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President Warns, If Seattle Occupation Is Allowed To Stand, What City Will Be Next?

June 16, 2020 (EIRNS)—President Donald Trump yesterday again demanded Washington state authorities take action to end the “occupation” of Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood, or the federal government will act to do so. “Violent people taking over a good part of Seattle is big stuff. That’s a major city!” he reminded reporters at the White House. “The problem with what happened in Seattle is it spreads. And all of a sudden, they’ll say, ‘Let’s do some other city, and let’s do another one.’ And we’re not going to let it happen.”

What will you do and when, reporters demanded to know. The President replied that there are about 10 different things that can be done, “any one of which will solve the problem quickly,” and refused to elaborate further. He would give no timeline for how long he will wait for state and local authorities to act, but ripped into the national media which are refusing to cover what is actually happening in the Seattle occupied zone.

“We’re watching it very closely. These are violent people that are dealing violently,” Trump said.

“What I’d like to see before we do something, I’d like to see the press get in and cover it.... It’s not that they’re covering it badly. They’re hardly covering at all.... Think of this: A group—Antifa and others, radical leftists—went into a major U.S. city, Seattle, and they took over a big percentage of that city. And the press doesn’t want to cover it....

“Timing-wise, we’re all set to go. We’re watching the process. But the most amazing thing about the process is how the fake news media doesn’t want to cover it. To me, that’s the most amazing thing.”

As Gov. Jay Inslee refuses to act, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) has renamed itself as the “CHOP”: Capitol Hill Organized (or Occupied) Protest, with overt reference to the anti-science French Revolution and the guillotine. A 30-year-old “rapper” and gun-lover from Seattle, active in Black Lives Matter for years, who calls himself Raz (born Solomon Samuel), is parading as the “Warlord” security officer of the CHOP, walking around carrying his personal AK-47. The “Raz” Facebook page has been streaming hours of video taken by these shocktroops from the occupied area which look like scenes from Lord of the Flies. In one clip which has gone viral, he is seen handing out machine guns to a couple of teenaged-looking kids from the trunk of a car; in another clip a similarly-aged girl laughs as she haplessly waves a machine gun around.

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