MI6’s Richard Dearlove Insists China Did It, and Must Pay
June 3, 2020 (EIRNS)—The Daily Telegraph runs an “exclusive” interview with former MI6 boss Richard Dearlove, an arch-criminal on multiple counts, who has it on the best of authority that the COVID-19 escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and that a “new scientific report suggests key elements of the virus were ‘inserted.’ ”
Author Bill Gardner writes:
“In an interview with the Telegraph, Sir Richard Dearlove said he had seen an ‘important’ new scientific report suggesting the virus did not emerge naturally but was man-made by Chinese scientists. The apparent discovery will raise the prospect of China paying ‘reparations’ for the death and economic catastrophe wreaked upon the world, the former intelligence chief said.”
However, the research paper claims its findings explains why efforts to develop a vaccine will fail, because they misunderstand the “true etiology of the virus,” writes the Telegraph. But “To remedy the problem, the researchers are developing their own vaccine, produced by Immunor AS, a Norwegian pharmaceutical company led by [research co-author] Mr. Sorensen.”
Now, it comes out that one of the authors, John Fredrik Moxnes, the chief scientific adviser to the Norwegian military, asked for his name to be removed from the research. And two publications, Nature and Journal of Virology considered the research “unsuitable for publication.”