Mexico’s López Obrador Announces ‘Every Young Person To Work’ Program, Inspired by FDR
Jan. 2, 2018 (EIRNS)—In his New Year’s Day message, Mexican President Andres Manuel López Obrador announced that “all youth, all of them, are going to have work and schooling,” because the government is launching a new program to provide some 3,600 pesos a month (some US$184), which will allow them to work as apprentices.
“They are going to work in workshops; they are going to work in factories, in businesses. They are going to be working in the countryside, in the cities; with their parents, with their relatives, but working, being educated, qualifying themselves for work—all youth,”
he said.
The goal of this Mexican President is to end in Mexico the acute problem throughout the West, where young people are being robbed of a future by neither being in school nor working.
López Obrador explained that this idea came from FDR:
“I have had this idea since I read how President Franklin Delano Roosevelt pulled the United States out of the 1930s’ crisis. What did he do, in a tremendous economic crisis? He decided to put the whole U.S. people to work. And he decided to put young people to work, and he paid them a dollar a day, for every young person. But his idea was full employment. That is, a job for everyone. That idea stuck in my head, because Roosevelt lifted the United States out of the crisis, and for me, he was therefore, if not the best President, one of the best that the United States has had—Franklin Delano Roosevelt, by that action, by that decision. Now we are going to do something similar: All young people to work.”
His message in this statement, on New Year’s Eve, was one of optimism for the year 2019. He promised that he would not fail the Mexican people, he repeated.
“Some changes have been made, and more are coming.”