Executive Intelligence Review


Green Hysteria Pushing for March 15 ‘School Strike 4 Climate’ To Target Youth Worldwide

Feb. 21, 2019 (EIRNS)—A filthy green operation, especially reprehensible for targetting youth, is in motion internationally, for students to boycott classes Friday, March 15, and stage a “School Strike 4 Climate” action, to demand adults do more to cut CO2. Self-described on websites and social media as a grass roots uprising, it is no such thing.

The rotten pedigree of this is given in detail for Australia, in an article exposing the “School Strike 4 Climate Australia,” by a researcher from the Citizens Electoral Council, Jeremy Beck. It is titled, “ ‘Climate Action’ Is Brutal Austerity,” Here is an excerpt:

“According to the ‘School Strike 4 Climate Australia’ website, their network is student-led, decentralized and grassroots. But it doesn’t take a researcher long to discover this network is controlled top down, and funded, by the City of London-centered financial oligarchy. Two mobile numbers are listed as contacts for media inquiries. Are they for school students—Year 12 student leaders perhaps? No! A quick internet search shows that they link to Charlie Wood and Alex Fuller.

“Wood is Australian Campaign’s Director of 350.org, an environmentalist activist organization with a presence in 188 countries. It had a $16.8 million total revenue in 2017, and public records show wealthy foundations such as the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the George Soros-funded Tides Foundation have collectively funnelled in tens of millions of dollars to 350.org since its founding in 2007. The CEO of 350.org in Australia, Blair Palese, was a board member of Greenpeace Australia Pacific. Greenpeace has collectively received billions of dollars from establishment-run foundations....

“Fuller is Communications Manager of the Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC), which had a total income of more than $2.8 million in 2017 alone. Curiously, the AYCC Facebook page links to the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) and GetUp. Both have been establishment fronts from their inception. The ACF was established by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in 1964; its patron was the Governor-General, and its Chairman of the Benefactors and National Sponsors Committee—i.e. chief fundraiser—was Sir Maurice Mawby, managing director of Conzinc Riotinto Australia (CRA, later Rio Tinto).”