aug. 25 interview broadcast on C-Span at 9:00 A.M. He told host Brian Lamb that he has signed up to teach classes on the American political process at the University of South Carolina in the months after he leaves in January.
In his Aug. 29 "EIR Talks" interview, Lyndon LaRouche commented on Fowler's announcement: "I said, 'You've got to dump him. The guy is a racist. You cannot have a Democratic National Chairman who is a racist.' And, he is--he's raised a lot of money from the Democratic Party for the campaigns, therefore, he wasn't going to be dumped right away. But he's found his way to early retirement, as he's announced it just recently, an early January retirement. So, that's the way things happen; and, it's all to the good."
LaRouche added: "But, sometimes you have to get down there, and--you know, when you've got a plugged toilet, you've got to clean it out. And, we had a plugged toilet, and Fowler and Dick Morris were two of the things that were stopping the pipe. We got them moved."