Executive Intelligence Review


Trump Colleague Roger Stone Gets the ‘LaRouche Treatment,’ in Mueller-Staged Arrest

Jan. 27, 2019 (EIRNS)—At 6 a.m. on the morning of Jan. 25, FBI agents in full tactical gear with long guns, hit the door of a 66-year-old unarmed political consultant, whose sin is defiance and mockery of their authority. They were accompanied by a CNN camera crew, whispering sports-type commentary for this geek show staged by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. Roger Stone, the victim of this thuggery, pointed out in a statement following his initial court appearance, that throughout Mueller’s investigation of him, he has been represented by an attorney, and normal procedure would involve contacting that attorney and allowing for Stone’s voluntary surrender. Instead, Stone was indicted, arrested, and, as Jan. 25, his house in Ft. Lauderdale and his apartment in New York are being searched. He was released after an appearance in the U.S. District Court in Florida and will appear to answer the charges in Washington, D.C. next week.

The words which come to mind are those from the famous poem by anti-Nazi German Lutheran Pastor Martin Niemöller about an apathetic and cowardly citizen witnessing the Nazis hauling off one allegedly dissident group after another, and not acting. First They Came... is the title of his famous poem. American poet and Pastor Maurice Odgen’s The Hangman makes the same point.

The indictment is about lying to Congress and raging by email against people who sell you out once the full force of the state is applied against them. Stone tore into Randy Credico, a New York radio commentator, comedian, and Democratic Party hack, who allegedly helped Stone contact WikiLeaks, as Credico sold Stone out to House investigators and to Robert Mueller. The Stone emails containing these tirades are now called obstruction of justice and witness tampering.

In fact, this is one more Mueller “bombshell,” in which the crime alleged has been created by Mueller himself, based on harassing and bankrupting potential witnesses—a so-called process crime for falling into created perjury traps—a concocted crime that has nothing to do with President Donald Trump himself. Roger Stone has been bankrupted by legal fees stemming from the investigatory and grand jury process, as well as by civil suits launched against him by Democratic partisans.

It’s obvious that Mueller will now try and flip Stone, using the hammer created by the threat of years in prison implied in multiple charges, alleging false-statement, obstruction, and witness-tampering. To date, including in his first post-arrest statement, Stone has loudly and publicly refused to cave in, compose, or fabricate in order to falsely implicate the President in any crime.

By his indictment of Stone, Mueller is hoping to throw up enough smoke around lies concerning links to Trump that the public will forget the fact that Mueller’s story about the Russians makes absolutely no real sense. And, as EIR and others have repeatedly shown, it is all part of the British campaign to force Trump’s impeachment at all costs and to mobilize U.S. citizens for war with Russia. Stone has been outspoken in pointing to the British as the actual foreign culprits trying to shape the 2016 Presidential campaign to Hillary Clinton’s benefit, and the British have noticed.