Italy Leaders in Washington, D.C. Seek Alliance for Economic Progress and Sovereignty
Nov. 30, 2018 (EIRNS)—Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Marco Zanni and Italy’s Undersecretary for Economic Development Michele Geraci were both organizing in Washington, D.C. this week for U.S.-Italy economic cooperation in both national and international economic development, and rejection of European Union austerity dictates.
Zanni was there as ambassador of the 217 elected representatives and prominent figures from Italy and elsewhere in Europe, who undersigned a petition for adoption of Glass-Steagall bank regulation in Italy and the United States; whereas Geraci was meeting with U.S. government officials, Italian community leaders, financial community representatives as well as members of Congress.
The two Italian friends met Wednesday evening Nov. 28 to compare notes, and were interviewed for LaRouche PAC’s Nov. 30 weekly Friday webcast.
Among the 20 meetings Zanni had with members of Congress and staff, several were very fruitful for collaboration between the United States and Italy in supporting productive investment and basic economic infrastructure. Zanni himself has designed an infrastructure bank plan for the Lega party in Italy, which he described. Some U.S. Representatives were mostly interested in the EU-Italy conflict. However, some immediately saw a potential alliance in pursuing large-scale credit for new infrastructure investments and even restoring the Glass-Steagall Act, although saying “this will not happen right now.”
A number of Republican lawmakers told Zanni that they expected bipartisan infrastructure legislation to be passed soon; however, a leading business official with whom he met, said these White House and Congressional plans remain vague even after two years, and wanted to discuss credit policy with him.